
& on the 41st day

as the human world collapses i seek kinked comfort in bulged downtown upscale malls  their shiny irrealities  the bipeds like moronic robots purchasing death   big blind bursts of automation  shopping bags like soggy genitalia drooping from unworthy & combatant arms

all is light as those mystics say in their profound darkness  shoes purses boxers watches laptop accessories throwaway toys alike shine with an equal intelligence  who could say no to these dumb tombs   our abyssal tribal purchase

i move  no am moved  through erect consumption   for a force alongside gravity electromagnetism  strong weak  perhaps dark quintessence  lives in the limp & pulsing universe  it is this other force drawing me through the dull code of pecuniary humans and the only energy i seem to expend is that required to not be blinded by the hyperovercommoditization of everything   i am like the earth falling  spun  through the curved inevitable maze of the sun

how elemental our autodegradations  how with vast subtleties we hide the maggots of our souls in the thin sheen of the seen   oh structured nothingness of piled products  oh numinous luminosity of caffeines massive mind

the mall is endless like a borges story  i am confused & fated & doubled  i do not see myself but desires dropped destiny   even upon leaving i do not leave   the mall is all  fall & pall  christ & post & anti   we celebrate our dismayed demise with gouged eyes & hooked hands  extinction of intoxicating ignorance

lead me through the mall  god of destroyed dreams   show me the comedy of stupidity  smiles of despair