Showing posts with label creations of fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creations of fear. Show all posts


languages of social capitalism

the sun in the city and the sun in the wilderness. different suns. the moon in the city and the moon in the wilderness. different moons. the i in the city and the i in the wilderness. different i’s. sameness in the city and sameness in the
wilderness. different sameness. time in the city and time in the wilderness. different time. humans in the city and humans in the wilderness. same humans.

i wake up in the trees. i am a monkey and think monkey thoughts. the trees have a life of their own and i try to listen to them in my stupidity. when i think i am a monkey am i less a monkey than when i don’t think i am a monkey? that i have no definitive answer to this may indicate something about being a monkey or not being a monkey or thinking or not thinking about being a monkey but i’m unsure what that might be and whether i’d look in my monkeyness or my not-monkeyness (if it even exists) or even something else to find it.

the laboratory is no government-funded academy-infused business-executed controlled-access venue of sterility but the unfunded autodidactic postmanagement dewalled spaces of a referalized self.

how would i walk through time but by watching time walk through me?

hi coo!
the sun too rises
like facebook in the east and
a whale somewhere dies

nothing like you my
dear to storm the sunny seas
and kill with smiled love

the more society feels threatened by its exclusions (now worlds too vast to measure), the more it recreates these exclusions within itself as oneiric substances of synthesized potencies ...

that blood is no longer tribal is an orientation we have hardly
begun to constructively accept and explore. the function of bloodfamily (and by extension the tribe) as bulwark against the world’s danger and darkness is nonsensical when family has become fragmented and bonds are formed not by anything as primitive as copulative genetics or random socialpsychic formulations but by an inchoate spirituality technology in its infantility seeks to make manifest.

which academic could ever object to cultural appropriation? scholarship is the official industry of cultural appropriation.

a joke for mystics –
q – what did the via cataphatic and via negativa say to each other?
a –

art is the distortion of an unendurable reality

hearing with equal energy, in varied forms, from various societal sectors –
            we are technology
            we are nature
            we are gods
            we are humans
            to hold within each – and the fullness of each –
(without systematizing, reducing, hierarchizing …) …

the slow euphemized slaughter of land, water. hatred of silence, stillness, purposelessness, unidentifiability (namelessness). purpose a function of judeochristiancapitalism, of that configuration of time that enthrones ends in its geometric texts, capitalism taking the ends and dominations of its judeochristian heritage and coking out on them in the trash of god.

objectifying madness the way mckenna objectified psychedelics – and isn’t madness just the raw psychedelic of the soul before it’s been baked by society into product for commercial use on the exchanges of sanity?

what are these wrecked widgets of consciousness around
the i, orbiting like kamikaze fractals in a technological dust?
       oh robots! annihilate us save us humiliate us love us