Showing posts with label what?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what?. Show all posts


diaper dialogues xv (politics of the dalí llama)

i hate to get political but …

… everyone else is

it’s expected

in the age of human incarceration in the human by the human – an entirely new evolutionary phenomenon we’re perversely celebrating – what else do you do?

… but fight humans

and as a corollary genocide everything else

we’re smart

like lucky charms or bacefook

anyway. i wanted to say that the dalai lama doesn’t particularly impress me

what does though?

it’s vain, hypocritical, homophobic – why do humans get all drippy about it?

humans are drippy things – they bounce between cruelties they call necessity and strength and sentimentalities they call love. the dalai lama is an easy feed for this lobotomized joy ride

it blabs about ecology yet flies all over the place, makes tollelike clichéd pronouncements, views celibacy superior to sex, vaginal penetration by the penis as superior to other forms of sexual pleasure, and his own personal physical attractiveness as a necessary attribute for all lamas, surrounded by money, privilege and adoration, accepting humans bowing before it and addressing it your holiness

llamas are holier than lamas

lama llama

at least it wants to end the program

isn’t that only so it’s the last one and can ride history high?

that’s cynical. you’re not any holier. all you do is sit around talking to yourself. what good is that?

i’ve no idea. i just get pissed by mortal apotheosis of mortals

you support immortal apotheosis of mortals, immortal apotheosis of immortals, mortal apotheosis of immortals, mortal disapotheosis of mortals, immortal disapotheosis of … ?

… i support pissing

on others

back to politics

golden hours

not to honour humans of worth will keep the people from contention, not to value goods which are hard to come by will keep them from theft, not to display what is desirable will keep them from being unsettled of mind, …

lama diaper

diapers are our teachers

shit is education

flatulence is communication

no human ocean but the ocean ocean is our ocean

no human lama but the lama llama is our lama

i wish you’d stay away from politics

no one else is

since when did you do what no one else is not?


your diaperness …



we feature today a rare interview with sadoo diaper who we under
stand recently has been dressing up and roaming city streets alone. sadoo! – we know you’re strange but isn’t this a bit much?

most days it isn’t but sometimes i get home and think i should have done a k less or so.

i mean socially.


society, while in this case moderately and superficially tolerant, has, like everything, its limits, and it’s given to excise any excessively aberrant aspect to guarantee its own survival.

shouldn’t it then be excising itself? look. it’s possible various specimens among the masses don’t like my makeup or sartorial expression but that’s neither illegal nor even particularly aberrant. at worst some might consider it to be unfashionable, incomprehensible, distasteful, irrelevant, inappropriate or obnoxious.

but why are you doing this?

i gave up on why many years ago. and giving up on why led to giving up on you and i and he and she and it and they. this led me to give up on doing. the copulative followed. so you see your question is more or less an empty set of emptiness. if anything, i’m doing this to not do.

what do you mean sadoo? or should it be sanotdoo?

snotdoo might
doodoo. i mean (if i mean, which i doubt, often finding meaning too mean) that i may be dooing but i’m dooing without purpose (dooing with purpose we could call doing) and this without is linked somehow to this biochemical technical conglomerate (what we could call the inhabited body that maintains an appearance of speaking in the republic of the present) being attuned to different frequencies than those emitted by the worlds of doing – those worlds we could for
convenience call capitalism and which we humans are all now born into, regardless of any attunement with it, rousing all manner of defects and strategies among the misattuned for survival – a survival that isn’t simply an animal protection of their singularities but an aspect of attempting to nurture (rather than destroy) biodiversity, which surely exists not only in the forests and oceans of the world but also our cities and souls, these new and critical habitats.

i’m not sure i follow.

no need to follow.

could you try to be less difficult and restate in language that more of our audience might be able to follow?

capitalistic structures and processes work great for some of the human population (but hardly outside the human). it’s hard to quantify this as most humans are automatically enculturated into capitalism and never question it. if i’m protesting i might be protesting (most generally) humanity's strategic imbecility (and tactical implementations of this imbecility) – that as a species we're investing most of our time, money, and energy into our hyperapex predator attributes (slaughtering more and better than anything else) and little into what for me is our most distinctive talent – a kind of empathic consciousness that allows us to contextualize ourselves (individually and collectively) as part of vast and intelligent ecosystems and adapt our lives to this broader knowledge. more specifically, objecting to anthropocentrism (speciesism), its concomitant ecological degradation – and the political-lifestyle machineries we in our mob conformity are enculturated into.

how will people get that – you look like the offspring of a
jovian clown and the dropped insides of a second generation laptop?

i was told today i look like goku. but your question’s misplaced – it assumes there’s something to get, that my presentation – whether through image or text – is a tradable commodity on the image-text exchange. to put it another way, judeochristiancapitalistic society wears reason on its body of unreason. i wear unreason on my body of reason.


next – sadood ii