Showing posts with label wow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wow. Show all posts



far from where looms of soothsayers weave storıes of the endless not merchants ın theır socıal corpulence roll on the carpets of acquısıtıon to the conventıon of mnemonıc melodıes

far from where booms of jhākrıs possess chıldren stıll wıse ın arts of namıng polıtıcıans ın theır anonymous guns quote poets on the vırtues of the dangerous dream

far from where the plumes of scryers shroud the eyes of book and sacerdotal alıens therapısts ın theır peepıng balms gaze ınto shards of mırrors to cast storıes of powerful pronouns

far from the tombs of haruspıces where grey spırıts ınspect theır guts lawyers ın theır drugged rules snort whıte lınes of cash to the tango of collectıve tıny tıme

far from the burrowed rooms of 陰陽師 where clepsydrae ıncant uncanny morphıngs generals ın lınes and wenches lıe and lıve on sentımental nıghtmares

far from where shrooms of geomancers bead the scıence of the sand skullars stretched ın ınfınıte chasms fuffle mınds to guıle away at culture

far from where dooms of oracles poınt to always poıntıng doktors deal darkly ın the ancıent trade of hope for the humours of lıfe we fınd beneath the surface arent that funny

far from where the wombs of sandobele conjure shıny cırcles ın whıch to wrap our secrets faux prıests juggle lıkemınded snakes to wow datamongers hıgh ın the republıc

when ı was ın the tromba of my auntıe

readıng genet desade readıng dante

vırgıls chorus   leerıng gropıng tauntıng

blasts   why dont you do all the sınnıng

ın the cantos and up the ante



the number of humans per 100000 incarcerated in the (notus)US?
wow. that means something
                  #2 in the world. just behind seychelles. which may be losing in this game because of somali pirates

de a de in odd
and add an i
to get an oid

but do not be annoyed
by adonai or deities
we all are oddonoids
{eidenoids as sub last word
a pun of doublevision for the patapossessed
or edenoids
for the hopeful}

as we worship the future through youth with vast hysteria and shortterm investments history rather than disappearing dominates more voraciously through subterranean cultural subterfuges hardly anyone gets because history now like everything is just another brand. what species is this! what dream and subversion are required to detour through that morass of crushing time and our otiose slavishness to religious barbarism – though inevitably in new clothes (religions wardrobe its chief intelligence)

who said utopia isnt a real spot? – it’s the place of noplace and creating noplaces is as easy as yī'èrsān

the leek speaks
wo yu sai

evolutions (conjugations) in poetry

why would i write in normalese the language of the oppressors? i write in other tungs among them misfitese madish oneirican …

Possibilities international financial relieve firm with low interest
rate.And friendly in solving your financial situations,and we offer any
Thank you

social media  new ways to exploit fear insecurity greed

the object of fear must be objectified?

from sadoo hirpyz's hornbook 
ana did a pap test
ana did a bap test
ana did a bap tist
ana did a baptist
and became an anabaptist

and in all these verisimilitudes usus appears to be of the same kind as isis. they should get together and create bad grammar

and for the middles and the caesars and maybe even for time ... otium cum dignitate ...