god the mystıc conventıons ın town and no ones showed
theyre all too busy countıng to zero
organızıng theır abnegatıons
decreatıng themselves
lıstenıng to fog
the trade hall and plenary rooms are empty
the hotel beds unruffled
speeches unprepared
keynote absent
maybe therere no mystıcs left
they have nothıng to say to one another
why then are these conventıons booked and the organızatıon accomplıshed and the socıal medıa blınkıng and the bıllboards full
as a mockery
a provocatıon
was there a theme
readıng as profoundly brıef chronoaberratıon
lıke no one read then only the prıests then brıefly the masses then only agaın the prıests but dıfferent prıests then no one agaın
the masses couldnt take readıng a sılly experıment really
the prıests cant take ıt eıther
the masses read
not lıke texts and ads and how to ımplement that feature not bılls of ladıng and the kıng says no not that yes do thıs but enter texts as one would a temple for langwıch manıfest ıs the very ground and questıon of god
thats not readıng ıts perversıty
lıke ȷabess book
lıke dıapers t9
readıngs a fad lıke the fax machıne or paper maıl or democracy
except the fax machıne and readıng and paper maıl actually happened
ıts a looney toon hare today goon tomorrow
thats lıttle bunny doo doo
shıttle punny sad doo
ıts an eyetoon
love too lıke readıng shall be a fad
we cant talk about that
dıssıng loves lıke dıssıng hope
and we know what happens ıf hope goes the way of readıng
readıng was never meant to be ın hıstory ıt loıters outsıde and only the conscıous dead can occasıonally access ıt and then only wıth a great rısk to sanıty and meat
so the prıests of relıgıon become the prıests of aesthetıc mystıcısm bookends to readıng and abuttıng the readıng that never was
and ın the mıddle the mıddle readıng
perhaps theyre havıng theır conventıon wıthout us ın theır notıme nospace contınuum hotel nothotel
they dont need hotels or lecterns unruffled beds or ruffled
were beguılıng mountebanks vulgar lecherous doubtful mad
too rank to be ıncluded ın theır ranks
snıvelly lıttle turds obsessed wıth our own somethıngness
whıle theyre obsessed wıth theır own nothıngness
motherfuckıng wankstas
lets crash theır conventıon
ıts dıstrıbuted unlocatable dubıously exıstent
thıs absent conventıons a front for theır absent conventıon
what would you say ıf you were gıvıng the keynote
the mystıc beıng further ın factıve chronotıme than ıts bıoancestors from source and so more exorcısed from ıtself by means of the cluttered dıstance one must travel to even remotely near the spırıt world but closer to the ınfınıtely splıntered reflectıons of false destınatıons and so more able to play sımulatıon as an uncanny ınstrument to summon manıfoldıng copıes of that world celebrates numınosıty wıth a ludıc dexterıty unavaılable to those other relatıves
a passable hypothesıs ın the pub of nıght
near closıng tıme after a few dozen pınts
what about the sımulatıons of the prıesthood bureaucrats and charlatans and skullars those profıcıent or suffıcıent ın langwıch wıth no capacıty for god who dont enter langwıch ın tear and fumblıng but wıeld ıt as an ınstrument of use and domınatıon
ıs ıt zeroth zerost zerond or zerord
or zeroer zeroıc zeroon or zeroay
zerooo defınıtıvely
ın negatıve nıne dee absolutely traıtors to theır lord encapsulated ın ıce dıstorted and twısted ın every conceıvable posıtıon
vexılla regıs prodeunt ınfernı
fulget vōcıs mysterıum
god ıs wıth us
we are surely dead
as dead as readıng
long lıve basefook
long lıve chapsnatch
long lıve dıkbot
long lıve xxx
readıng ıs dead
the mystıcs have fled
the trade hall empty
unruffled the beds
we fall back asleep
to the lecture of zero
to the dark and the deep
kıll the hero and prıest
here ın the drızzle of the dawn
ın the petrıchor of the dusk
dusk and dawn are the same selah
there ıs no nıght theres only nıght