
tosf - saint porn

                  el-spet clitia

the online sadoo family – #7

el-spet clitia  - El Spet

el-spet clitia dresses before us
exposing artifice

sadoos have long been disappointed in porn. porn that briefly fulfills its function, porn that inspires alienations or unities, suburban basement babysitter goat solstice porn, even rare porn that includes wit, caprice, eros, subversion, talent, intelligence. video in its proximities to simulation has performed better than text, but text is what we inhabit. text that knows how to spell

content   sex, modernity, art, sainthood – they’re all about blurrings. el-spet clitia explores the classics: animals and humans, living and dead, technology and humans, therapists and lovers, architectures and automobiles … even the old standard – humans and humans

stylistically, el-spet blurs porn, scifi, surrealism, transhumanism, historical fiction, erotica, philosophy, how-to, social commentary, neodada, feminism, mysticism, ‘pataphysics, literature (cliter- and cocker-), spirituality, and more  tune into sadoo porn for some of that old-fashioned finger pudenda fun!

we’re not sure how we feel about hierarchies but what we do know is that fire is a portal and zañisha knows how to walk through
el-spet encounters the establishment and dominates it
christ & el-spet
jesus not only has a dick that stretches from earth to heaven but a pussy a little larger than the entire universe
an interfaith dialogue between islam and daoism mediated by testicles and vaguely inspired by the grapesintheunderwear scene in the thief’s journal
no one's hornier than the dead
count on india for a particular kind of dirty
theresa may, the muslims, the dead, radical feminists, and el-spet get it on – we may die but sex lives forever
el-spet’s vacuum
a nice little short that doesn’t short
yoga pants
neat porn (one doesn’t always want ice)
mommy & el-spet
sure we have anti-oedipus but that doesn’t mommy the way we want to mommy
spot cocks
the seed and egg that started it all

sadoos welcome a necessary and lost member into their family

    welcome  sadoo  clitia !!!!! 😜😜😜

sadoo next - lambchops 


at the altar of sobo a3

a human in a wheelchair crossing a street gets hit by a car
            next scene :
human in wheelchair is in a wheelchair … gets hit by a car
            this continues indefinitely until the human’s dwarfed by mobility prosthetics

apply islam’s naming convention of cities (allahabad, mohammadabad) to legacy christian cities :
       old name  new name
new york        jesusabad
london           christabad
paris              maryabad
moscow         godabad

the people are necessary to show the idea of eternity
            gods, you who gave the soul senses to perceive the soul

begin a children’s story like this, continuing …
mixter dickspittle and mixter clitspittle, lickspittles of spittleville, lived spritely …
include it in the grade 3 curriculum

in a barstucks in a privileged geriatric neighbourhood
grabbing an americano to make it through an unwanted afternoon
the old dood in front of me – i only call him old because he sounds old, in the way many young sound old – says when asked by the 12-year-old barista his name is bruce. i say my name is krishna. she asks me to spell it. j – o – o – d i say. she writes something down and says to me – your drink will be down there bruce. i say thanks bruce.
it’s a bruce-all-around afternoon

the 190cm 90kg allmeat black dood at the dispensary who checks my id laughs at my honky name. i blush the colour of a cheap coffin and say i’m changing it to jaylen

we have flight, urban, robotics, ergonomics, weather, finance, disaster, biomechanic, sales & production simulations, but shouldn’t we – considering its centrality to all things human – have developed by now a death simulator we can enter?
            but it was developed long before us!  ayahuasca – this molecular exploratory death simulation device

the transference of language from human atmospheres to its substrates. so silence is only a name for placing of human language in the context of language – humans then becoming quiet in comparison

banisteriopsis caapi instructions for facing plant void to void
s          it up
o          pen your eyes
b          reathe
o          pen your hands

a1        give clichés as presents to those who require clichés
wrap up lies for those who love lies
a2        never do i hate myself so much as when i hate myself
a3        it’s only the thought of carrying i mind carrying through security


you drink coffee you smoke cigarettes you write and that’s it

¤Text Box: (mistolo-gigtress)art so frequently is the academy’s mistress-gigolo (mistolo gigress) relying on its cues, rthdxies, certifications, tabs – rather than standing in the environment created of art: an environment that surely can accept pollens and seeds from the academy but even as it accepts equally pollens and seeds from all things including those many environments that flourish far from academic pollination. but art is now commonly just a fenced-in area in an academic landscape (often without even knowing it!) – art only because a sign with art scrawled on it hangs on the fence

la culture est un instrument manié par des professeurs pour fabriquer des professeurs qui à leur tour fabriqueront des professeurs

depression is only depression if you call it depression, just as fat is only fat if you call it fat. there is a taliban of language and the freedom-fighters of the human spirit listen to their death threats with a combination of amusement and mockery
⏏ ⏏

there may be no purity
but there is simone
Text Box: contorting oneself into the infinite prisons of one’s fate is an art normally automatically done; when one though is a specialist of sorts in such contortion – at least in its description, its awareness – every movement, thought, horror, expanse, colour and sound, vacancy, window, presumed escape (but one escapes only to a fate of escaping!), each emotion, fear, doubt, political nuance, relentlessly morphing definitions and statements, increasing lack of clarity (in any explicit articulate sense) of what this fate is and even whether this is the right word for it, the knowledge of nothing else, the small everythings in this knowledge, …
                  … others act, believe, know, promote, analyze, dominate … but those specialists attuned to every sensitivity of fate, like a precision-made instrument designed solely for this purpose, are unable to move with much assurance in these common domains

from death’s impurity i write. the living have called death’s perspective purity (purity – or its radical opposite) but there is no purity. the living do not understand death, that its impurities are different than life’s, and they mistake this difference, through ignorance, with another thing

while there’s something erotic, exhilarating about another’s pain – a delight euphemized and nano-negotiated through the functions of social-dominant language – our own pain is calmly even enjoyably meditative (but only if we have the luxury to reflect on it – that is, as s weil points out, if the pain isn’t too severe)  ¤

    • 9
  • capitalism has brought about the emancipation of collective humanity with respect to nature. but this collective humanity has itself taken on with respect to the individual the oppressive function formerly exercised by nature
