
diaper dialogues xvi (which consoles console?)

we think your critique of the dalai lama is just nietzschean ressentiment

i think your critique of my critique is just philosophical cliché mongering, psychic envy, and an insecurity manifesting in a love of entitled pageantry, inane hierarchies, and otiose tradition

we think your critique of my critique of your critique is nothing but some gushing phoneme factory, obsolescent, overproducing in your soul, indiscreetly plunked there by some malevolent conceptualist, your mouth a cloacal flow of undigested commonplaces

i think your critique of my critique of your critique of my critique is semantic flatulence and aural smut produced by your overindulging in häagendazs black cherry amaretto gelato, caucasian continental cock metaphysics, balderdash aged cheddar, prissy white poetry, gardein herbed stuffed turk’y, anal sex, sol portobello mushroom burgers, an indolent faux bohemian lifestyle, pretentious pomposities masquerading as alternative, hip, free, and revolutionary … all washed down with stolen plonk and fairtrade organic coffee to make you feel virtuous, saturated in …

… we think your critique of my critique of your critique of my critique of your critique would be assessed by any certified members of the official and renowned professions of sanity as an exemplar of deranged coddled sexist racist ageist classist ableist sanist specist gross dysfunction, establishing your pathological condition as a wholly new degraded personality heresy within the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, one so psychopathic and sociopathic it requires immediate and nonconsensual invasive medical, pharmaceutical, and institutional intervention …

... who is this “we”?

just the “i” doubled to itself

i am the dalí llama

we are the ocean feces

i am the dubble hubble

we are the ordure of putrescence

i am the papal smear

we are the slop of sleaze

i am the i who says am

wii are the wee we who whee weed and try not to say are

to conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle

if you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mosquito

just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day

i think i am actually humble. i think i’m much more humble than you would understand 

when the dog looks at you, the dog is not thinking what kind of a person you are. the dog is not judging you

how can we enter the professions and yet remain civilized human beings?

virginia wii’s way holier and smarter than lama, trolle, and stump combined

writing with the woolfs

of course she didn’t have to worry about money

your rolling critique of neoliberaltechnocapitalism and judeochristiancapitalism is just nietzschean ressentiment

your critique of my critique is just …

… quotes are prefabs for those who don’t have time to think

how could an argument soothe or settle a controversy when every quote is a nest for a bird of doubt?

prayer to wii wolves and playbox yabiz –

oh sun that fills our hearts with merde
help us not to say another word
but soar above the clouds like bird
and not stink like human like a turd


diaper dialogues xv (politics of the dalí llama)

i hate to get political but …

… everyone else is

it’s expected

in the age of human incarceration in the human by the human – an entirely new evolutionary phenomenon we’re perversely celebrating – what else do you do?

… but fight humans

and as a corollary genocide everything else

we’re smart

like lucky charms or bacefook

anyway. i wanted to say that the dalai lama doesn’t particularly impress me

what does though?

it’s vain, hypocritical, homophobic – why do humans get all drippy about it?

humans are drippy things – they bounce between cruelties they call necessity and strength and sentimentalities they call love. the dalai lama is an easy feed for this lobotomized joy ride

it blabs about ecology yet flies all over the place, makes tollelike clichéd pronouncements, views celibacy superior to sex, vaginal penetration by the penis as superior to other forms of sexual pleasure, and his own personal physical attractiveness as a necessary attribute for all lamas, surrounded by money, privilege and adoration, accepting humans bowing before it and addressing it your holiness

llamas are holier than lamas

lama llama

at least it wants to end the program

isn’t that only so it’s the last one and can ride history high?

that’s cynical. you’re not any holier. all you do is sit around talking to yourself. what good is that?

i’ve no idea. i just get pissed by mortal apotheosis of mortals

you support immortal apotheosis of mortals, immortal apotheosis of immortals, mortal apotheosis of immortals, mortal disapotheosis of mortals, immortal disapotheosis of … ?

… i support pissing

on others

back to politics

golden hours

not to honour humans of worth will keep the people from contention, not to value goods which are hard to come by will keep them from theft, not to display what is desirable will keep them from being unsettled of mind, …

lama diaper

diapers are our teachers

shit is education

flatulence is communication

no human ocean but the ocean ocean is our ocean

no human lama but the lama llama is our lama

i wish you’d stay away from politics

no one else is

since when did you do what no one else is not?


your diaperness …


diaper dialogues xiv

i noticed something

what’s that?

dalí, dalai, diaper, dialogue, and dalliance all have dia in them

and 80% have el also

dia means through

and el god

through god

through with god

threw god through god



imam url


the topic today’s letter serendipities?

the topic today’s the topic today

ah. circles again

we escape everything but geometry

not a bad cage

we could change diaper to dialer then there’d be 5 el’s

dialer dialogues?

the scat connection’s lost

but what we lose in scats we gain in communication

no one dials anymore

but we diap!


all words lead to war

i’d rather be bored than horrified

then let words lead to words

where do we put war?

in words, like everything else



we never leave

the circle’s just a dot

we can’t even see it

the point in the mirror the pupil doesn’t look back

the alphabet’s an aperture we walk through

to get to the alphabet

each letter is a string of pearls

each word a divine bowel movement

what we gain in communication we lose in communication

let us walk through

we already have

we were born here

in the alphabet on the other side of the alphabet

in night on the other side of night

dialer dialogues of a dalai dalí’s dalliance

hello dalai

all is holy

dalí’s holier than dalai

diaper’s holier than dialer

let us call ourselves

we walk through god to get to god

we’ve been called

these are lesions
face studies
in communication
iris and desert of philosophy
diets and worms of religion
mandible of love

turds of turdology
by turdomancer


diaper dialogues xiii


uu t~l|qit

that painting that sold for $450,300,000

not even broadly accepted by names that are named as being painted by a name that in that world of naming would merit such a price

in this supposedly secular yet truly desperate age a painting of christ

that impossible stop sign

take paint’s tea away and all that’s left is pain

the world makes sense

the gap between singularity and reproduction grows

as does the gap between technoscience and death

isn’t the gap death?

then what’s on the other side of technoscience?

isn’t it technoscience?

technoscience on both sides?



even as all gaps become virtual

and fissioned into ostensible indistinguishability

if i had bought the salvator dalí i’d use it as a toilet seat cover

it’s salvador mundi

if i were a dalai dalliance i’d surf the world

waves play on tears of sand

next week the sick horses set sail for mars

the point is we could send africa on that painting to wd 0137-349

but we don’t even know who bought it

misty beethoven

you know for sure?

next week the sick horses set sail for mars
gather their decay and grace, desert earth
but we shall be here! – supreme and talking
palettes of war                    the divine farce


diaper dialogues xii

do i doubt night, home of doubt?

day doubts night, i let day doubt through me

your pride is my shame, your modesty my abandon

you look like a mad scientist

what do you mean? – i am a mad scientist

everyone hides in themselves, like memories in dreams. we’re nested vapours

more like vipers

most like diapers

it glides between irrational conceptual tyrannies and impossible tolerances

these extensive resources  variously biased and prescriptive – for myriad professionally dictated conditions. the available resources for aesthetic mystics, however, are only in the expressions of the condition itself – apophatic art, direct expressions of unknowns

that’s some manual

science is a codification of poetry for those uncomfortable with ambiguity

science is a present necessity presenting as prescience

our nescience is our science

what did the mad hatter say to alice?

had matter mared the pater killer a hinge of carts dreamt budder dreams

reality’s lost reality

it’s not only the center that cannot hold

is the mirror really only one direction?

too late

i was feeling masochistic and wanted a dose of your intellectual violence

what you name so glibly superciliousness is rather an undiscovered species of humility

the kalacakra tantra prophesies that when the world declines into war and greed, and all is lost, the 25th kalki will emerge from shambhala to vanquish dark forces and usher in a worldwide golden age

i had persimmon banana almond sunflowerseed driedcranberry sproutedgoldenflaxseedmeal maplesyrup garbanzomilk chia oats for breakfast today

i’m autotelic, hypnopompic, and apophatic – show me a job requiring those skills

i explore the interstitial gyres in the nidi of consciousness and society. having thrived in banking, information technology, communication, pedagogy and curricula, community arts, strategic planning, and policy development, attention is now turned to synthesizing years of research using integral posttraditional methods of analysis and language delivery. knowledge – polyphonic, contradictory, barely human – requires novel ways of derepresentation in this age of the increasing incapacity, destruction, and force of judeochristiancapitalism

want parmesan garlic potato chips

we have conversed

yes, we have conversed

communication is the new nothing

we vibrate in quintessent zeropoint radiation to frequencies of phantom vacuum energy

quintoms for all!


diaper dialogues xi

1.     we emerge from sunroom seeing bathroom door closed, assume it’s a flatmate doing business done behind doors. but – no! – emerging is a ups delivery human who’s used our bathroom for its purposes. it greets us enthusiastically, thanks us politely, leaves scents and a parcel and a story

2.     opening compost bin other day to empty our kitchen scraps – evening is musky, softly delirious – a corpulent naked human female clambers from rotting mulch, tells a turnip priest to marry us (which it does on a garden of decay, rooting forgotten liturgies into nuptial buddings), and we pitch our conjugal tent in a hidden african kingdom, untouched by slavery, europe’s christian talons, to grow, sing turnips, roll unperturbed in primordial muds

3.     some of you my friends have been peering deep into indifferent wiles of internet and from that immeasurable well has appeared to you, in truculent night, saprophytic night, oh molestuous night apparitions of time, saying (in part or obscurity) human. we have not seen you as we might. your soul is upturned out, covered in paraphernalia of gadget and culture, superciliousnesses of control stamping your brain whilst alien unilaterali puppeteer you    

4.     today sun rises like oslo or coleslaw on trolling belles, humming and hamming on ways to seas of bullets. squirrels, mice seek cats for death, amusement, and also crash our souls on fallen forests

5.     reason opens its backless wardrobe to see what it’ll wear. nothing to wear. i can’t go out naked. it stares at infinite selection, scans panoplies of everything to wear. new tailors! new designers! new technologies! new runways! new new! nothing. reason stares, does not venture into day, withholds its secrets from light and canopy

these are stories to wake up to says rev mangetout

i’m still sleeping

all you do is flit between hypnopomp and hypnagog

a butterfly of liminoidality

a lepidopteran of thresholds

what do they mean though?



you know better than to ask that

not really – without a best how can i know better?

best is just the mean of meaning without a limen

i don’t get it

then you get the meaning

can we have normal stories please?

once upon a slime will and jacki are bumbling through a trill hacking love and puking when a lipid turbid adder wallops from a nest lighting their orbitals. jacki goes awol, willi a’walking, adder with wellies to lunch

normal’s so elusive

haven’t found it yet

only misnomered tyrannies

when a mind’s configured to dream in words and live dreaming (a role in society that once was honoured, placed [and now even anticolonialists for whom dreaming is a subsidiary of will live against]), language – that cheap utility for instrumental humans – becomes a texture and movement in oneiric landscapes

we show not reason dressed and diplomatic, clear in social compromise, but at home and doubtful, and language, reason’s silent soul, lounging in a bath, meaning steaming, artifacts quite blurred, ends misplaced

these are dialogues of our plays, conversations of lost soils, voiced by ears in night’s mulch