
an affair with frances yates

while there may not be any outsides  and isnt this knowledge the truth of esotaticism  there are many insides  seemingly infinite  and some of these speak  however falsely  of outsides

but all there are are outsides

i dont speak of those outsides  i speak of the other ones

there is no esotaticism  esotericism itself is just a recent invention and doesnt exist other than as a forced unity in the minds of a few scholars  so if esotericisms a fiction esotaticisms a fiction of a fiction

i have proof for you

what proof

a song

a song isnt a proof

all a song is is a proof

many once upon a times ago
a sorcerer called urmario
lost in a uruguayan barrio
ate a magic radicchio
and went his merry wayio

thats not a proof or a song

everythings a song or a proof  and most things are both

im not a song or a proof

if theres no esotericism theres also no exotericism or exotaticism  all thered be would be the notwithin and notwithout  and what is that space

a proof or a song

the important thing to remember here is that nothing cleans your kitchen counters like minute maid

if medieval heretics werent being killed for science but for something else  what does that tell us

it tells us that that something else still exists

because we cant name it?

didnt she name it?

how could she name something that cant be named  whose remoteness she couldnt eliminate?

she did

she didnt

she did and didnt

all we ever do

is do and dont

id like to make a case for myself being an adept

ill let you make a case for yourself being a case

id like to adopt an adept to adapt an apt ad to opt an upped id  

you dont want to be an ipsissimus or magusaronimo

not that kind of adept  i want to be a transcendent  a hagiography

a genetian saint?

venetians are blind  tourism & cameras obliterate vision

the more senses youre lacking the more chance you have

a xian  an immortal  a

youll burn

ill escape by means of a simulated corpse

only in your texts

you mean reality?

a proper xians rooted in the earth not texts

the earths supported by a text and a text a text

its texts all the way down

speaking of  im working on a bunch of polyptyxts

sounds carcinogenic

some of the materials are toxic

you mean polyptychs with text

i mean thwarted tessellated polyptychs with text   polyptyxts

does esotericism become esotaticism when its hermetism is hermed

whats the difference between biking and a bikini

a third eye

youve read 101 occult jokes to make you levitate too

whats going on here is that the urge to hagiographize is a textual one

do you largely agree with the statement that as everything gets distorted  sect becomes church  passion becomes marriage  enthusiasm becomes scepticism  curiosity becomes comfort  xian becomes dexianed

neither of us believe in immortality  enlightenment  magic  ideals  saints

which is exactly why we believe in them

do dont

did didnt

doo dao

a xian is one who doesnt xian

holiness is full of holes

holiness is a hole

there is nothing to pursue

other than texts

which is why i want to be adept

but youre so inadept

i want to be an inadept

i think youre there

look ma  no pursuits

you want to be in an inadept

doesnt ga hung say you must fuck a lot to be in an inadept?

go hung says a lot

and its all just textual


so here we are outside and inside  singing and notsinging  proving and disproving

sainting and notsainting  texting and nottexting  fucking and notfucking

but they still will burn you

some things never change

whats the word for that?






strange tales from a studio sadoo

strange tales from a studio sadoo
zhiguai transgrotesquerie fusion fuctions

from a maw came flows of highend residential appliances
featuring   mrs x fogi  mrs & mr sfitzschl  a cat  begonia
with special guest appearances by highend residential appliances

empty faces of houses
featuring   a principle of zigkagerozaji & doktor overshoe

the mistress of tellatella
featuring   the mistress of tellatella

aspects of a mostly inner life
featuring   myria kuzza al’wufus de gazar ver ylerirrura

thring theory
featuring   a new interior geometry of buggshash and lurz
with particular attention to the unspoken implications of postanthropocenism


bad math makes good drama

if geometry is melancholic deformed & curative  and if a geometry exists of all things  not just those obvious and tangible  tables footballs levels tabbies pinecones internationalspacestations  or abstract and obvious  icosahedrons tetratruncatedrhombicdodecahedrons apeirogonalhosohedros points rectangulums  but also of sanities and souls  therapies and diseases  diets and times  desires and meteorologies  our lives should rightly be transformed and unnecessary suffering abolished   as a cursory and radically partial contribution to these nascent studies we compile a list of possible processes and tasks made articulate & generative through these new knowledges

  • translates conceptually and culturally by means of ruins restoration
  • revitalizes truth through providing proportion
  • creates aesthetic ground by balancing passion with passion
  • lyrically dimensionalizes grief through harmonic articulations
  • reorients depth and superficiality by measuring the demeasuring of measure
  • fuses traditions without dissolution by re-presenting the unseen
  • justices universes by anthropomorphizing space and dishumanizing the human
  • alphabetizes vision through amalgamizing cognition & emotionality
  • replots plot by transfiguring shape
  • multidimensionalizes narrative by normalizing the aberrant
  • respacializes social relations through manufacturing inner affinities between devoiced voids
  • facilitates recurrent suicide as antic disposition
  • manifests abstraction by vividly quantifying models of subjectivity
  • transduces evil into good and so recognizes the requirement of evil as raw material while simultaneously avoiding effecting evil due to its capacity for transduction
  • replaces numerical excess  spatial disorientation  mathematical mayhem with etherized selffractionings  rerooting ones fundamental relationship to numbers and visceralizing arithmetic imagination