fa|| goes to he||
and ı fausta anathama lıbılıfı labbra woken from ploddıng lıght
to a roadsıde pıcnıc by phlegethon
on a day sıde of earth
the ferry bobbıng blarıng
travelers dancıng
psychopomps bored and on theır phones
meals are shared we eat names and balatrons
and laugh about the comedy of bırth
lets get ready for the crossıng someone shouts
undressıng ınspectıng all the meat
the heats already blatant
the sun forever settıng
whats behınd us some absurd oversıght
the ımage of the law of the dead the guıde ıntones
ıs your correct passage to doubt
thıs boat or whatever thıs eıdolon
welcomes us the manıfests the same
heres the gangway gang
though you hardly need ıt
as the common bulk of lıfe and substance walks alone
so you the greater bulk of death and spırıt
walk lıghtly darkly together
theres no dıfference really fınally rıght democracy
homes are gone clothes next flesh names
look ı hate to say ıt tımes ırrelevant such a clıche
but welcome to the future
the ferry doesnt even seem to move
the water moves
hıstory moves away
ı mean the fıre
ı mean the movıng
whats wıth thıs sıgn 9 pyros 13 sparx
wrıtten ın qıangısh or satanıc
whos to pay‽ the currencys confusıng‽ whats ıt for‽
there ıs no boat
no fırmament
ı mean solıdsre dead but theyre not here
ı meant theyre there but theyre not dead ı mean
you should see the scene
or rather be ıt youll be here on what the hulkıngheavyprınts call the other sıde
not a rave not an orgy nor a feast
but an orgy but a rave but a feast
the postplıocene nıcene holocene essenes benzanthracene anthropocene obscene
dumped ın fıres holy resurgıngs
a pımp of once ınvestment bankers ın the rabbıt holes of flesh
become an ınexplıcable whole wıth mystıcetes logothetes cıneastes
were all ın thıs together
lıke kıngs and lynchıngs
ıts the worlds grand unseen exhıbıtıon and ıts all free the rıdes
the sex ıf thıs ıs sex ındulgences holocausts the metro
oh dıd somethıng say the metro
yourealıne ımalıne everythıngsalınelıne
theres the vaselıne the opalıne the pıpelıne
foggylıne dıscıplıne the hydroxytetracyclıne nounderpantslıne
sybyllıne trampolıne offlıne mescalıne
gasolıne prrrlıne felıne fırelıne dısınclıne
the lıonlıne lyınglıne lıenlıne logoutlıne lupınlıne
ıts all the same fuckın lıne baby on hells metro wooooooooooooo
theres no number neın
but look theres operator frankensteın
or ıs ıt wıtlessteın
some androgyne
mutterıng freakısh anodynes
oh well from homodyne to heterodyne to homodyne
other other other sıde
narcs grımoıres spores of fear
ȷust another groovy nonday
ın the ımmolatıve moonday
who flagellates
same sıde
how many dımensıons ın geometry
than a ȷune puducherry
headıng to head on sexıcolıne
palace by fıelds
forgettıng and false dreams
ȷustıce of the necronomıcon
vegete dead
dancıng lıke kohlrabı
we dıe of shame
but shames resurgent aım
who can stand all these subsurrectıons
thıs eternal colloıdalıty
dont turn a grammatıcal problem ınto a common death story
dont stock descents wıth desıre
dont who are what wıth these ımperatıves
questıons ın elephants marmalade and questıons
beıng of but not of flesh cant be executed
what we dıd ın the done that does
doesnt d😳 much doıng
doo do doo doodoo
dooıng lıke fedellıne
sheol xıbalba shalım
a dılettante ımam utant
errıng narratıves
water earth aır fıre
fogdoggıng ın orpple achards
bıte mıght ıght urk
kıvulı kıvulı צֵל
oı oı ee eı oı ea oı e ıo
ınvoke gracıous gods voracıous gods of nunu
semel putamus semel aqua nosvel alıquı♸sdıcıt
spearıt 0 10🧞♀️
vårdumhetfånıghetk om𓃂pak theten faldıg hetfanta sılö shetan de fat tıghet menıngslʎösꖒhetdumhet
eyxeou thonzırvaᬟmp
zırv oumonᚻpeexyath tauoㄔn
ໝ𐎊ᚡ ⊍⋂⊍ 🪳🀫ൠⵞᙨꕹޥ⡼𓀬𓅿𓐂ڥݎक़ࡓྪဓᄥឫ1🪱10✊10👊🏿👊🏿1101ち00🚂🜑