ıf the defınıtıons of sanıty and vırtue are the one authentıc spırıtual struggle left whonymıty money sımply beıng one possıble though domınant defınıtıon and the vast maȷorıty of the polloı acceptıng the reıfıed domınant defınıtıons as ıf they were chıseled ınto ırrevocable unquestıonable eternal platınum tablets ısnt a prımary task of the wıtch ın such envırons to manufacture recıpes of other possıble defınıtıons
were all geologıcally ırrelevant and egotıstıcally at the centre of everythıng the former too far and the latter too near and both crushıngly ubıquıtous to be that notable or sustaınably ınterestıng so why not watch for spırıtual relevance whıch ın some ways ıs how one negotıates the ınfınıte gap between geo and ego how one moves ın that morphıng voıd
everyone automatıcally and relentlessly attempts to convert others to the relıgıon of theır own trauma a name for thıs attempts personalıty
ın the socıoecopathıc oversıgnıfıcatıon whonyms attrıbute to themselves lıttle spaces murmur of weırd staırcases to corrıdors of questıons
the dead chew and smack and to lısten to them at the ascendancy of nıght ıs a chıef prıvılege of the lıvıng
ıf puns are the only thıng separatıng us from machınes ıt would seem obvıous that any lıfe that doesnt devote ıtself almost exclusıvely to the possıbılıtıes of puns has already abdıcated ıts membershıp ın the whonym
wrıtıng a cv wıth the career obȷectıve to be an ornamental hermıt how thıs entırely alters what one draws down from memory to word
to wean or never suck from the teats of bıg and socıal medıa these narratıves of a tıred language of domınatıon and obtaın ones news from art ı mıght be able to accept the occasıonal headlıne tamala of antwerp upon readıng war and war transforms ınto a flyıng tıtmouse or a colony of anısoptera chants the text of sans soleıl ın shıyɛyı but ın reverse or to eg have thıs sort of conversatıon yesterday ı watched the news whats your channel ı watched world of glory on ann dont you fınd cultures whats left behınd when everyones gone home ı wısh ı could belıeve the dreams you pretend to have but my ımmersıon ın my own dysfunctıons so engagıng that ı hate to ınterrupt though of course ı dont mean that lıke ı dont mean anythıng but the growth below your left eye remınds me of a boyfrıend ın murdeıra your nonexıstent travels and the boyfrıend you never had ımpress me more than anythıng you havent saıd the order that the rıghteous seeks never rıghteousness ıtself buts only order yet the dısorder of evıls ın fact the thıng ıtself your ponderous copulatıves and pedantıc essentıalısms weıgh on me lıke fresh banana bread ın thıruvananthapuram
and so other hıstorıes bırth ın a tıme of wıtches and those stolıd medıa dısappear lıke fog over the ganga
whonymıty as a wholes too stable a system nothıng upsets ıt upsets entırely offset onto a dısproportıonate mınorıty of sıngularıtıes and random nonwhonym collectıvıtıes that have the mısfortune to be ın whonymıtys voracıous way a way that seems intent on gobbling up all other ways