

the number of humans per 100000 incarcerated in the (notus)US?
wow. that means something
                  #2 in the world. just behind seychelles. which may be losing in this game because of somali pirates

de a de in odd
and add an i
to get an oid

but do not be annoyed
by adonai or deities
we all are oddonoids
{eidenoids as sub last word
a pun of doublevision for the patapossessed
or edenoids
for the hopeful}

as we worship the future through youth with vast hysteria and shortterm investments history rather than disappearing dominates more voraciously through subterranean cultural subterfuges hardly anyone gets because history now like everything is just another brand. what species is this! what dream and subversion are required to detour through that morass of crushing time and our otiose slavishness to religious barbarism – though inevitably in new clothes (religions wardrobe its chief intelligence)

who said utopia isnt a real spot? – it’s the place of noplace and creating noplaces is as easy as yī'èrsān

the leek speaks
wo yu sai

evolutions (conjugations) in poetry

why would i write in normalese the language of the oppressors? i write in other tungs among them misfitese madish oneirican …

Possibilities international financial relieve firm with low interest
rate.And friendly in solving your financial situations,and we offer any
Thank you

social media  new ways to exploit fear insecurity greed

the object of fear must be objectified?

from sadoo hirpyz's hornbook 
ana did a pap test
ana did a bap test
ana did a bap tist
ana did a baptist
and became an anabaptist

and in all these verisimilitudes usus appears to be of the same kind as isis. they should get together and create bad grammar

and for the middles and the caesars and maybe even for time ... otium cum dignitate ...


could it think the heart would stop beating

the dangers of decay are the dangers of a sentimentalized fear

mysticism is psychic holography

lifes goal seems to become as rotten as possible so that when one dies theres nothing left to rot

i have no rest from a consciousness that primarily seems conscious of itself as conscious of an anarchically diffuse and paltry consciousness

i must tremble if the possibility of play no longer attracts me

the plant intrudes in the human and speaks inside

dying is a mode of seeing the invisible

holding within word
languages of earth

the only legitimate autobiography would be one with dozens of prefaces introductions forewords postfaces prologues preambles epigraphs afterwords prolegomena conclusions postscripts addenda with little consistency (thematic stylistic chronological …)      no body to speak of

hornbook of sadoo hirpyz
for those new to planet earth
wishing instruction in the ways of the human
a brief version of a multivolume treatise on the practice of law
to prime students in the application of dimensions and the geometry of time
through case studies

in this age of relentless and pervasive light sound communication our craving for the darkness of incomprehensibility increases commensurately

i do not renew i denew  i am full of denewments

transcendence is the mathematics of the souls geometry

writing literacy from literacys grave

the world              make your voice count
i                             0 17 81 257 912


fuck billy graham

who rode the wonderbread ass of christianity into the evening redness of the west
who could not be friends with women and stuck them under his horny dominioned thumb
who had to die at 3x the age of his subversive lord
while clinging to capitalism’s wretched raft on exploitation’s infinite sea
who now is not past some pearly gates on streets of stolen gold (or even in one of many hells from alighieri's to shaw's to zurn's)
but with the 107,602,707,791 other humans, food for worms
who surely seems rock hudson’s closet lover
whose life resembled your average middling amerikan ceo or entertainer and not at all his subversive lord and master
who never once did ayahuasca
who killed so many cows and flew in so many planes, laundering these common genocides with the inane blab of his pimp the lord jesus christ of the republic of the disunited hates of amerika
who swooned under the barbaric voice of his own subscription to stupidity
who belonged to if anything the pumping party of regressive consciousness and lollipop cliché
who participated calculatingly and naively as the rich in the growing treacherous gap between word and earth
fuck you
fuck you billy billy billy billy
fuck you in the ass of asses forever and ever


fientive honorificabilitudinitatibi
