
fientive honorificabilitudinitatibi



conversations of the lower classes

i cant decide whether to do my laundry or have a nap

same thing

its not the same thing

when you nap you do the laundry of your soul and when you do your laundry you take a nap from taking a nap

that doesnt make any sense

what does sense have to do with it

ill take a nap

i want an almond marzipan croissant

get one

you get it for me

get it yourself

im going to nap for you  i dont have any money  be my slave  last time i got you an almond marzipan croissant when you wanted one

thats not true

the rich just think almond marzipan croissants and they appear

the future is rich

the future is poor

its rich because therell be an apocalypse and everyone will die but the rich will be cryogenically frozen and will wake up and rule the world

they rule the world now

if theres no poor therell be nothing to rule

theyll build factories to manufacture the poor so therell be something to rule

sounds useful

society isnt about useful its about domination

dominations just very full use

morbidly obese use

didnt larx say something like that

its snarx dingleberry

dr dingleberry

assistant lickspittle of affairs

she slept with a student and got an stdegree

thought narx was a man

i learned in that class i took gender isnt real anymore

sex isnt real

i think they said it was gender

what did they say about sex

i dont think its on the approved list

whats on the approved list

gender  diversity  inclusivity  rhizome     

sex is always on the approved list

genders like god   im never really sure if its there and if it is what is it

whats sex

the lower classes dont talk like this

how do you know what the lower classes talk like

why lower

thats where i like it

thats dirty

thats gender

the other classes like it upper

we all like it up her

the lower classes talk about sex all the time and the upper classes think about it while they talk about money

the upper classes fuck the lower and the lower fuck each other

thats why the lower classes are so happy   they get fucked a lot

who fucks the upper


art fucks everybody everywhere

i need drugs

if they dont eliminate any of the causes of human despair they dont have the right to eliminate those means by which we try to cleanse ourselves of despair

only we have rights and freedoms

what do they have

good drugs

money doesnt buy happiness

beautys only skin deep

the grass is always greener

all true language is incomprehensible

you cant do that


that last one isnt a cliche

it is now

want to fill out my grad school application for me

im taking a nap for you


grad schools stupid

grad schools not stupid

everyone else is doing it all it does is further entrench an already corrupt and corpulent establishment real educations in the assroom not the classroom  and youll never get in

thats not nice

you cant write

i can write

you cant write in their language

i can write in their language

listen to you

im talking

youd rather be napping

there are two kinds of people in the world    those who go to class and those who dont

there are two kinds of people in the world   those who go to class and the other ones

who are the other ones

class goes to them

they dont talk about class anymore

who doesnt

the ones with class

they dont talk about sex they dont talk about class   what do they talk about

geopolitical inversion

thats just sex in bad clothes

fuck my titties honey

dont be crude

thought you liked it upper

only if you get me an almond marzipan croissant

only if you do my laundry

they dont use class anymore because the words have to be changed every few years

words are like diapers

they get full of shit real quick

were united by our fear of death

were united by our love of red meat

were united by our language

we havent understood anything the other persons said ever

theres only one police force and its the language police

theres only one military and its the language military

theres only one atomic bomb and its the language bomb

one love  one fart

lets get together and fuck all night

dont be vulgar

were lower class thats what we are

our destiny

were vulgar so the others dont have to be

theyre vulgar they just have more expensive product

were all dinosaurs

i wish

what did the professor say to the transit employee

i dont know what

she didnt

thats not funny

what does humour have to do with it

we want truth

truth is another name for class

truth is class out of the classroom

i knew someone from the upper classes once

what was it like

it was like someone from the lower classes

you mean just like us

well not really

what was the difference

she smelled better

ive been thinking about this


you know string theory

not personally

you take a string right   and place it in a landscape of false vacua


anything can happen   x is not definitively and absolutely light years from y but abutting it

thats not string theory

its my string theory

string theorys just class theory without the particles

the point is upper and lower are only far apart if you conceive of the spacetimesociety acontinuum as a straight line with two termini  if you see it as infinitely shifting strings upper and lower connect disconnect crossover parallelize join dissolve

have you mentioned this to the aristocracy recently

the upper class doesnt talk about class

how do you know what they talk about

i dont even know what we talk about

you know im fine with class  but im not into class more than im into anything

thats the difference

whats the difference

the upper classes are really into class and only class

and were into everything

were smarter

thats why were lower

theyve got money and weve got intelligence

thats not true

ok theyve got money and intelligence

theyve got money which buys intelligence

bought intelligence is different than found intelligence

i think were onto something


stupids just another word for nothing left to buy

the difference between the upper and lower classes is that the former talk about the latter as an undifferentiated mass and the latter talk about the former as singularities

the only way to balance this injustice is to talk about them only as a faceless nameless conglomerate

to be used by us for our purposes

what are our purposes

thats the difference

they have purpose

i have purpose

not that purpose

what about the middle

the middle of the croissants my favourite part   its not quite the beginning and not quite the end

see   theres no lower and upper croissant

there would be if you ate it that way

thats my point

whats your point

my string theory point

eat croissants from the bottom up

why not abolish the upper and lower classes and have beginning and end classes

whatever you abolish is still there


class is essentialist

thats why the academics dont use the word anymore   theyre embarrassed by its essentialism

scholars are essentialist entities   thats why they deny essentialism

scholars are those entities that fuse education and volition to simulate intelligence

calling education and volition intelligence is like being religious instead of being compassionate

watching the olympics instead of participating in them

reading orlando instead of writing it

having a cottage in the country and thinking youre ecological

being comprised of atoms and saying youre a scientist

thats why the scholars invented simulation

the lower classs the only reality left

we do real stuff

we fuck eat die  the upper classes tell the middle classes to shop online and the middle classes shop online

we do real stuff

the upper classes promote their irreality the middle classes their names the lower classes their fucks

the upper classes make statements the middle classes circulate them the lower classes are the punctuation

moneys the change in our pockets not electrons on a tablet

i fucked a lawyer once whose primary form of excitement was watching her assets grow

while you watched her assets grow

class is just ass with a clunky beginning

i like my ass straightup

come on   stick it in the air for me and ill spank you like the good sub you are

oooh you lowclass badass

now thats class ass

what im wondering   harder harder    is whether the upperlower dichotomy   red marks red marks   is analogous to the youngold dichotomy

dick ought tooo me   slap  slap   dont get   slap


slap   connection

its not what you think   the young like it in the upper the old like it in the lower

thats not what i thought  whered your ass go

back to class

except the upper stay upper but the young get old

but crossgenerationally thats not the case   inevitably when you look at the archaeologies of families you see cycles   blood moves across the classes gets shoved up down falls clambers  its just that class like culture is more spread in time

   spread in time

   and random than age which is linear

spread n spank  shake n bake  shop n kill  stuff n snuff 

think were onto something

wish you were into it

politics is the new sex

boring   everyone wants to move in the same direction   toward youth and wealth

young and upper

far more interesting talented creative and bold is wanting to move toward poverty and death

isnt that the monastic ideal

culturally were just reacting to it   itll come back

wealth as renunciation doesnt really work

thats what were for


renunciation  were the necessary and secular monastery

new and improved

kelloggs cocaine krispies

always stale and unhealthy

like the idea of class

need to mix it up

a box full of princes and prostitutes

plumbers and presidents

professors and pimps

pedicurists and paediatricians

think outside the serial

i have a theory

the lower classes dont have theories

while we humans get older as we age language gets younger

this is why the lower classes dont have theories

english when it was young we call old english

ok i have a theory too  all the boring people just want more money and security  and as theres more and more boring people in the world theres more money and security  but because the world needs nomoney and nosecurity in equal measure to money and security the pressure on the lower classes increases  we carry an increasing burden of nomoney and nosecurity   were critically essential to the balance of society

this is like kafka writing amerika

thats not a lower class reference

kafka never visited amerika

but ive visited the lower classes

you have no right to speak of the lower classes

i selfidentify as lower class

the attributes of class   formal education income assets fashion language diet residence networks exercise name recognition drug preferences longevity travel kink career privacy yoga

ive got ten

its a pass

i pass class

that doesnt mean you can talk for it

kafka spoke more truth about amerika not having visited than efferson did having founded it

thats not true

the upper classes taught us truth doesnt matter

class is syncretistic   i take whatever circulating statements i like and turn them into a collage i call my life

thats poetic

i call it low old poetry

swing low sweet idiot

sex swing

the murder of maria marten

not a lower class reference

class is just the number of references you know

were all lower class

only gods upper

god knows all the references

thats why it doesnt exist

were all lower class and going to hell

were abolishing sex gender race ethnicity orientations but class is forever   thats consciousness

the cast caste cast of class


unzip yourself   i want to see your dick

back to class

the purpose of the lower class is to get ignored or stepped on

the lower classes eat sugar flour and neptunian plasma  the upper classes eat ninestar marigolds in omega369 sauces the former costing the health system trillions of dollars and the latter paying for it with the taxes of their sugar flour and plasmatic businesses

win win

as the gap between the glorious damned and the autoones of wellness grows the hypermoneyed of the latter purchase the inspired dirty linen of the former their cash acting as a false bridge across the gap

the upper classes are genetically modifying themselves into the next era of evolution   technology   while were stuck behind in nature  theyre buying their way into botdom while we flail with the insects

natures nice

look at all the pretty pictures on their phones

everyone has pretty pictures on their phones

i dont

youre vulgar

posterkid for the lower class

the upper classes are sick evangelists

lifestyle tyrants

the aristocracys the center the middling mush the middle were the margins

all one big happy ball bouncing in the void

as soon as everyone has a voice theres no voice

youre a closet elitist   you simply want to shift power from what you dont have to what you do

what do i have

you have nothaving

wheres the power

you want the upper classes to be those of a particular aestheticpsychiccognitiveemotional composition   basically a narcissistic image of yourself   and the lower classes to be everyone not you

when do we get started

my criteria are more interesting than theirs

not to them

ever listened to the upper classes talk

makes me want to puke on their kalechips

moneys a bridge technology itll be obsolete soon

but well still exist

will we

the lower classes just like to talk

thats what the upper classes like too

language unites us

but the lower classes like to talk to talk and the upper classes like to talk to dominate

youre always setting up these inane hierarchies of virtue   youre just neochristian sludge

your problem is youve never been lower class middle class or upper class

i am the new human a radically novel chemical entrant into the universes tired circus  postclass postsex posttalk postsane postpost


surreals turned into cereal

i am the first configuration of matter that perfectly fuses everything into a singularity of spirit

you talkurbate  all you do is try to crawl through the fallopian tube of your absurdity from class to talk  but ever since the 18th century the only thing that matters is action   the ability to effect change in the physical world  and as the physical world is increasingly the human world this means the ability to manipulate human agency to your own ends  if scholarship government business technology religion socialjustice and the druglords agree on anything its this

i dont agree

which makes you not only irrelevant but dead

makes me lower class

makes you insane

like gould was the last puritan and the first posthuman i am the last lower class and the first of everything else

the lower class is a concept available for manipulation to serve whatever agendas at hand

the lower class is a hand up your manipulation

lets fuck

upper or lower

lets do a sex smoothie and be everywhere

oh yeah nice ass

one ticket mystic class please to nowhere

thats it   slobber your filthy genitals in my face you goodfornothing horndog

just the way granny used to do it

weve made a lot of progress today

no one talks about this shit anymore

lower fuckface

progress is your dick sliding twixt my titties

progress is talk fucking talk in the ass

progress is you shutting up sucking me off

progress is transgress your cock in my class







