
earing, shelled

of squamish
hearing’s marrow she says unsure whether the reminiscence of the thought on her propreantepenultimate anniversary of that randomly recurring reflection on an empty beach somewhere west of habana with the scratched moped to the side like aborted tagliolini tempestine rigati di sfoglia alla doppia ziti bucati corni under a putrescent sun and with nothing of time’s lines but a slowly shifting eigengrau breach in the sand from a limb fallen from a category 19 derecho hypercane around the geographically distant demise of miss vyvyin m lizodoter of jeffvanderlou at the dirty hands of chris oaks unction son of white male amerikan human christian capitalist supremacists and a derelict and wretched god returns now of all moments – or is it mallow? – this tincture of inconvenience as he gestures toward the music faculty as if it were some misplaced capacity for obscure syntheses of attributes exotonal, ecophagous pads through the memories of the design of an rfid doorflap like a donskoy on its way to stooped friendships, electromagnetic, gloomy, written only if (but is this italicized?) at all on texts in dreams of marginally estranged siblings who once, loitering in the circumferences of childhood, played to tinkles of lewd and liminally innocent joy

he doesn’t hear her, he doesn’t hear like an ogdoadic safari and the attunements of a strange semolina counter cult above vulnerable penguinaria soothe in a manner not unlike the affects of pantry maid tiolla as she removes her apron before a malvaceous mirror and under nothing but stratified squamous epithelium and mammaries just moments prior forming a lush gorge around the member of a member of congress, a member of congress. she likes it this way, his ears functioning as decorations having as much utility as mavli during a nunavut ursus maritimus attack though she sometimes – frequently on class iii saint days on the liturgical calendar of the melanesian episcopalians when the eucharist’s sung – takes his ear into her carrucho like a hermit crab and kneads it like a pearl at statal spectacles where presidents and their requisites wraith in inane protocol, extravagancies grieved, for what is speaking but nothing comprehensible but an uncanny undressing on infinite deserts not of grains of sand but ears, ears like his connecting not to any hearing but an evincing of gestures to inconvenient faculties but says and i say (and this saying with italics says) marrow not for instance for any effect and this not just because i know it won’t but more for what we might call a kind of equidistant irresistance, what alienoptera might desist if hearing were another thing

he doesn’t hear her, he doesn’t hear like an ecophagous motbot on its way to clubbing all the cokebrains in the spothots, his gesturing to aural facultatem unlike what she thinks not some autistic hapax cheiromenon but a forgotten spongebob genuflex and he says i go south, i go south and i do not stop and i do not go north and i ride the that which rolls and i go south. but she feels he speaks more authentically of that time in uluvaän when his ear stuckifies in yonder carrucho and doktor laura comes from lauwiliwilinukunukuʻoiʻoi to chuffle the ninth disorder of prusten temps perdu coaching his stuckification out with sanctæ snegdus papar tractatus sídhe tnugdali and bubbi softness; it pops with great poppings and presto punctilium! her carrucho can hear

and this is a story we know of her carrucho
opening less to his nonhearing than its
hearing, less to any
listening of the
ear and more of the

we migrate from configuration to configuration of earlessness
on proprioceptive lysergic travolators         mutter to derealities of glom
sadoo would like to thank and does the 43human council
of squamish
(bella carrucho)
including its
head cockswain
baggage smasher
probate rep
field durmish
we particularly pritz out the
assistant nibling
for being such a frullip 


is a clock a word?

the purpose of these laid varlet logs dear unreaders is manifold vast unspeakable   and imminent squizzical squalled in squamish piece in odd respect can well over visceralized cerebralities exemplify their ambitions –
  • simulating the incomprehensibility of now normalized and expected human discourse, being an xray of sorts of common speech and relation
  • proposing and demonstrating a new genre whereby the global fragments of language culture identity orientation are gathered into conversation – the conversations you’re really having if your epidermal marrow could talk, reality not in flimsy social facadual flesh but gutsy quidditive spirit
  • not having a purpose
  • an entirely nascent and necessary daily diary whereby the detritus of a day is gathered into an aesthetic incoherence and disturbed unity; a poem of platelets … codes & clouds for aficionados of controlled lunacies
  • a tympanic attempt to intramingle (holographically, textually, ) the esotatic of souls and the exotatic of facticity, exotatic of foals, esotatic of pudicity, reason and reason's treasons, dimensionality and collapse … and so represent the inexplicable person, rarely expressed and never so pithily and so geometrically a verbal representation of the enfoldedness of things thereby leading through its practice to cognitive and spiritual dexterity : narratives according to the newsfeeds of the grammars of technology
  • an important way to think that includes all present and past ways of thinking by negating them : a postprotest test, a stop sign, a woking of fragmentings of dissimulations
  • just a damn good story
  • a puzzle (like sudoku or finnegans wake or kabbalah or void cubes) in which every component is almondbutterpacked with allusions references illusions pointers hypersigns curvatures klunks transsequiturs holes of all colours and shapes depths interconnectivities offenses phoneme soles puns’n’pataphors maledictions turny twists so on so ons … and the bored attentive literary or autistic reader can add gravity and grace to its days by unpacking the thing : none of this does any mathematics to its meaning for meaning is beside and not and the point … but it does unpack, unpacks by packing
  • an aphrodisiac orexigenic diuretic tomographatol aperient occlusive satirific
  • suggests how, in the plethoras of everything talking to everything and nothing listening, to listen
  • a synecdoche and gyration of the 11 stations of the gonads