
diaper dialogues iv

today rev bonobo says as we stand awkwardly in situ we shall talk of shambolic god

i don’t have much to say

no one does

but they say it

twinkle stinkle little god
you’re stuck there without a bod
up above the world so high
like a feces in the sky
stinkle dinkle little …

the musical

i want to be stinkle

you can’t sing

i’ll anus sync

you’re divine

shambalic god









we’re getting obscure


we’re not talking much about god

isn’t that the way some say is the only way to talk about thid?


god needs thids own pronoun

thids’s awkward

so’s god

don’t project

projection’s a tool of light minds


the heavy is the root of the light

the light the flower of the heavy

now we’re talking about god

i believe the instructions were to talk of shambolic god

god doesn’t have adjectives

when you’re asomatous you also lack parts of speech?

what does shambolic mean?

how are we supposed to talk about something when we don’t know what it means?

isn’t that the very function of talk?

so we’re talking of god

shalom shallow sham shaman shucking shamed shamrocks shambling shambolically

the apophatics say we talk in silences, fragments, hints and negatives, shadows and incomprehensibilities, dreams and solitudes of god. we don’t speak of god as you would a recipe for fettuccine alfredo or a policy proposal for debt reconsolidation or having just stepped on a goose turd

and yet by the principles of apophatics we never speak more truly of god than when we speak of fettucine alfredo

do the apophatics debate whether we speak more truly of god when speaking of fettucine alfredo or when speaking after having just stepped on a goose turd?

i don’t think so

but we’re not speaking of apophatic god, we’re speaking of shambolic god

god’s a mess

you’re projecting again

or god projected on us

which came first?

the callitrichidae or josé da fonseca?


i’m certainly pleased you suggested we speak of shambolic god today

but all we’ve done is end up speaking of your apophatic god

apophatic shambophatic unemphatic aliphatic 

up above the world so high

like a dinkle in my pie

amen amun aum and amen

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