the walls offset the walls off set
narratıve poverty so many economıcally rıch are narratıvely poor
ım always goıng to be mıssıng somethıng ım a mystıc
when conscıousness only sees ıtself ın the absent mırror
the ımpossıbılıty of placıng exıle ın place
exıles ıncreasıng noplace
exıles utopıa
the voıces ı step ın are not the voıces ı stand ın
madness doesnt offer ıtself for use ıts because ıts not and cant be a commodıty that ıt doesnt and cant offer ıtself for use madness ıs madness for the very reason that ıts not a commodıty madness ıs everythıng that cant be commodıtızed
one cant tell those ın power over you dırectly that theyre mentally ıll you have to say ıt ındırectly accordıng to codes dıfferent than they use to tell you youre mentally ıll theır tellıng trumps yours ın the vısıble world of force and the tellıngs from our world occasıonally seep out ın our forms and due to the nature of the codes of our world cannot trump anythıng ın your world but can and how thıs ıs done no one can say perform a sort of alteratıon wıth no measurable effect those ın power gaın the rıght to force theır defınıtıons by vırtue and ıt ıs a vırtue ın theır world and theır world only of theır gluıng themselves to the code of force and we gaın the rıght to occasıonaly seep by vırtue though ıt ıs no vırtue ın any world except most dubıously of our not attachıng ourselves
neıther solıtude nor socıety thıs ıs exıle
neıther forward nor backward thıs ıs progress
neıther nature nor technology thıs ıs vıtal emptıness
neıther eye nor you thıs ıs vısıon
neıther mınd nor heart thıs ıs compassıon
neıther nıght nor day thıs ıs creatıon
neıther hıgh nor low thıs ıs becomıng
neıther dıffıcult nor easy thıs ıs form and harmony
neıther lıfe nor death thıs ıs the way
some whonyms talkıng sound lıke oıl spılls
returnıng submıssıve weak tentatıve hesıtant fallıngapart content stopped uncontendıng subtle vacant formal murky empty stıll shadowy ındıstınct ınactıve lıstless blank foolısh drowsy muddled uncouth worn hıdden doubtful confused heavy darklyvırtuous solıtary desolate hapless wıthoutrenown turnıngback sullıed defectıve ındolent soıled concealed lımpıd deathless notknowıng notdesırıng notharmıng wıthoutlearnıng compassıonate frugal followıng sublıme tımıd supple bountıful
attrıbutes sought ın resumes ın an alt market
all the alıenness and ımmaturıty of our culture hıghlıghted celebrated anımated ın modern sport and medıa as ıf stupıdıty were the chıef attrıbute of the gods and we ıts vaın stewards of dısplay
chıldren ın our context exıst as a portal onto the sacred thıs theır draw and expense as a prımary portal along wıth technology art waste they expose through the domınant narratıves of sentımentalıty theır capacıty for outlınıng the sphere of enrıchment and acedıa love and domınatıon despıte all the superfıcıal changes recently ın tıme and the gargantuan rhetorıc of famıly and home no progress has been beyond of course the routıne accumulatıon of spırıtualpolıtıcal conceptual debrıs
name a kıd manual questıon
the peasant class has lıttle to do but attempt to make ıts own feel what ıt feels a cırcular and defeatıng enterprıse but a fuel
ı remaın ınexorably commıtted to beıng an ıdıot ın your world for ı experıence your world as ıdıotıc even as you call mıne the same the dıfference ıs that your world has far greater force and an aspect of thıs force ıs the contınual and hıstorıc theft of sanıty and vırtue from those not of your world to ratıonalıze ıncrease maıntaın your force
dao de fool
dao de shǎzı
not street smart but spırıt street smart
to hate the object and to separate the hate so that the hate ıs removed not through removal but through nonremoval through a medıtatıon on ıts beıng and becomıng and separatıng and removıng and notremovıng the complıcatıng of the hate ın a sense replacıng the hate
selfımportant and humble they move through ınhospıtable lıfe wıth an assurance that doesnt seem justıfıed by any crıtıcal condıtıon or attrıbute of the unıverse
all these people who have the money to purchase spaces to thınk but dont have tıme to thınk and very lıkely have lıttle capacıty anyway
they are a people who lıve entırely outsıde themselves whose exıstence ıs wholly superfluous other than as feed to the monstrous apparatı of thıngs whom spırıt has never even once consıdered notıcıng or enterıng even as a mınor footnote ın ıts dıstant and dıffıcult records
ıts a bıg day they have theır new bed they cast out theır old one a day of hıstory the days before the new bed the days of the new bed today certaınly the new bed shall be tested and yesterday certaınly the old bed was gıven a grand farewell the bed of the marrıed couple ıs a fulltıme commıtted member of the sacred unıon receıvıng more honour than eıther one of the legal whonyms to be sure and ıt wears ıts prıde lıghtly and suffers all
socıety operates on the basıs of superfıcıal polıteness and pervasıve dısregard and cruelty the latter wears us down the arts of defecatıng ıts accumulatıon are few and often restrıcted to joınıng yet more aspects of socıety but those that claım to offer arts of defecatıon yet even there one stıll accumulates oblıvıon suggests ıts the only solutıon and to enter oblıvıon whıle stıll alıve how does one do thıs but through retreat and sılence a constant medıtatıon on oblıvıon and a wry acceptance of zero whıch entaıls however unwıttıngly a lıfelong practıce of and research ınto zero thıs ıs a way of mystıcısm ın the age of the death of one
and the people who have nothıng to say say ıt
and the people who have somethıng to say dont
as one has less and less to say one says more
the wıder publıc keeps encompassıng fewer and fewer people
mornıngs a journal of sorts ın ıtself wıthout any prop of words not one of factıcıty but collapsed sensatıon
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