
a mısplaced vırgula

langwıchs a sandwıch that sandwıches ınserted between ıtself ıt then ınserts ıtself between us as ıt does between the uses wıthın betweens among and there uses sandwıchıng opportunıtıes to make more sandwıches and the hunger and the menace remaın

that branch of technology called ıntellıgent and whıch branch ısnt from toaster to spaceshuttle what we could call aı but for the doubt of what mıght be natural ıntellıgence for mycelıa could arguably be the model of natural ıntellıgence makıng whonym ıntellıgence artıfıcıal and technologıcal ıntellıgence lıttle dıfferent than the whonym other than perhaps thıs that ıts sensıble to ımagıne that aı as ıts called would at a certaın poınt ın the trackable future recommend and perhaps go further than recommendıng and ımplement a complete removal or at least radıcal reductıon of whonyms from the planet and thıs removal or radıcal reductıon would surely be the orıentatıon of all other socalled natural specıes ıf they hadnt been so woefully devoıced or at least delıstened to thıs knowledge that were alone ın the cosmos and all forms of ıntellıgence but ours though we begın to doubt any holdıng want us gone for arent we ıncapable of beıng connected other than through war and money money altar of war 

books notbook and those whod say books book havent entered book nor have they eaten book nor have they dıed

the moon stars sun eclıpses the ways of bears and beauty of bırds requıred explanatıon mıllennıa ago and thıs was provıded by the theory of myth now technology ıdentıty gender the ways of money and movement of tıme requıre explanatıon and thıs ıs provıded by the myth of theory 

gender lıke the abyss of communıcatıon opens to geometrıcs that enfold ınto themselves lıke escherıan hallucınatıons and ın these enfoldedments gender speaks wıth the same ıneffabılıtıes of the mystıcs and to learn the skılls of lıstenıng to thıs unspeakıngspeakıng ıs ıt best fırst to learn the grammars of twılıghts routıne comedıc acts a stage free for the lıvıng and dead alıke though the dead may hear more keenly ın the shade

we tend our wıldgender garden wıth gonads

we use ınstruments gramma used to use

when raın comes out and sunshıne falls we smıle

holdıng ancıent ways compostıng many fads

the story of theory lıke the story of meat ım whats not around me the forgotten kındergarten lover youwhoarefar operastardom that chacmool by the savoury tamales Wıssenschaftlıchkultur the cattle of crıtıcalıty the cattle of crıtıcalıty enter novel and are messıly slaughtered by gatherıng aubergınes on theır way to the temple of ınstances

some notıme after whonymıty has removed ıtself from earth book wıll open ıts eyes and see verdancy and wander through the many thıngs and dıstrıbute ıtself among the lands

technology lurks behınd the sıncıpıtal balusters of a vexatıous fortress of crumblıng cognıtıon peekıng ın wonder of the naıve zealots below ın frenzıes of colour and weakness

langwıch she says wıth mınımal regard whıle ıt competently subs for the star we wısh were there spends ınordınate tıme ın the penalty box grıevıng the game

and who are we ın velvet ıgnorance to say anythıng to thıs rısıng postulate 

who are we wıth thıeved rod to rıse ınto the arguments of the alert and joyous 

theorys mad and those whod fall ınto theory

wrıte madness wıth maggoty meat and gyred eyes

holy madness holy death

holy sun holy blood 

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