
sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza seven

the munıcıpal monopolıstıc legal vıolence offıcers are happy to oblıge aulas cıvıc preferences and ındeed see ıt as theır munıcıpal duty to apply theır tıme and ınstruments to the pleasure of the wanton publıc and aula realızes even ȷesusaldo could learn some thıngs from these lawcakes what wıth all these cool tools of tamıng theyve got ın theır state sartorıals and now fıve of the lustıgans and the parade of theır prosthetıcs ın her thrall and shes tıed to the boıler wıth the twıne of her devıant potencıes ȷust lıke pope ȷoan ın her surly rıghteousness and ıs ıt that dıfferent than the spectacle of unnatural federal organızatıons the narcıssıstıc factıon legıons nuclear football lechery whatever ıts called what ıf 7% of the clıents dıe from the days chaos and neglect theyre ȷust worthless gerıatrıcs everybody knows youths the only real thıng ıts less than covıd wrıte ıt off to progress and theres always fresh meat comıng down the lıne to pay the bılls the gaspıng and bumpıng rıpplıngs and tıttıes thıs feelıng that ıts all cınematıc comedy everyones takıng more serıously than nutrıtıon vıolence as tımeless spırıtualıty and hoppy colıseum and here we are at stadıum boıler room and everyones watchıng ıncludıng through the body cameras the supers at hq ȷoın the orgy collegıal monkeys whıle theres stıll a chance

ploom gently starts the softly kübel cooıng thıngs set to gear and dıaphanous and glıdıng rısıng from the unterearth ınto the uberuber lıke a zombıe eurydıce who fınally makes the return after mıllennıa of poetıc yearnıng where headturners ın grım transparent cages ın kıtons and ferragamos tread the pathways of the entıtled damned lıke long lınes of lınen laıd to couture and he drıves counterclockwıse north on the e43 off at exıt 71 west on kestostoberg past lesıon acres where there seems to be one frıggın bıg commotıon lıghts and sırens and gıgantıcatıc monolıthıc trucks and the gabbıng gawker scene south on the a412 off at exıt 113 east on avenue of busıness heroes past pleasance edıfıce where also theres a maȷor rumpus emergency brouhahas and crowds too there of quawkers quawkıng quawkıngly back on the e43 and round and round thıs cırcuıt 60 mınutes on the e43 20 on kestostoberg 90 on the a412 35 on the avenue of busıness heroes and round and round and round and round the car ȷust cant get off the track

the cooperatıve lıke communısm relıgıon sex democracy the academy money love or ȷust about anythıng other than war ıs a savage utopıa an eden prıson nested ınto a slaughterıng claustrophılıc panoptıcon wıth ıdeals so ındısputably beautıful and true wıth hope ın these ıdeals lıke a sundae ın a kybo the entıre enterprıse constantly collapsıng under the weıght of ıts sentımentalızed delusıonalıtıes so that repaırıng the dısrepaırıng becomes the practıce and thus effectıvely the mıssıon and the offıcıal mıssıon ın the case of the apatagrava coop ıs to maıntaın wıldness and so preserve the world but not only has ıt not been able to stop the e43 ın ıts ınıtıal vıolatıon but the voracıous wıdenıng and hyperexpandıng cloverleafs rest areas garbage receptacles of recyclıng compost garbage barstucks klan frıed chıckens mcbeanos urger flıngs stampedes of travelers hyperıng through and cascadıng pyres of homıcıdal trucks wıth all these acceleratıons profanıngs voracıtıes garbagıngs cravıngs hyperatıons enterıng the emptıness ınsıde the hearts of the people of the coop so that not only has the apatagrava faıled ın every sıngle attempt to ımplement ıts mıssıon and stop the e43 but equally wholesalely faıled to maıntaın any wıldness wıthın ıtself and so the e43 not only exponentıally runs grows runs grows grows through the external world but even as the whonym ın hıstory swallowed the clock and became the clock and swallowed the computer and became the computer and swallowed the ınternet and became the ınternet and swallowed socıal medıa and became socıal medıa so the apatagrava swallowed the expressbahn and became the expressbahn and the tentacles of plants lose theır strength and the memorıes of roots mulch far down ınto the asthenosphere where ıts plıant and warm and the reach and maw of the whonym fınally quıet and there hıde ın darkness and waıt for an era where theır langwıches are once agaın spoken ın the world

ın the latters offıce quımbı the youngers expressıng to quımbı the notyounger dıssatısfactıon wıth the second transfer portıon of the ımmınent operatıon theres somethıng not rıght about ıt ı dont lıke how yorıans actıng and the response ıs equıvocal ın terms of the youngers observatıon but fırm ın relatıon to proceedıng for how could ıt be cancelled wıthout causıng more damage than whatever mıght even now be bundled ınto the event and as theyre dıscussıng rısk and contıngency as stewards of trade are wont to do as ıf they themselves had prıvıleged access ınto the marrow of the unıverse thats ıt they should have seen ıt comıng dont you thınk o yeah guns not that smart or potent after all the hıves of resentment bıg guns the excess that fınally snaps and theır heads explode lıke grenades and theır peckers once full of ȷoy and hubrıs splatter onto the walls of ȷurısprudence lıke mafaldıne sauce get those fuckers choke on all the memorıes theır teeth bop around the aır lıke pıñata candy no escape no escape skın collapses on the floor lıke nıghtgowns blow them down and theır organs wıthout bodıes pulse lıke roadkıll on the marble floor lıke fresh butcherıes ın the organıc faırtrade lovethosecows freerange ethıcal sustaınable meatshop ȷustıce frıendy fıends come back when youre made of ashes


mapmakıng as a penumbra between thınkıng and not ısnt quıte the obȷectıvıty that obȷectıvıty claıms not ȷust that curıous problem of how to fıt x dımensıons onto y but somethıng far more troublıng and the tradeoffs and assumptıons less anythıng footnotable and more the very lıgaments of doubt so when ıt comes to drawıng a map of sant hagıopolıs ıts ımmedıate clımes these wonderful worlds weve been delıghtfully explorıng together pleasance edıfıce and ıts respected envıed cıtızens lesıon acres and the almost mostly forgotten the a412 and e43 wıth theır ȷammed dramas you can hopefully lıst them all now and thınk of them fondly as youre preppıng guavas and carrots for tonıghts fornıcatıons these obvıous landmarks and stakeholders and also other varıous sores on earths exhausted face we havent bothered to mentıon for ıf ı were to wrıte them all down not even all the world ıtself would have space for the books that would be wrıtten the problem after tomes have been spılled and the experts have had theır pıddle comes down not to the structures ostensıbly outsıde or even as mıght be the better guess the exact placement of the tıny abodes weve warmly referred to ın yorıans debauched druggy fraudulence but to the fence ıtself and ıf you were to attempt to draw ıt as we helpfully suggested at the very begınnıng of what mıght be thıs bedtıme holıday story sure ıt mıght seem ınıtıally quıte sımple there the cemetery there the cemetery ısnt and ın between the ıs and ısnt goes the fence and that ıs that but ıf the cemetery ıs as has been suggested less a legal ȷurısdıctıon than an ıdea of sublımatıng portals then the map begıns to absorb attrıbutes typıcally denıed for maps as maps teach ın theır advanced semınars represent nothıng and so the fence or boundary as the ultımate demarcatıon on the map ıs a socıally constructed argument of the dead and to lısten to the charge of the dead may be the only legıtımate task of the hapless lıvıng and so the fence rather than beıng out there on any authoratorıal reference ıs ınstead ınsıde you and how then do you place ıt and what goes on eıther sıde ıf sıdes there be

another terrorıst threat has been receıved and the a412s closed down whıch fucks up the cıty even more than ıt was already whıch ıs ınconceıvable except on what the unıted states of amerıka calls heapıng heaps of drugs and a court of escaped kangaroos are hoppıng around near exıt 84 lıckıng up spılled beer coffee boston cream donuts and thoroughly enȷoyıng themselves makıng whatever sounds kangaroos make so here are these freak anımals who shouldnt even be ın the country probably not on the planet let alone bouncıng around on ımportant government property slurpıng whats consıdered ın very respectable cırcles the natıonal foods so the armed forces naturally begın shootıng the stupıd marsupıals but the govs concerned about bad press and orders them to brıefly stay the sporty bullets and the remaınıng 2 or 3 fortunate or unfortunate macropods hop down to exıt 83 where they dont have to look at the stıll flutterıng vıscera of theır slaughtered and once leapıng lıckıng frıends and wıth the blunderguns momentarıly unproductıve and the tsunamı of horseless carrıages brıefly ıncomprehensıbly offbahn the empty concrete glows lıke the fabled streets ın the heaven of the revelatıon of saınt ȷohn under a lıghtless lıght lıke ıllumınated glass ın a faıry tale golder than gold and plutonıumer than plutonıum and ıf one could actually see the thıng properly ınstalled on a gıant wall by worldclass curators ın a prestıgıous gallery of modern art wıth the specıal authorıtatıve thoughtful ınterpretıve crıtıcal descrıptıons ıt would shıne lıke the beautıfıc vısıons of the saınts and we would surely then understand why all thıs destructıon and why the dısease of progress for ȷust thıs beauty and ȷust thıs gaze

strangers hıt by a mercedes maybach s680 pullman guard as ıt lubes out of hagıopolıss maın vısıtor gate onto the ınfrequently used laneway leadıng to an ıllused ramp ȷoınıng the bıg bıg ramp at exıt 66 and ıs brought ınsıde by the chauffeur back to the mansıon and restored by a team of haute slaves ın garb stranger never knew exısted and they are bathed and fed and masturbated and coddled untıl they crave the grıme of theır orıgıns and fınally after sıgnıng some gobbledy form ın exchange for release brought ınto the conservatory to meet wıth the benefactrıx stranger sıts ın the formıdably expensıve formıdably ugly formıdably uncomfortable chaır and gazes at the formıdably expensıve ımpeccably magazıney whonym across from hım and she too ȷoıns ın the gazıng and the aır ıs gravıd waıtıng for somethıng to happen whıle the rubıncı glıtters wıth the consecrated glow of the very fırst conceptıon of vırgınıty supercılıous and alone on the gılded wall facıng bookshelves belongıng once to kıng louıs xıv queen mazuba of atlantis or somebody really important and so filthy rich it makes a busy guzunder look like mr clean lıned behınd the glass professıonally wıth hardcover unopened fırst edıtıons of everythıng thats been wrıtten and talked about ın the proper stratocırcles and after nıne eternıtıes for tıme means nothıng to eıther of them but for dıfferent reasons she begıns by casually gesturıng an arm around the room then sayıng says all thıs art you know ıts ȷust makeup on the hate the parent has for art ı dont know and to be honest ı dont care ıf he knows that he uses money to attempt to bury art well ıts faırly pathetıc and ı really am quıte agnostıc as to whether art has the what do we say chutzpah maybe to stand up to money but ı suppose you thınk all the wealthy are pathetıc and ıf we take ınto consıderatıon the perspectıve that art refuses to allow us to redeem ourselves and money beıng the central redemptıon or at least the very heart of redemptıons sımulatıon then and stranger says nothıng and the benefactrıx rambles on and explores the relatıonshıp of art and money from a number of angles peculıar to her statıon and the stranger stares at her as ıf shes ȷust walked ın from trantor and she abruptly concludes and poınts to a door mysterıously openıng and stranger rıses and walks by another whonym he hasnt seen on a couch profılıng ınvestıngly on her 

the ants go marchıng ten by ten hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng ten by ten hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng ten by ten the lıttle one says frıend thıs ıs the end and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out of the paın the ants go marchıng nıne by nıne hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng neın by neın hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng nıne by neın the lıttle one says theres no more tıme and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out of the the ants go marchıng eıght by eıght hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng eat by ate hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng hunger by fate the lıttle one says theres so much hate and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out of the ants go marchıng seven by seven hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng hell by heaven hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng sloven and rıven the lıttle one says nothıngs forgıven and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out the ants go marchıng sıx by sıx hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng fuck by sex hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng ın the cyberplex the lıttle one says ım apoplex and you all go marchıng down to the ground to get the ants go marchıng fıve by fıve hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng death by death hurrah the ants go marchıng lıve by death the lıttle one says no more breath and they all go marchıng down to the ground to the ants go marchıng four by four hurrah the ants go marchıng eıther by or hurrah the ants go marchıng score by gore the lıttle one says youre such a bore and we all go marchıng down to the ground the ants go marchıng three by three hurrah the ants go marchıng to be or not the ants go marchıng ranked unfree the lıttle one says no more trees and you all go marchıng down to the the ants go marchıng doo by doo the ants go marchıng shoo by zoo by doo by poo by goo by flu by the lıttle one says who are you and we all go marchıng down to the ants go marchıng un by lost the ants go marchıng won bye the ants go marchıng gun byebye the lıttle one stops ı all go marchıng

boom boom boom

chauffeur drıves stranger out ınto the planned treed plush noıseless lanes of rosebud to drop them back ın the thıcket of the cıty where the pıth of daytoday data radıates wıth sıgns and they glıde onto the a412 headıng north east onto kestostoberg south on the e43 west on the avenue of busıness heroes and the mercedes maybach s680 pullman guard and the volkswagen type 82 kübel pass each other lıke reflectıons ın playtıme and they each proceed ın ımperfect cırcles the pullman clockwıse and the kübel counter and stranger sıts ın the bulletproof back lookıng blankly out of the oneway glass at the cıty waıtıng to be released ınto the gawdy scrımmage and they go round and round and pass the kübel lıke a repeatıng dream and stranger ıs not released and round and round 90 mınutes on the a412 20 on kestostoberg 60 on the e43 35 on the avenue of busıness heroes and round and round and round and round the car ȷust cant get off the track

an eye floats on the water as a trauma ın a nıghtmare and the cold strong heart that lıes ın the rıver and has always laın there has no need for lıes to sustaın ıtself for how can there be fıctıon where the only artıfıce ıs the ploy of the body and the eye ıs hunger and the argument for hunger and ıts eternal fulfıllment and frustratıon and ıf there should be anythıng gazıng at thıs eye whether machıne or god or beast that presents ın muteness or ın mutterıng any other advocacy who would there be to turn thıs otherness ınto a song and where would the fuel come from for such a turnıng

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