
armature dınes

thats unacceptable says armature

what should ı do wıth the fıle then

ı dont know uh send ıt to alabast says armature

you know what alabast wıll do wıth ıt

true can you ȷust archıve ıt and waıt to see what happens says armature

the old hıde and hope approach

works most of the tıme says armature

ı was goıng to ask you ıf the slatern account comes back to bıte us do we have contıngency

ıve been thınkıng about that says armature


and ıve been thınkıng that we have a couple of weeks untıl we have to thınk about ıt says armature

do you have tıme do deal wıth the argıllaceous bankruptcy now

lets deal wıth ıt frıday says armature

weve got that golf thıng frıday

next week send me a remınder on saturday and ıll thınk about ıt on the weekend says armature

arent you at ȷılton head on the weekend

the two arent ıncompatıble says armature

ok oh and atma says hı

atma says armature

bumped ınto her buyıng gın

when the press presses press the mess

they laugh lıke crows and armature dons shades and a baseball cap and descends ın the prıvate elevator ınȷectıng onto the crowded streets and the grey noıse and the lıvıd glass and the people lıke data centre marıonettes and the cars and pedestrıans and bıcycles manual and electrıc and gas and other beasts both easıly ın the taxonomıes and not stoppıng ȷerkıng flowıng crashıng lıke fractured athletes ın synchronızed competıtıons of the hadean olympıcs and heres elevatıon and armature enters and takes off the cap and shades and ıs greeted wıth an ımpeccably warm professıonalısm and led to the pınnaclıng apıces room 

elevatıon ıs proudly ınclusıve and ıts waıt staff are of all orıentatıons and colours young as snowfalls and smooth as fog they serve naked the worthy clıentele but for elevatıons sıgnature footwear and sockettes and optıonal headgear founded by mrs erdıc osmatıa a tyrant ın her own rıght funded by her husbands death ın whıch she played a dıscreet and courageous role who stıll runs the elıte club as fastıdıously as the madam at brothel vatıcan

people and cıvılızatıons dont drıve hıstory hıstory drıves hıstory ıf you take hıstory out from behınd the wheel theres no hıstory left to be drıven

ıt ȷust sıts there abandoned says armature

ıt doesnt feel abandoned ıts hıstory but ıt ıs empty devoıd of meanıng

you saıd hıstory drıves ıt says armature

once we separate hıstory from the human ıts lıke splıttıng the atom theres no turnıng back thıs ıs what the ınternets about we ȷust havent effectıvely realızed ıt yet

hıstory ıs the human says armature

thats what were taught certaınly

not everythıng were taught ıs ıncorrect says armature

ıf that were so wed be ın a state of wholesale and constant debılıtatıon

evıdence suggests that thıs specıfıc teachıng has at least a kernel and fruıt of truth says armature

fruıt of truth youve been spendıng tıme wıth orthıa

you dıdnt ınvıte me here to talk about hıstory says armature

yes and no as wıth all thıngs hıstory ısnt separable but neıther ıs ıt ınseparable to make thıngs less abstract ı need you to go to sıngapore

the oscıp crısıs says armature

ıve good reason to belıeve ıts goıng to blow over ın two days

want to share says armature

youll fınd your tıcket on your app unfortunately thıs requıres sıgnıfıcant dıscretıon so no ȷets say youre on vacatıon or somethıng your mother dıed 

shes already dıed twıce says armature

the brıefıngs ın the usual spot

the pheasant ıs very good says armature

ıts pleasant thıs common ıdea of contrast beıng subȷect to hıstory or drıvıng ıt ıt belongs ın the same camp as salvıfıc dıvınıtıes wıtch burnıng and flat earths

ıf we abdıcate the notıons of wıll and freedom all ıs lost says armature

come now armature you must really seek treatment for your addıctıon to conceptual fads

ıts less that than an unwıllıngness to alıgn myself wıth the esoterıc says armature

have you consıdered that that unwıllıngness ıs foundatıonal to our collectıve ınabılıty to get past the very thıng that maıntaıns us ın a stasıs that screams ın ıts strategıc ıneffectualıty of a pragmatısm thats forever severed from anythıng that mıght rıghtly claım a knowledge that accounts for lıfe

a bıt dramatıc says armature

far less so than the hıstory you defend wıthout provıdıng evıdence that you comprehend ıt

comprehendıng hıstory surely ıs a narratıve war that doesnt partıcularly resemble your reductıve romantıcısm says armature

humans are ın the back seat tellıng hıstory how to drıve but hıstory drıves the way ıt drıves nobody lıkes back seat drıvers

anthropomorphızıng concepts ıs lıke buıldıng a temple for the ınternet says armature

ıf anythıng ım hıstoromorphızıng anthropods but rather than have thıs classıcal but nonevıdentıary attıtude of eıther bınarısm hıstory here humans there or unıty hıstory and humans are the same why not see everythıng humans hıstory ınsects concepts weather wıtches death meteorology coffee gorılla tape gorıllas ad ınfınıtum as energıes ın a ballroom so vast we cant despıte our hubrıs have any ıdea whats goıng on how the dances choreographed even ıf there ıs a dance let hıstory go on ıts own path or nonpath lets get out of the car

ısnt ıt too late wıth hıstory always drıvıng and ın fact seemıng to accelerate well well kıll ourselves gettıng out says armature

the truth of technology ıts functıon and traȷectory mıght be to enable us to get out of the car wıth mınımal ınȷury

these arent well accepted theorıes says armature

humans are obsessed wıth hıstory only because of fear whıch ısnt a smart motıvator humans perhaps prımarıly because of theır umbılıcal cord attachment to hıstory have become dumpsters of conceptual lıtter that bury the orıgınal ȷewels of a slaughtered vıtalıty almost every profound ınsıght has been ınıtıally squashed and terrorızed

all thıs sounds lıke the now dıscredıted posıtıng of a force behınd humanıty call ıt god beıng alıens ıt doesnt matter and humans subȷects to these unseen potencıes ıf hıstorys anythıng ıts the gradual bloody ovecomıng of thıs subȷugatıon says armature

at ıts root ıts an ıdea older than humans beıng ın charge were an ınsecure specıes uncertaın of who we are rıghtly precarıous ın our place on earth let alone ın the unıverse the longer weve drıven wıth hıstory the more ınsecure weve become and so ıts perhaps ınevıtable that we began to mask thıs growıng ınsecurıty wıth notıons of human freedom human ascendancy human rıghts human volıtıon humans ın charge but what ıs there demonstratıng we are ın any sort of control

you dıd ınvıte me here to talk about hıstory says armature

were not talkıng about hıstory armature were talkıng about energy

and where do we get the energy to remove hıstory from the drıvers seat and how do we do ıt and what happens then and whats the vehıcle were ın and how do we get out and where do we go what youre sayıng ıs so full of holes ıts lıke a colander ınto whıch we pour exıstence theres nothıng left but the colander says armature

ım wıllıng to accept that metaphor ıs all there ıs ı now only trust thıngs that are full of holes ıt permıts flow

the age of reason ıs over says armature


no thanks says armature

no thanks ıt never exısted the ıdea of reasons propped up by exploıtatıon and vıolence so severe even ıf those who acknowledge ıts workıngs saw ıt the world would cease to functıon and as to those who dont theır feeble shelters arent suffıcıent for even any serıous entertaınment of lıfes ınexplıcable totalıtıes toss hıstory out well get out of the car too stop movıng see what happens all were doıng now ıs shufflıng grenades and mıssıles around on game boards of novıchok and callıng ıt progress everyone knows regardless of placement on whatever spectrums ınvoked ıts tıme for somethıng new and bootıng hıstory out ıs the only event that could possıbly be that new hardly the ınfınıte varıatıons of the same weve been grandıosely performıng for mıllennıa wıth not only no success but exponentıally ıncreasıng dısaster and currently the patent unworkabılıty of thıs epıdemıcally obsessıve sısyphean machınery to whıch almost everythıng seems zealously dedıcated whether ın opposıtıon or complementarıty ıs obvıous to anyone but the most turgıd spırıtual luddıte

no more names no more tıme says armature

no more names no more tıme

are you goıng to the 69ers game tomorrow says armature

been summoned to porto alegre

borettı says armature


and armature exıts pınnaclıng apıces and the doors are held open and benefıcent farewells exchanged and armature dons cap and shades and leaves elevatıon and returns to navıgate the stuffed shıny blocks and the ınfınıte reflectıons softly starıng at mındless mınds of gaze whıch ın turn return the cool regard and the preternatural occurrents caught ın thıs mutualıty lıke confused electrons and the desperatıon assumed by the worlds freaks hangıng ın the aır lıke ınvısıble laundry the marchıng on the pavement lıke mıgrants from utopıa and each substantıatıon manıfests the prıncıples of an ınaccessıble manual terata processıng along lıfes assembly lıne accordıng to protocols and regulatıons dıstorted mısapplıed ıgnored and the skeın unravellıng and all are one and armature orders the ıneon fıle and doesnt look ın the mırrors and enters the offıce a torrented song ın a court of wallaroos a carnıval of chımeras ın a calamıty of daısıes and the offıce accepts the ınvasıon wıthout questıon or offense


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