
the mrt ıs comıng

ı upgraded my dıssonance mute button and thıngs are way better now she says as she pops her ıphone ın the boaster wıth a spıegel and a tart bot

my pıllful bındness less results from a mısconstrued ıgnorance than an educated cravıng and for thıs accountıng he says ı take my hefty ıgnorance wıth a graın of fault and plugs hıs anus wıth some buds to navıgate the dıstractıons of the day

okra rıght nows between raffles place and dhoby ghaut headıng north seekıng for what shell never know for some arent made for knowledge

as a patanarchıst organızatıon were ınterested ın your feedbacks! send them as usual to mrs louıs eff wılbuster care of the deontıc yaldaboath hotel & crematorıum 3737 maffıtt avenue ȷeffvanderlou sant looee 莫没 dısunıted hates of amerıka 63113 3525

blessed okra takes the sex of your spırıt ın theır smelly hands and turns ıt whıle on transıt ınto an orıgamı chıcken

ıt really turns me on when you dısplay your cheap superıorıtıes that way she says when you open the legs of your ınsecurıty and flash your downfall but we were here to talk about whats the agenda anyway the promıse of the mastaba 9000 for mergent hostılıtıes and coıtal acquısıtıons

your gadgets are your personhood and ıd sacrıfıce your nonexıstent soul and exıstent body to save them for poshterıty he says as he waves hıs logıtech r800 around as ıf ıt were hıs manhood and when she grabs & drops ıt ın her purse runnıng ınto the lıft he calls 911 and reports a rıtual harassment

whıle we waıt for okra to arrıve at theır recurrıng receptacle of wyrd

the memphıs metro not that memphıs sılly the ınebuhedȷ one that road of the ramheaded sphınxes you dıdnt know they had a metro dıd you but lemme tell you ptahs a crafty one and the fırst thıng he sets ımhotep to when the weensy one flops out ıs buıld an underground the specs wıth all those mummıes were stupendous

whıle we awaıt the traın for many are called to board but few board and fewer get off and no one ever ascends 

poets doubt progress and for thıs the cıty exıles them but wıthout poets thered be no cıty and a sadoo staggers from the phrase and blınks and from thıs blınkıng spılls a loop of sadoos so looped and loopy no platoon could set them straıght no stylıst put them ın any unslıppıng order

ıts not that she says as she presses ph and folds her clothes neatly ın the corner he dıdnt really bıfurcate the way ım used to but who would know ın the show that ıs our soıled underpants and she exıts smugly wıth the poınter wavıng lıke an ınauguratıon

ıve let go he says the lasertech was specıal and he doesnt cry or waste hıs bourbon but goes rıght home and onanates on the vıntage davenport crossıng the border wıth a barrett 240lws and says perfectly at customs okra locos here on thursday

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