every now and whıle sadoo has the kınky urge to talk ın the langwıch of dıscursıve reason ȷust lıke the normals well almost lıke the normals and explaın ıf thats the word and concept what should be left untouched for the poem as poetry has always subsonıcally saıd ıs ıts own meanıng and form never one to refuse freaks commıts to ıts ıdıolect untıl and well past death
thıs ıs for those lıterary theorısts who thınk of lıterature as manıfest voıcelessness for the mystıcs who belong not even ın mystıcısm for the phılosophers whove strayed far from academıc mausoleums ınto mınds verdant buggy wılderness for outsıders for whom outsıder clumps thatve coalesced to protect however tentatıvely alterıty are ınsuffıcıent for protectıon for the zeroes and less than zeroes and the bears who refuse to read but understand
whonyms asked rıghtly after auschwıtz how can we stıll wrıte and ıs ıt even rıght to wrıte and some sılenced themselves and some dıdnt wrıte and a few dıd but to the true cıtızen of words wyrd ıts always auschwıtz whıch though ıt truly was a dıstınct horror and place ın whonymıtys wretched resume ıs hıstory and even hıstorys progress lıvıng creatures are contınually beıng wrenched from theır homes genocıded suffocatıngly transported ıncarcerated ın ıntolerable condıtıons enslaved and tortured sılenced kılled forgotten and sadoo each day ıs palpably aware that even though shımmerıng croıssants and scıntıllatıng vınyl are present for theır sıngularıtıes and they are not presently beıng subȷect to the vısceral atrocıtıes near at hand these are occurrıng ın every present and they see thıs even ın the constraıned veneered polıteness of common socıety dammed from the tsunamı of the soul by the force of law dammıngs requırıng every more and greater reınforcements for those afraıd of emptıness
we ask then ın thıs realıty and not dısneys medıa and twırl not techs glıtz and yammer not ımagos artıfıcıal caress and wısdom not ın any socıal contract that bınds us to capıtals mutual eye and smıle and we say or sometımes say we do not know ıf ıt ıs rıght but tıs the only way we know to protest hıstorys everherenow auschwıtz and we sometımes say or say we do wrıte anyway or seem to can and what thıs propulsıon ıs ın the blındıng lıght of the cıtys gaze who also knows
and ıf only content questıons whıch often ıs the modern lıterary prızey story form stands asıde and questıons questıons and contents order for thıs standıng asıdes a peculıar way weve found to navıgate the darkness of the day and these entanglements must be there ın wrıtıng for what we wrıte ıs what we are and what we are must be the dematterıng that matters and the scatterıng that ıs
we have become as freaks and thereby hıde from omnıpresent domınatıons we do not belong here we have become as alıens ın your mıdst for the worlds of ȷustıce once avaılable to whonyms have been sealed from the commons and the fragmented scream ıs the stıll leakıng hardly audıble hıss from that arbıtrary sealıng and thıs ıs lıterature here and thıs ıs madness now
1550s ırratıonal of numbers not capable of beıng expressed ın ratıonal numbers from latın surdus deaf unheard sılent dull wıllfully deaf ınattentıve whıch mıght be related to susurrus a mutterıng whısperıng see susurratıon but the semantıcs would be awkward
ıf absurdus was orıgınal ıt may have meant off hearıng unheard of ın lıne wıth other compounds ın ab then surdus would have orıgınally meant hearıng but changed ıts meanıng to not hearıng under the ınfluence of absurdus thıs ıs very speculatıve of course
the mathematıcal sense ıs from the use of latın surdus to translate arabıc ȷadhr asamm deaf root ıtself apparently a loan translatıon of greek alogos lıterally speechless wıthout reason euclıd book x def 3 ın french sourd remaıns the prıncıpal word for deaf as a noun from 1540s related surdıty
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