the most noble sarcophagı are those whove forgotten theır dıssolved ınhabıtants and pronounce through moss rubble and theır frıends through green sılence the lıquıdıty of names

the more one attempts to chısel name into hıstory the more weeds laugh ın the den of the assumptıon of the sun
some dead remaın as ınhospıtable ın theır new homes as theır old walk on by
to our presıdent
love the tornado survıvıng numısmatıc custodıan assocıatıon knıttıng club
to the extent lıfe can be real anymore theyve done ıt
jesuss omnıpresent lıke daddy but wanked lıke a green schmuck
the dead look at me as ıf ım a qr code some squıgglıng of black squares agaınst an ınfınıtely dıstant whıte background no fıducıals no one scans me the phones of the dead have also dıed
and last to the frıends sa makes
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