brumyren &
the future of whonymity
on merdre 29 a brumasaurus enters galadaps bedroom through an obscurity in valuation and befriendment spontaneously occurs and they tour through a menagerie of whonyms and whether the cages are small or large the whonyms think themselves free and the friends laugh a tad & awhile and watch the ruttings and gobblings a bit agog though commenting after over a few zazaracs that the expedition was remotely tedious for what is the whonym that it thinks itself so grand in its cages but arent you a whonym asks brumasaurus
its the first thing ı remember mama saying that our tasks to construct a plurality of worlds thatre invisible to whonyms and thatre more real than all worlds most real to whonyms and that these invisible worlds are inseparable from the one true visible world less that of galleries and skyscrapers and michelinrestaurants and gazebos lawnmowers iphones refineries knives though these arent excluded yet more of the forgotten realms of forests clouds moss darkness you brumasaurus are a creation of the meeting of those worlds and so am ı and so is the house of mama and so whether we who are of such birth are whonyms or some other thing ı think that knowledge may be in the house of mama and playing hide and seek with me and this game seduces me to the marrow
we galadap my brister my sother are spovers in lirit
that may be brumy
that we fuliginous dinos are back on the radar must mean something
a theorys that as the gap between nature and whonymity animalflesh and whonymflesh increases so nature and animal bridge the uncanny through shadow and enter the whonym from within
so the same applies to time
which takes the form of all shapes something capitalist money doesnt have the capacity to recognize and as whonyms wear this money as their skin theyve lost the ability to know the many forms of time
i see we dinos growing in the whonym and bursting forth from whonym meat and returning to our foragings in a feral and demoneyed earth
ı wouldnt go that far
i see those born of widget and fern swamp and vision as the beginning of a new alphabet the seeds of a future language that will merge image and meaning and the whonym will become as pleorotus braueri trampled into the march of mulch another taxon among countless taxa that was overspent
exciting concepts
i see dino and biped dancing to the drums of blue memories loosely hung in the once burnt forest eyes open like stars and canopies of love flung over us like dreams
ı search for my species and find mockery and indifference wander aimlessly in the rooms of the house of mama and listen for whispers of understanding conventions parade outside like howitzers this meat in which ım housed in an oven with bovines and porcines and screams silenced by pervasive feasting ı search for my tribe like a ghost released from its encasement by spirits of unknowing and cry out the names given to me by midnight and echoes from outside of recognition return like summer flies ım forlorn and wretched and dont know who ı am
but im brumy and im your friend
and the two outcasts venture into the night and detour the zoo until they pass through the customs of perception and enter naked the foyer of footstools of the throneroom of clouds