
the bamazon is urning

titties as big as constellated bears bare themselves to the hard ass of the borealis these bark and durning days and eyinfunjowo kasimaawoo faderera joooda aanuoluwakiishi mofeoluwa ododo knocks on my chump like an outhouse and speaks to my dessicated brain of shaven trees and lands on them like raffles and my cranium a fishbowl into which the hand of the mastos reaches to pluck the losers

come with me big titties to the fowndall of the world and we shall board the last vamoose to wherewhatfor&why, come with me constipated sky and be my luggage in the overhead compartment of my gonadian tealights oh riesling and syrah syrah  oh muddleplump and termites

this in case you missed it is the annual meeting of the shareholders of the multinational stateless charter company tax haven corporation dink and i’m pissilla queen of desserts and kiss my transwit in the kisser, let us call us to disorder

and i deer hairshoulders am janabus jonabus blabibus boobibus your chief execrative offaler and here are the charts and the futures and the big big lines and the big big arrows and follow me

and i venison umbles am kratz kunkl your chief funebrial offaler and here are the farts and the sutures and the big big signs and the big big barrows and follow them

and that is the meeting and go home and fuck yourselves and i’m pissilla and kiss my kisser

and i lie like a ventriloquist on the dummy of the earth and open my tiresias to the lost and black expanse and stars explode like copporn and my latrine talks like genealogies and in what jamapit are the sanities, invest in me you wannabes and fey syrah syrah  shall we burn

we lie like asswobbly line somniloquists with widgets in our sockets and forklifts in our ears on sodden regulations and sloshed centuries under black expense and stars implode in follywould and my privy takes up its bed and walks come kawaya kami and johnny cash is here with jesus and fey selah selah and superclusters shall we burn


journey to mecca

my most putrescent sapoo, what have you learned this summer for as we know from those who say it’s all about learning opportunities it’s all about learning opportunities

we’re on a journey to mecca and the genders inside are jostling for a view

that sounds practical

i only want orgies
everything else bores me

yes, we realize you’ve spent 18 weeks alone in a privileged green shoe bouncing around in the tiny confines of your mind instead of bouncing around in the tiny confines of society but could you make some attempt to communicate in the normal ways so that our unreaders at home or in their best friend’s spouse’s gonads can take at least some little inspirational morsel into their inspirationstarved lives for as those who say it’s all about inspirational morsels say it’s all about inspirational morsels

and i go to the mall of love
and doktor huphen gogol gonococci reads from the proper of names
and i hear what i’ve always heard
trade talk’s always the same

one of the things that strikes our unreaders is – and i quote here from a recent tweet from a city councillor in duh loins in i-owe-ah! – sadoo pooper doesn’t poop the way the rest of us nonpoopers poop i mean i’m all for diversity like everyone but i believe in only one poop

allāhu akshiva eloha budammad brasus chrimin krichri ganebar

you know yesterday i took the zoomwoosh gooberfire 000 to the castles of tan-zany-ah! and was installed as queen of air conditioners, this made me think a thought of somethink else for yesteryear’s witchhunts are palehunts next to ourhunts

i only want pierogies
everything else galls me
like republican presidents
and mystic dissidents
and especially geometric beauty

i’m pure like a leporidae or a morogoro and i wait for the 1533 lagomorpha linguini 2311 to pull in and the sun like stale peach jello rise also into the smog of an impossible deli and i’m not immune to such blather, to statements that smile on our nonexistent selves, a sentiment if i weren’t a beached himbo has been expressed in erstwhile dictions now lounging in the southsouthwest speciesneutral washroom on the lower level by the apotropaic stand which hamsa pazuza ofuda’s been tending since a clad of boncubines on a marshmallow train to nowhere dine on time on time in chancrous calendars, the clairvoyant horse sees it there, the clad on time on time and signals the girl to a forbidden ride and rocks like sansoo descending from a sanbo kyodan retreat as we sing the sad hit i’m as litigious as a torn lagavulin ligament / let us sue zen with suisen / while reading the fourth abyssament / to be dead  to the fundament  to be dead

i think we’ve lost the thread

i’m impure like vitreloy on a hot yen roof or alicia & bobi as they beat one other to the tunes of top 50 love and i wait tomorrow in delhi in zero visibility in a jumper that doktors emeriti violated after ethics class and the moon like used titanium in arasmius oreades flops below the horizon like a regent of the green faerie on assiduous assignment for a lime tram to pull up and i’m not really like the phantoms of myself today and i can’t listen to your language which unruly truly sounds like animate shits ferociously battling to be the day’s top turd and there is no softness or gentleness in this world the flies sing on an ark of the future all kingdoms end in dreams to take me to a shrine in shenzhen to godforsaken gods

and that’s been the summer folks and if you don’t believe it don’t believe it. we’re going to mecca, all of us and the genders are jostling for a view


daoism, pessoa, human supremacy, patamorality

an increasing number of voices write about heresiarch nogueira as identity explorer, adventurer of the abyss of modernity, even his secular (and nonteleological) mystical attributes*

but there's been little on other core aspects: his daoism (compare for example the book of disquiet vignette 356 [zenith translation] with dao de jing 47 – but there are many such comparisons), his patahumanism** (i avoid post- and trans- and other increasingly commonplace prefixes as they're becoming too solidified, politicized, academicized) – by this i mean his decreation of human exceptionalism (everything talks with everything without meaning or hierarchy other than that impossible hierarchy of the monadism of sensations, that impossible meaning of the infinite chasms among and between transactional communication and the shapes and movements of the soul) and in this sense (though he explicitly and even seemingly implicitly is no ecologist, at least in the sense this word is typically used) he is a cosmic contextual ecologist: a tree, a cloud, a book, a sensation are all one and nothing and everything and something

a difference of course – and one of the reasons he eludes being called an ecologist – is his ostensible amorality ... but this expected perception is linked in part to his neodaoism – neo- by being even more daoistic than daoism through the way not even being spoken, named, alluded – which (also in its expression in the dao de jing and less so but still palpably in the zhuangzi) comes across to those steeped in the judeochristiancapitalistic tradition (increasingly the global human world) as immoral, this immorality though rooted in an often unquestioned faith in human supremacy and expressing itself in our now normalized and institutionalized schizoid cultures of moral bifurcation, confusion, and bankruptcy

* to compare fernando with other notable twentieth century secular mystics: s weil and e jabès for example - the former steeped in french catholic-jewish apophaticism, the latter in egyptian-french-jewish exile poetry. does saint antónio come across as the most modern, the most religiously unsteeped, having most fully abdicated even the negation of god, the emptiness of language ... partially through his relentless subversion of even subversion, his uncanny expressions of disbelief in the belief of the disbelief of belief ...

** and i use pata- with obvious references to jarry, for while pessoa lacks jarry's overt absurdity and iconoclasm (though not jarry's love of alcohol) he carries these traits well, though more subtly and calmly, ironically, throughout his works