titties as big as constellated bears bare themselves to the hard ass of the borealis these bark and durning days and eyinfunjowo kasimaawoo faderera joooda aanuoluwakiishi mofeoluwa ododo knocks on my chump like an outhouse and speaks to my dessicated brain of shaven trees and lands on them like raffles and my cranium a fishbowl into which the hand of the mastos reaches to pluck the losers
come with
me big titties to the fowndall of the world and we shall board the last vamoose
to wherewhatfor&why, come with me constipated sky and be my luggage in the
overhead compartment of my gonadian tealights oh riesling and syrah syrah oh
muddleplump and termites
this in case you
missed it is the annual meeting of the shareholders of the multinational
stateless charter company tax haven corporation dink and i’m pissilla queen of
desserts and kiss my transwit in the kisser, let us call us to disorder
and i deer
hairshoulders am janabus jonabus blabibus boobibus your chief execrative offaler
and here are the charts and the futures and the big big lines and the big big
arrows and follow me
and i venison umbles am
kratz kunkl your chief funebrial offaler and here are the farts and the sutures
and the big big signs and the big big barrows and follow them
and that is the
meeting and go home and fuck yourselves and i’m pissilla and kiss my kisser
and i lie
like a ventriloquist on the dummy of the earth and open my tiresias to the lost
and black expanse and stars explode like copporn and my latrine talks like
genealogies and in what jamapit are the sanities, invest in me you wannabes and
fey syrah syrah shall we burn
we lie like
asswobbly line somniloquists with widgets in our sockets and forklifts in our
ears on sodden regulations and sloshed centuries under black expense and stars implode in follywould and my privy takes up its bed and walks come kawaya kami and johnny cash is here
with jesus and fey selah selah and superclusters shall we burn