
a joke

This sadoo tends to find it best to avoid any direct comment on what is typically called the political activities of homo sapiens sapiens, preferring art--which, to be art, in contradistinction to the proclivities of the day, must avoid politics in any non-foucaultian sense--to state its non-statements in its unstated way.  Politics is only useful to the creator in the form of the extreme self-parody it not infrequently provides (a berlusconi).  (Politics self-parodies routinely of course; this is one of the functions of the news and why the news is tedious:  it's at best a mediocre joke ... whereas a berlusconi intuitively understands what politics is about:  the pure incarnate absurdity of barely mitigated exploitation).

Yet the largest public joke of the third millennium has just taken place!  Europe has given itself the nobel peace prize.  One of the most powerful entities on earth rewards itself for virtue--an act requiring a lobotomy so large one is rather astonished that any physical structure remains to support the gargantuan bureaucratic virtuality of its delusions.  (That jagland is both secretary general of the council of europe and chairman of the norwegian nobel committee, responsible for awarding the peace prize, consummates the joke.)  Colonialism hasn't diminished; it's simply changed its forms.

Who will celebrate this other than a few mandarins in luxembourg & brussels and a few doddering scandinavians?

I suggest europe's institutions and citizens immediately follow its example, rewarding themselves for philanthropy, humanitarianism, humility, restraint, and general beneficence to humans and animals throughout time and space.  Monuments to banks should be erected outside of banks.  Household shrines to the household should be established.

Shouldn't we award the peace prize to worms and bees?

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