
Letting Go of the Money Tree II

The Normalization Thesis

So Dr. Tooty-freudy comes to me and says (something like), Hey Jude, want me to throw a couple of projections in with your next session? This one’s on the mouse.  And i say, Hey doc, never hurts.  And that’s the way it goes.  Squeak squeak.  That’s the way it goes, squeak squeak that’s the way it goes squeak squea ...

The people say choose choose the finite is all there is ... you have to be something you have to be something you have to be something ... be an adult be a man be an ape ... god is dead but he who said god is dead chose his not-choosing, no-chose his choosing, like a god ... you always want someone to crack through, to see the unseeable you think you see, to say it the way you think you do, that person with the key
            the one who jabs and jabs and fucks that narnian witch like what the froggies did
to the algerians, it’s all good, it’s all right, you’re gonna sleep tonight like a baby-o and dream

(Which dream is your cloud and chain?  Families of dreams, like languages:  the romantic, the germanic, the tectonic, the blondiebeastie, the indie-european, the fruttitutti, the fresh&wild, the lone&eddied, the khoi-san, the neetcheenatzhee, the burushaski, the langwij sanwich, the glossoh!lalia, the ...)

Here are the problems of identity.  If one wishes to maintain a cohesive identity, one has to sacrifice reality (though one calls this sacrifice something like maturity, responsibility, sanity).  If one wishes reality continuously, one dies.  If one wishes some compromise between reality and identity, between spirit and flesh, between consciousness and mortality, between dreams and potato chips, if one wishes some semblance of reality, one’s identity morphs, partially and at times seemingly wholly, into whatever objects present themselves to one’s so-called identity.  With such compromise, one either travels into undesirable places and has partial or little support for such travels, resulting generally and specifically in mayhem, or one fabricates (that is, one arts), which is the same as the aforementioned except for the fabrication.

The problems of identity are not problems other than for those who require and/or acquire them as problems.in through the bonking glass, out through the viewing glass, abiit ad plures vixit mortuos plango cuntus obnoxicus prickus objectionicus fungi4allofus amen

That’ll be $200 please.  And your kids and your gonads for the projections.

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