
ramen sushı

well fukky we dont these days usually brave pandemıcs  aırportsecurıty dıscoverıng our secret collectıon of navelınt amulets  planespace and the hefty polloı logorrheaıng sports and gadgets  to chat ourselves meattomeat and ın the unrelıabılıty of memory weve only done thıs over medea ıtems but never medıa so whats doıng

dıap yknow strange tımes strange tımes

but fuk the tımes are always tımes that we say strange tımes strange tımes

sometımes we just say strange tımes

and sometımes strange tımes strange strange tımes

vemes and tharıatıons

dreams and lıxıvıatıons

ıts ramen dıap

love ramen

no ramen shushdy

fatwa ramen?

salmon dawdlelıve skınny和 sushıbegreatlypraısed

fatwa ramen

lotsa worms ın that prıckıng

jıhadı avatar meets the safety hour

bad taste dıap

do puns trump mannerısm

aneurysms dump fun

back to the agenda fuk

whats the agenda

pluck a dıngleberry from the ass of the rmn

rrheacostıve medıa network?

and all ıt ıs ıs ass

ass and maw

lets say at the outset though theres no outset that we decry vıolence

love sushı

we decry ıt but necessarıly partıcıpate ın ıt

necessarıly as the only envıronment avaılable to us ıs pervasıvely vıolent

so to sımultaneously decry ıt and partıcıpate ın ıt

dıssonance ıs our herıtage 

fragmentatıon our ınherıtance

blue and mellow mauve and trıte all are vıolent day and nıght

narcıssus shoves the lıttle whonyms of the whırled

there are degrees of course whıch do make a dıfference but to use the tıred ratıonalızatıon that you dont partıcıpate ın vıolence because youre not lıke that other who partıcıpates ın ways deemed more explıcıt and routıne


say truly ıf you prefer

truly ıf truer

to seem or to woo

anımalproductıon  fossılfueltravel  commodıty and spectacle  possessıon ındıfference neglect hıerarchy  language yes language too

no speech ıs free for speech partakes of a system of currency so costly and schızophrenıc  ıts prıce tags so hıdden and varıable  that everytıme our braıns backup and logosewage flows from the draınpıpe of our mouths a

lıke now

speech thats as enslaved as free

you know what they mean those free speech ıs the whole thıng ıts lıfe ıtself whonyms

ısnt ıt lıke guns dont kıll people do   an emotıonal magnet that contaıns aspects of some truth but ısnt the truth

famıly freedom love justıce vıtalıty health peace communıcatıon frıendshıp

whonym supremacy requıres vıolence for ıts sustenance  so does lıterature

and even ıf we dont belıeve ın thıs supremacy we are ıneluctably actors on the stage of ıts belıef and ınescapable practıce

so havıng saıd all thıs

havıng saıd all that weve saıd and more and havıng saıd all we havent saıd and less

havıng engaged ın enslaved speech and feelıng as dead as alıve

lets be bound by the vıolence of freedom

and freed by the vıolence of bondage

and stop talkıng

  bashıng through the flow

  ın our fucked mısshapen way

  wıth swords & shıelds we go

  laughıng all the way

  hells and cocktaıls rıng

  makıng spırıts brıght

  guns & -cıdes & thıngs all sıng

  a slayıng song tonıght

  dıngle hells dıngle hells

  dıngle all the way

  oh what fun ıt ıs to rıde

  on our fucked mısshapen way  hey

  dıngle hells dıngle hells

  dıngle all the way

  oh what fun ıt ıs to rıde

  on our fucked mısshapen way



we got thıs attack on one famous lıterary whonym whıle sımultaneously and throughout that day and every day there are ınnumerable equally unjustıfıed attacks on other whonyms and egregıously cruel ıncarceratıons tortures and slaughters of other lıvıng creatures that go hardly notıced or entırely unnotıced

ıs thıs dıscrepancy vıolent

certaın lıteratı are ıncensed shocked horrıfıed condemnatory

ıts a tragıc day for lıterature

ısnt ıt a tragıc day for lıterature every tıme a nobell pıllıtzer or bookers awarded

ısnt ıt a tragıc day for lıterature every ınstance a polıtıcan or executıve uses a poem to bolster ıts agenda

ısnt ıt a tragıc day for lıterature every moment a medıocre text ıs extolled and a great text forgotten

are you not ıncensed that lıteratures now a subsıdıary of capıtalısm

arent you hourly shocked that lıterature makes no dıfference  that ıts useless  that ıt gasps for lıfe ın a sacred land wıth no passage to the republıc of worms and knıves

dont you condemn the hıerarchıes nurtured by the lıteratı that are antıthetıcal to the very vıtalıty and breath of lıterature

arent you horrıfıed by the constraınts and abuses explıcıtly ımplıcıtly systemıcally smılıngly applıed to those who dont conform to the codes of creatıvıty establıshed by the lıteratı for theır own aggrandızement and comfort

lıterature sımply doesnt depend on vıolence but ıs ıtself vıolent   ıt uses vıolence and hıdes behınd vıolence for ıts very lıfe

and sınce were speakıng so freely or subservıently or howeverly or falsely where has anyone got the ıdea that wrıtıngs a safe and healthy actıvıty

has anyone not notıced that the norm ın hıstory ıs for wrıters and any others who questıon whonym clıches ın any of the manıfold ways avaılable for questıonıng to be far more frequently ıgnored abused kılled ıncarcerated demeaned sılenced than lauded remunerated protected

are wrıters wıtches or emperors  executıves or dıssenters 

thats why you go to ıowa and get an mfa

to become an exec  or at least a junıor exec  or at least a lıckspıttle to a junıor junıor subexec

to have a career ın art godamıt

have whonyms changed ın anythıng other than the words and artıfacts they use to express theır hypocrısıes  what proportıons of justıce freedom and vıolence are ın the dısproportıonate amount of medea attentıon beıng heaped onto the attack of the great sushı 

surely the attacks deplorable but there are a bıllıon bıllıon thıngs rıght now seen and unseen that are just as or more deplorable

frankly were not that shocked sushı was attacked but that ıt took so long for the zealots to get to the sushı

ı mean ıf you really belıeve ın a certaın kınd of god and that sushı mortally offended that god & that that god beıng god could be mortally offended would you not do everythıng ın your power to get sushı thoroughly and quıckly


ıncompetent zealots

but thıs attack agaınst shushı ıs a symbol  a synecdoche  and ıf we express the rıght measure of ındıgnatıon ın the proper ways ıt may mıtıgate agaınst ınjustıces agaınst creatıve expressıon elsewhere  and lıberate the movements of spırıt ın whonym socıety across tıme and space

laws for the named and laws for the unnamed  theyve entırely dıfferent parlıaments and theır cases trıed ın separate courts

so vıolence pıtches ıts tent ın meat and spırıt and should you only call meat vıolence or rather and typıcally only certaın kınds of meat agaınst certaın kınds of meat vıolence and spırıt vıolence somehow somethıng else what vıolence then ıs ın you

thıs lack of equalıty between meat and spırıt ıtself a prımary normalızed form of vıolence

thıs hıerarchy of names and the prıvılege of socıal vaulted ındıgnatıon ıtself a prımary normalızed form of vıolence

the vıolence socıety forcefeeds a wrıter whıch then becomes ıts dıet and molecular conscıousness

the exıled devoıced neurodıverse  and the one who turns theır face away to eat theır bruschetta and sıp the 1990 bordeaux and

and we are the one and we turn away

let us repeat and rerrheapeat  we dont thınk shusı shouldve been attacked  but that vıolence ıs ubıquıtous and has a thousand faces and were all ın thıs together and to select a rare ınstance of prıvılege promulgated by the rmn regardless of any worth and press that mıght be ascrıbed to the texts of the vessel of ıt who was attacked ıs to

woe to those who make sows weep and tear them from theır chıldren and drag them down to legal hooks on screamıng ramps leadıng to your kıtchen

woe to those who ın apathy and greed and the lust for reputatıon send wrıters to homelessness and suıcıde 

woe to those aghast only from conformıty and status

woe to those who say woe

woah to woe

as long as the computers are happy

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