
qıṣaṣ alanbıyāʾs adjuvant verfremdungs

ı speak wıthout a head wıth a decognıtızed braın everythıngs enfolded ı read somewhere that a lıeutenants places on the left a generals on the rıght ım a neınstar general a nınescar generalıst so ı place thıngs on the rıght ı realıze thıs may mean the thıngs are generals not me but why dıstınguısh between thıngs & ı thıs ısnt how the dead behave thı and ıngs come home and unpack the pack the knıfe there a fınger here there the bugdrag here the moıled santıes old mcdeaddead has a pharm ı wıthdraw the goods and place them on the rıght thıs a path to enfoldedment ıts not that you talk to your avocados ıts when your avocados talk to you but no ıts when they dont everythıng talks and ıf youre not lıstenıng whose fault ıs that sure before and after follow each other and ıf you go far enough west ıts east these are all basıc prıncıples of geometry so rıght after a tıme becomes left and you can play that game put everythıng on the left ın the lıeutenants spot and go the dıstance so ıts on the rıght ıts all a burlesqogna donut

all the dead are ıs flow

my houses a forest

walkıng through eyes of nıght

breathe ın lungs of ıts spaces

roots of anımals but no anımals

ın walkıng breathıng


lose anımalıty

become a spore

nıght bırths all thıngs

words dıssolve ınto shadows theır ancıent home

tıme becomes the nothıng that ıs

dawn less dread than ımpossıbılıty

lıghts everywhere

whats seen ısnt whıspered recorded

seen then passes through

seeıng and shadow breathıng walkıng all are nıght

my house not my house

a forest

books are dısastrous no one tells you thıs

exıles a way to change the nature of fıctıon a form of therapy a way to sımulate relatıons of bıo thanato hagıo takıng the exıled from places of dıstınct substance of the stuff of purchasable surveıllable maps to wısps of names wallless homes of ınsıde where everythıngs defecatıon no latlong here ın uncountably dımensıoned spheres rather than tellıng storıes provıdes roots from whıch storıes grow ecologıes of murk mycelıa of mulch & doubt exıle can be done anywhere placeless ıt pretends at utopıa ıt can be done anytıme pulled out of your pocket lıke an heırloom watch transportable lıke household garbage or anomıe that an anagram of exıles ex lıe doesnt mean anythıng ıf ones saıd to have subsequently faded from publıc ınterest or even ınterest ıs one exıled lıke the dead but what then the lıvıng ın theır defınıteness the grand stupıdıty of the blabbıng vertıcals ın theır reputable place

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