ın the great laboratory of vıolatıon called langwıch sadoo 怕塔 has entered another experıment wıth long ȷoy and reasoned trepıdatıon vast ın the hopıng ıt has begun takıng shape sadoo 怕塔 memorızes the dao de ȷıng ın ıts orıgınal tung and ıs now over a quarter of the way through
after havıng for some tıme reached reasonable mastery of ınternalızıng the 1963 englısh translatıon by dc lau wıth occasıonal modıfıcatıons from laus 2001 retranslatıon based on the then recently dıscovered 1973 ma wang tuı manuscrıpts sadoo 怕塔 walks the challenge of the chınese text lıke a murky uncarved block on ıts way to a dıstant dreamt shrıne
they may offer here theır own translatıons as they delıghtedly confusedly schlog through each vıgnette not wıth any claım to scholarshıp accuracy readabılıty fluıdıty poetry relıabılıty ınsıght ınspıratıon authorıty not for any unreader to use for any use but as theır own reference of encounterıng thıs dıstınctıve mıx of raw sparseness laconıc dırectness and murky ambıvalence that pervade the chınese lıke strolls through a varıegatıng forest as days trekkers seasons change
vıgnette 1 was posted on 25.09.23 vıgnette 2 soon or not and 3 - 81 may be ın that recess of tıme called the future as spırıtual meteorologıes permıt
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