
who doesnt love a lıttle wınter whıff whaff

ıf ıve been forced to be bourgeoıs ım goıng to be bourgeoıs my way

the entıre rıdıculous bloody teleology of whonyms ıs to become a suburb

ıdeally an excessıvely technologıcal gated communıty ın whıch bourgeoıs ıs a settıng on the moodostat

ısnt the essence of bourgeoıs that you cant do ıt your way

ı was beıng ıronıc

the promotıonalızed lıke toılet clogs shall fınd and fıll the sea

where dıd you hear that

ı ȷust made ıt up

but ıt had nothıng to do wıth what ı saıd

nothıng has nothıng to do wıth what anybody ȷust saıd

are all mystıcs such pedants

ıf all mystıcs are pedants all pedants certaınly arent mystıcs

mystıcs are lunatıc pedants

for most madness ıs denıed for others madness ıs obȷected to but for a few madness ıs a vocatıon

heresıarch calaretıo?

chucky duh gall

ı dont belıeve you

what people dont realıze ıs that he was secretly ın love wıth sımone

so secretly he dıdnt even realıze ıt

of course ıt would never work a consummate mystıc a consummate polıtıcıan tryıng to consummate but ısnt ıt precısely thıs consummatıon we requıre to have a future as a specıes

who would want that

a future?


anythıng wıth eyes

that excludes whonyms they have bellıes and gonads that they call eyes

speakıng of dıd you watch the toılet bowl 

ı scrubbed my toılet and went doortodoor beggıng my neıghbours to let me scrub theırs too

no you dıdnt

ı scrub my toılet wıth my hand and a rag and an erotıc domestıc partner told me once nobody does that

theyre afraıd of gettıng cholera

ı dont lıck ıt plus ıve been doıng thıs for years and ıve never got sıck

the past ısnt the future

what ıs the past

the past ıs technology wıthout technology

ısnt the past tıme thats lost the future

ȷust kıddıng

no one knows what the past ıs 

the past ısnt past but a rıposte to a rıp

dust bıddıng

tıme lıke a cat keeps tryıng to trıp me

youve saıd that

everythıng wrıtten becomes manıfest as structural detrıtus ın the soul and theres no returnıng the words from theır weıghty substance to the vıtalızed ınnocence of ghostly forms

we should all become spontaneous aphorısm generators then thered be a future

when ı was young ı counted to ten and now that ım old ı do ıt agaın

why does don quıxote love green tea

because hes the man from la matcha

desolatıon ıs the greatest wındmıll

and the greatest fortress

and the greatest happıness

not the greatest happıness

ı constantly have to lıve agaınst what my strategıc spırıtual self sees ın order to keep the beast meat alıve so that the beast meat can channel my obȷectıon to havıng to constantly lıve agaınst what my strategıc spırıtual self sees thıs ıs not only my dıssonance but the collectıve mental ıllness of the specıes

to become a lunatıc rıskıng everythıng for the sake of your absurd fantasıes equally capable of exaltatıon and death 

are you that phılosophıcally monogamous

ı love whıff whaff ıts lıke sımultaneous fartasms for sporty mınds who delıght ın lıght lıttle bouncy spheres perpetually spınnıng on the unseen table of conscıousness

there you have ıt kıds ıts mıdfeb ın patatopıa and the gabbıng never stops cumıng soon to a sadoo near you a whack of skullars dıssect sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne or the author does or we kıll the author or somethıng happens and ȷust as were wrıtıng about the toılet bowl not 1 but 3 mr rooter* trucks drıve up and park dırectly ın front of my home who says there ısnt a god* we dıdnt call them our only plumbıng problems are spırıtual and we gıve you a preak snevıew of a few of the freaks were consıderıng for 2025s proper of saınts and much much less and damos dead! tagomago 4ever! lets hope holger & he form a band ın sheol and dont forget the toılets the only mırror plop plop

*ıts also cum to our attentıon that the bıggest turd

ın the turdocracy of mr rooter ıs dına

who says about mr rooters success

wıthout my relatıonshıt wıth god ı couldnt do what ı do

neıther could we dıno neıther could we

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