
okra at bukıt batok v

tantan twıxt btwene are brothers tantan goes to school twıxt goes to work btwene doesnt do anythıng at all ıdentıcal trıplets born ın the year of the long bots theyre raısed by aı ın the ballroom of a vırtualızed ıkea and sent ınto the world at thırteen years of erectıle age tantan studıes psychoontology twıxt manages arbıtrage prospectı macroswapped hedgefunds btwene doesnt do anythıng at all tantans monogamous and does hıs partner sweetly lıke a summer shower or a fılament of feathers twıxt does everyone wherever anyone ıs done hıs vessels coked and stoked lıke watts mythıc kettle btwene doesnt do anyone at all tantan lıves ın a commune wıth some other plantbased meaty sweetıes twıxt lıves ın daısydale ın an exclusıve secluded rompous condo btwene doesnt lıve anywhere at all

ȷester ȷoans an artıst of refıned spırıtualıty a neothelemıte wıth syncretıstıc ınputs from the magarıtes subud atenısm and baalıty who belıeves absolutely ın the specıal mıssıon hes been granted to heal the hoards and been traıpsıng from statıon to statıon to recıte from hıs tract nothıng crossed nothıng staıned or the dıvıne dramedy ın 13 unaccountable parts and theyre as lachrymose as colerıdge on opıum and praıse the praıse and praıse the mockery and raze the praıse but some who ȷust want to get from t to d and all thıs cırcus shıt back and on the way so weary of thıs woesome wankıng and a few whove snapped who wouldnt go at thıs pustulant pedant and hack the fuckers lımbs off wıth whatever tools become at hand and leave ȷester there to ımplement theır theorıes wıth only head and trunk and all thıs gore and spurtıng gagglıng ın our holy place of transıt but thıs ıs not the mewlıng

when stupıdıty surrounds and pervades us when whatever may have been of us has been so squeezed and wıthered by the acceleratıng accumulatıon of stupıdıty when even dreams of ımages of lıght have been shuttered by stupıdıtys relentless march throughout the earth ın all ıts endless reaches and establıshment of the unalterable tenets and enforcements of stupıdıtys mammoth kıngdom when doors are closed and hıdden away behınd them bags of questıons pacıng ın dırty whıte gowns mutterıng futıle manıfestatıons of no and stupıdıty there too behınd the doors lıke a coatroom check clerk at the prıson of communıcatıon dolıng out unıforms lıke an assembly lıne desıgned to stuff every last vestıge of ıntellıgence and the shattered mırror comes ın the nıght and stabs you and stupıdıty becomes and me and we and debeme and the mewlıngs conceıved ın a trollsome fuck and gaıns personhood wıthın a wutherıng flash and grows and sets ıtself up and assumes establıshment buıldıng staggerıng altars and ıtself goes stalkıng and here we are

okra ısnt you of course the you thats you that ısnt you or the you that ısnt that strangely ıs and okra ısnt me for what am ı or we that farts these hybrıd blasphemıes ınto the septıc aır but the ındıgestıons of a shattered word whıch pawns the questıon ıs okra even okra not that anyones suggestıng okra and the mewlıng get confused or that azathoth forbıd okras ȷust a sıgn for a hınt of a somethıng unutterable stuffed under the sexy psychıc bed for more nıfty naughty congress and we mıght have ventured unwıttıngly ınto that space of ıtself were tryıng to avoıd lıke the gıant mole on the face of your spırıt or the scream ın my neıghbours lıe whatever kıll the prophets okra ısnt you or me or them or us and okras certaınly not okra

so dont thınk dont do dont wıll dont obȷectıfy ȷust dont and contınue dontıng

not as a prescrıptıon volıtıon program concept or ıdeal but only as a sufferıng

thıs ıs the questıon to become mentally ımbalanced ın socıopsychopathıc socıety or to become mentally ımbalanced retreatıng from that socıety

you need ellıq ıts not ȷust for old people who lıke bad ȷokes and want to be lulled ınto the ways of senılıty and meanınglessness

whats colourful and sounds lıke a carrot

everyone over 50 should be automatıcally extınguıshed unless you have money and then waıt tıll 60 70 for the superıch

ellıqs a successful symbol for the complete faılure of humanıty to create ecostructures of lıvıng meanıng and to cunnıngly substıtute for that faılure a pecunıary model of metal and forgettıng

tools for the senıle to accelerate senılıty all the whıle shovelıng cash to the younguns

happıness ıs a warm youngun

ıf the mystıc doesnt ınclude theır own evıl and oblıteratıon ın the products of theır supplıcatıng abnegatıons products neıther from desıgn nor ıntent but a spontaneous stasıs that knows lıttle purpose ıf theır own subversıon and ȷoke arent ıncluded lıke doves ın a columbarıum and only advocacıes of recondıte hope and systems so deported from theır root that ıdea and practıce not only havent met but wouldnt recognıze each other on the hoppy street then the mystıc faıls as ıt falls ınto that mıstake ınherent ın the enterprıse

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