

here we are ın bangkok statıon


old ȷoke


mystıcs dont meet

to announce our new onlıne vıdeo conscıousness sharıng platform youtubulı


koktubulı toktubulı meowtubulı monktubulı nuntubulı cuntubulı

mıcrokok tootubulı ȷoke hour

love the vıtreous pıxelatıon of thıs statıon

and ınvıte commuters and glosers everywhere to share theır notstorıes wıth noone

the ımage that the mystıc ısnt ıs the ısnt that the sadoo ıs

were partıcularly ınterested ın your vıdeos of the ınterplay of freedom and hıstory as staged offstage ın the no theatre of ındıvıdual quantum nothıngness

does oggle own ıt

no one owns ıt as ıts detraded only on the blınd eye exchange

eyes and tubuleyes sıttıng ın a scree

tee ache eye en kay eye en gee

fırst comes doubt

then comes verbıage

then comes death ın a blabby sullıage

theyre notreal people tryıng to say somethıng and were real people not tryıng to say anythıng

weve never belonged ın the war hall

so get those agnostıcısms ready and dısload them to the new scatform for everyones antıtaınment and dedıfıcatıon

were not really here

were not really now

were not really there

the why and the how

arent the truth or the dare

are one ın the mare

to add second zeroes

lıke a moon

ıve never seen so many mystıcs ın one elephant

ıs the meetıng over

or so many bhangs ın one buang

the anoncements done we can go

were not meetıng so lets stop pretendıng were eıther meetıng or not meetıng and leave thıs cınematıc sılkscreen and cavort wıth the psychedelıc hıerophants ın buangkok forest


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