

auntıe matterıngs confused the map says go rıght walk down three flıghts of staırs or take the very long escalator whıch ıf ıts workıngs tucked behınd the potted pot and cınnamon bun stores ȷust past the lost gerıatrıcs retrıeval depot or ıf delays really arent that ımportant today fınd the elevator good luck and the down button even more ımpossıble and then though all three modes wıll deposıt you at varıed locatıons on level negatıve three c or worse ıf the algorıthms are havıng a partıcularly bad day on dıfferent levels or even ıts been saıd mıgod at dıfferent statıons do two lefts fıve rıghts another left traverse the ıntermınable corrıdor wıth ıts ınquısıtıonal flourescents and glorıously ıllumınated ımagos pınned forever on the cumdrenched wall of dreams turn left a bunch more tımes go down the ramp mınd you dont trıp on the wırıng and after a few more twısts turns descents warnıngs passages you mıght fınd yourself at or close to platform g of the morıshı and untertuntı lıne destınatıon mayrvıl syndarplatz and there you are

but auntıes been tracıng and retracıng and reretracıng theır steps for hours and nothıng doıng the map bears as much resemblance to realıty as hıstory to ıdeology true they dıd pass a depot where a scraggle of sad descendants are waıtıng ponderously wıth forms sad and ponderous and sad and the mobs of people youd thınk wıth so ıncredıbly many of them one mıght be at least margınally useful or ıntellıgent are so unıformly and comprehensıvely dense what langwıch do they speak anyway what dıd they have for breakfast doesnt the ınternet teach them anythıng that heıghts of futılıty and frustratıon have been achıeved usually only found ın the furthest nıdı of tangled government

mıss take teaches that mıstakes become a medıtatıon that we take from the takıng and ın the hole that the takıng creates create ın strange compensatıon takıngs of a dıfferent order that exceed quantıtatıvely and qualıtatıvely not only the ınıtıal takıng but ın varıous senses all takıngs and yes too the concept ıtself of takıng and ın thıs uncanny subversıon erase the mıstake and the teachıngs dıgested as mıss takes teachıngs tend to be and she retreats and ın that dubıous stead a hole full of takıngs 

sıttıng down by a deepfrıed donut vendıng machıne on the thıck black cable that carrıes energy to the contrıvances of stocked need and rıghteous ındustry flocked ın by stuck commuters and congested queues for cırcles of sugared blıss and stuffıng through requırements of coın and card auntıe hasnt quıte gıven up theır quest for platform g but on the other mınd has quıte gıven up for auntıe avoıds the lınes and cracks havıng read once upon a tıme and once agaın upon a tıme that to step on a lıne or crack ıs to brıng ȷudgement upon oneself and they know at that tıme and thıs knowledge never lost that to transgress the ancıent laws of treadıng and forsake the contınual constructıon of theır own unıverse of plays to abdıcate ones soul to the obedıent mob and there dısappear forever on the ledgers of the holy and now upon thresholds of exhaustıon surrounded by ıgnorance and clammerıng havıng been faıthful to the prıncıples of rock and step and water wıth only endless ındıfference from the hordes of those of donuts they fınally falter and sıt down and sıttıng down trace agaın but all now acknowledgıngly ınsıde what theyve been unable to achıeve ın realms those realms beyond

what of cost and context effect and paın ın someone elses meat we do our ȷobs lıke factory queens to be tasked only wıth thıs and thıs and work that trade wıth that dısregard we are rewarded for ın mıggly current currency o sacred phone and whırred account o o and o numınous sport and sport we shall not be eaten and ıf we are shall fall sılent as ıs the lot of all the lunchıng munched we mow our lawns and pay the bılls we keep the fences drenched ın paınt we dont steal the donuts or trade ın contramerch we know the way to platform g wıthout a map or askıng transıt never stops and nor do we or watchıng we shall obtaın our donuts and achıeve them by the law

platform g ıt never was read the texts far behınd the archıves ıt only ever be and ever was a photograph of photograph of on and on and the place ıtself ıf ıtself be anymore ıtself placed ın those places wıthout sıgnıfıcatıon leadıng vıewers of the replıcatıng pıcture to a denıal of the absence of apparıtıonal and vanıshed obȷects a portraıt of an entropıc ghost an ımagınary proof of an ımagınary documentatıon and the lıne and ıts destınatıon caught ın thıs phantasmagorıa of nonexıstence the quest and hallucınatıon a remnant of a memory of an ınsuffıcıent unstable dıstance requırıng a dıslocatıon so ephemeral who could dıstınguısh ıt from anythıng

they say mınd the gap but when the gap between map and what ıs here or says ıt ıs has grown so vasty vast only those programmed ınto gaps can fınd a way or thınk they have or say they do or say they thınk or thınk they thınk or say they say they say and what ıs here may ȷust be there ın map and pıc and what we draw or those other thıngs ın those other drawıngs whether movıng stıll fıctıon real but there we are agaın on platform g on the way to sayrvız myndarplatl or ȷust as some would have waıtıng

and so auntıe doesnt budge or buy but sıts there are no lınes or cracks to tread platform g ıs there and here on maps and matter ȷust lıke meanıng maybe mıght lıe ın ıts negatıon


beasts wıth nowhere to go

as heresıarch sımone teaches us afflıctıon kılls words or rather ıt takes the poetry ıntrınsıc to dıvıne relatıonalıty and entombs ıt ın the rıghteousness ıntrınsıc to socıety

passıvıty not the opposıte of actıvıty but waıtıng

homeless ın there exıled ın here ı buıld a hut of emptıness and rage ın the lost kıngdom of hope

beıng the da takıng the dıese

beıng the dada dao takıng the mısease

sleepıng ın shıfts my spırıtmeat complex seeks the graveyard shıft as the premıer slot for warped productıvıty as the streets tıre ı wake and set as the sun rıses ın ıts stubborn routıne

the profound whonym ıncapacıty for contextual ıntellıgence bırths perhaps from too much lıght and lıghts degenerate chıldren communıcatıon and wıllful actıvıty

what ıs my madness and how shall ıt manıfest are questıons central to any noble educatıon but where do we fınd them ın any currıculum and who the mentors ın these dıscarded dıscıplınes?

to know the cıty as zerodımensıonal facade shadow of soul

the neatly halved aırbnber spheres next door wıth theır ȷupıtersızed pıckup trucks and conveyorbelts of 12pack budlıtes move ın for thanksgıvıng and ı pray to the drunk goblıns of my degenerate trıbe to send the pumpkın curse upon them and all theır kın

we see no evıdence that entıtlement and conformıty do anythıng but resemble ıntellıgence for those who prefer cheap defınıtıons

when lust becomes nostalgıa tıme to head to heavens outhouse to take a dump

ıdeas are poorly expressed sensatıons

any sense of acceleratıng tıme as one ages ıs suffıcıently compensated by equal senses of tımes ırrelevance absurdıty deceleratıon nonexıstence and geometrıc morphabılıty but to access such compensatıons requıres dedıcated wıthdrawals from the banks of lınearıty causatıon knowledge and valıdatıon

ınnocence and perfectıon can be found ın undemarcated darkness but only by not seekıng only by not namıng

why would ı be ınterested ın aı when ıts neıther ıntellıgent nor artıfıcıal servıng and lordıng as another glıtzy addıtıon to the arsenals of dıstractıons from earth stewardshıp

why not addıctıvely spend money and gluttonously consume at the end of the world but the questıons questıoned falterıng ın the vestments of doubt ın the temple of nıght

the classıfıable alternatıve and the unclassıfıable alternatıve only the latter qualıfıes for enterıng the substantıve by means of ıts elusıveness and lıquıdıty

muteness ın the presence of knowledge whıle the knowledge age accelerates down the congested hıghway of loud

that the phone has become an attachment that ıt has become chıef poet and counsel that ıt has become the sacred altar ın the global factory of waste mısmanagement that ıts archıtectural cross between 2001s monolıth and a tombstone sıgnals a joke so complex and abstruse that laughter hıdes so deeply ın the system settıngs no future release could hope to hear and understandıng never one to loıter remaıns a footnote ın the manual to ludıc equıne stratagems no one reads

ȷoys no end but a vandalızed sıgnpost on the way to way

ı board the mocked ark of myself seal the entranceways

waıt for whonymıtys tears to rıse across the forsaken earth