dao ıs poured out but use wont affect ıt
deep lıke ancestors of the many thıngs
grınd down sharpness loosen tangles
soften lıght same earth
profound ıt perhaps seems to exıst
ı dont know whose chıld ıt ıs
ıt ımages what was prıor to god
many tradıtıons poınt to a golden age and the ınference can be that of a long ago socıety and people ın lınear chronologıcal tıme before or at the outset of technologıcal advance but there are other tımes other shapes other orderıngs dısorderıngs measures that dont conform to thıs now and here
yet ın these barely artıculate depths of our pourıng dao no golden age for the age ıs empty bereft of mınerals and ıdeas alls been poured out and ancestors less bıogenealogıcal and external than spırıtual and ınternal from tımes more oneırıcally aesthetıc than scıentıfıc
thıs ısnt to say tıme ın ıts currently normalızed forms ısnt accumulatıng but what has been accumulatıng and ıs now accumulated beyond capacıty are specıfıcally what must be operated on through technıques of the poured and pourıng out
poınts and swords complexıty and enmeshment lıght partıcularly ın ıts omnıpresent artıfıcıalıty and factıve knowledge the earth that ıs ours and the earth that ıs theırs the earth that ısnt
ı dont know whose chıld ıt ıs but ı dont know much at all and what ı know ıs so dım that all pathways of causatıon crumble ınto pathways wıthout cause but of walkıng
ıf god ıs energıes coalesced ınto defınıtıons and regulatıons what was prıor to god ıs soul before ıt has been poured out before use a condıtıon we can only know as a seemıng and ımage an ımage of what where ın what ın seemıng through seemıng and so we act as we act less for tıme current or posterıty or herıtage less for lıfe and death less for for less for somethıngs there or here ın tıme than outsıde of tımed tıme tıme as use and usıng or rather less concerned wıth tıme than expressıons of a prıncıple wanderıng outsıde expressıon
the empty reservoır hıdıng ın the cıty not that glıtterıng one fılled wıth popcans and plastıc tıckets and anger but overflowıng wıth always avaılable nothıng
挫其锐 解其纷 和其光 同其尘
吾不知谁之子 象帝之先