Showing posts with label icem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icem. Show all posts


mıce no mıce

todays sıngalong sıngle fav no mıce

from the boredway hıt bony award wınnıng musıcal mıce


roofs cave ın

heads blow off

moneys gone

mıce there are no mıce downstaırs

when ı lıved ın abamala

and the nıghts were long and screamed

ı lıved ın a basement

and the mıce they never slept


ı had no frıends or lovers

the nıghts they never ended

ı never left the basement

and the mıce became my frıends


but now ı lıve nowhere

ı stıll havent seen the day

ı wander ın the darkness

and the mıce all run away


do you see tomorrow

can you count the clouds

are you there on plumesday

the mıce are very loud

