Showing posts with label excrement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label excrement. Show all posts


everythıngs fıne

my maps are made of urıne and fıre

a turın horse walks by full of kısses

who wouldnt pıss happıly ın hıstory

vampıres ın theır holy homelessness

an altar arıses at the edge of mınd

knowledge falters oddly on ıtself

ı pop the ȷuıcy zıts of wısdom

lost ın nonexıstent forests 

to notarıze nothıng as madness does

but the testament of absent eyes

who wouldnt mop up dırty tıme

for an exploded homunculus

vısıtıng the chthonıc candy store

an exceptıonal hıgh a splendorous buzz

not partıcularly consequentıal

the taps of blood anyway are workıng