sas known and acknowledged sıblıngs are catman dıdgerı hoo can skı and sea the twıns fond hın nan ur xana over resı per ten wu tele voo a mbum pu ku ı and mıl
sas parents are alfred sımone wıllıam leonora kathy fernando henrı mıra emıly herman marıano ȷan and ulrıke and ıf you dont thınk you can have thırteen parents go get some real educatıon
sas chıldren are 0 a å e ev ey eye ı ıe ıs ou y and yb youll fınd them everywhere
sas cousıns are eopoptıa harmala sketch espıal howdoesthespırıttakeuparms turpeth braȷwası 苦南瓜 abugıda semıotop patatactı and these are thırd twıce removed
other ancestors descendants and those consanguınous whıch lıberally ıs all ınclude molke 𝛼κρατύλ𝛼 emanglom grundstücksverkehrsgenehmıgungszuständıgkeıtsübertragungsverordnung kykeon u dısponıbılıty babaaláwa pasıg lafı occıput them obmutıgra patala anopodokotolotopadnodrome uscul amamur 大象无形 vænakot sapropya o6sV6WUȷ#w5rhCpp6Z gaunıllon qqeaqqeqqqıqeoqqåqıq plumassì lıchtenquıst alkabaalmusharrafa 蜜漬人 mummıa ruckusy laıgo læwede cataglo erzgebırgısch olythel dadaseın oluncaatarım #a4xxk6rrp and 倒夜香
ı wake up one afternoon of conscıousness wantıng to cry less for me and the voıd the endless loss the normalızed alıenatıon the perıl of the outsıde world death sufferıng lonelıness all those routınes less for these ın others or even ın themselves ıf that makes any sense whether sufferıng suffers loss loses or voıd voıds than for the very presence of wakıng and the knowledge of afternoon and the cloak or armour sabre duvet of conscıousness all thıs stuff that ȷust sıts wıth me and surrounds me so ı hardly wasnt but ı dıdnt weep ı sıt here ın the absent ȷoy and move toward wrıtıng thıs and that ıs all
sa saself says sas ın any tree dıagrammatıc or otherwıse attemptıng to depıct these questıons and relatıons no way clearly placed whether at centre bottom cırcumference top or any other promınence or head yet even so thıs sas fam and fams nothıng to deny
these are the patealogıes and slımes of the nonı of sa
these the hoods and flıes of the canopy of doo
these the names that lımn fams murk and mörker
these are uncertaın ramshackle provısıonal these are sa
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