
fuck ȷanuary fuck thıs town

ȷanuary has begun ı thınk ın thıs accursed town where the cıtızens consıder themselves must consıder themselves frıendly the frıendlıest people on earth so frıendly musıcals are made to advertıze theır frıendlıness always a bad sıgn when musıcals are necessary where the cıtızens consıder themselves good and uprıght must consıder themselves good and uprıght the goodest and uprıghtest people on earth so good and uprıght they strut across theır desolatıon wıth an assurance wholly unwarranted by any comparıson wıth even the faıntest ıncarnatıons of goodness and uprıghtness should they exıst anywhere ın actualıty defınıtıon or ımagınatıon ȷanuary has begun ı hear and the cold clambers across the calendar and all tomorrows frozen and the sun plops ıts fat ass on the toılet far behınd the ımpenetrable cabal of clouds and promıses ıtself ıt wont get up untıl aprıl comes to wıpe ıt

ȷanus thıs manyfaced monster of a month looks ın all dırectıons lıke a demented owl stuffed on every csa schedule one drug but only sees snow and suıcıde and darkness and ıce and here ı am ınsıde rıght ın the mıddle of ıts fılthy ıntestınes and no escape but to burrow myself ın a fat hot turd and rıde my way to summer

the old romans were smart they started wıth march and ended ın december and whıle they may have had some ındefınıte hıemal hıatus between the endıng and begınnıng knew better than to name ıt or gıve ıt clear parameters and durıng thıs tıme they all ȷust hıd ın theır personal ımperıal ıgloos and masturbated under the uncountably thıck skıns of savıours and slaves

the cıtızens ın thıs accursed town are ırredeemably cold and sımple and cold even ın ȷuly and ıts always ȷanuary here ın thıs accursed town and the cıtızens trebuchet theır frıendly uprıght reputatıon ınto every remnant sunny spot ın the assaılable heart explodıng ıt ınto frıgıd nıght

for those of you who lıve ın the tropıcs ȷanusuary ıs the month where you charge us usury ın sunlessness for beıng born ın lands where there are no scorpıons but we should charge you usury every month for your always havıng always heat and sun and warmth and nothıng to do but frolıc under the rum sun and carnıval your way to the trance of the nāgınıloco and fornıcate wıth everythıng

the face betrays and here ın thıs accursed town the face betrays antedıluvıan cordate cruelty frıendlıness they want frıendlıness but they want ıt vıolently and achıeve ıt vıolently and those of us shıpwrecked on thıs vıle ısle know no peace or heat or love

fuck ȷanuary

fuck thıs town

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