Showing posts with label unwaying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unwaying. Show all posts


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[i], …
thisthat i that is (isnot) thatthis we (& not& notor or) they you it her him (notwe notit …)
turned to death like avocados
holding our painjoy loveblob like an ambivalently anticipated foetus
                  {so many negations}
i am not the iota and the zeta
i am an iota
                  {has this growing heap of maps made any difference?}
aside from common base animal survivalist functions which mindlessly tyrannically inform us our preservation is essential – though reason knows it isn’t and consciousness may suggest our annihilation is essential or at least more necessary than its perpetuation  – what of this species we’re cast into is worthy of continuance and can this worth (if it exists) be fostered without what has seemed to this point to be its inevitable violent and oppressive corollaries?
they go   she goes like nairobi giraffes in a tesla dream   you go to the destroyed wilderness to images of the dream and death
  world whose mute noise struts a random script
  words whose laughter hides a bloody game
  time that bit of celery stuck between some teeth
  offending doctors in a dream
but dreams (these horrors speaking grammars incompatible)
offend themselves in nests no bird would nest
what are the measures of a culture’s robustness and security?
and we (cards in shuffling decks) ourselves
seem unoffended by offense’s defense
he (but is it he?) goes too   we all with revolutionary crotches go   you go (and goes nature that woebegotten word) to dreams so old or new humans aren’t even missing
its choreography of the voices of the othervoiced?
so this is that and it is she or zeta’s death and mute the bird
or not (but who can tell?)
{science like a myth portends to tell}
{the merriment you hear is false  it is not genuine  it is empty}
that nutribullet’s waiting for me like an armistice
and visions like an outhouse being dug
the unmeasurable?

… continue in that way of uncontinuing unways of sadoo


dialer diapogues xx (canterings)

tonight diaper canters with diaper
on The Avenue of The Unsustained

canter? the? really?

the talkways of night are lined with lies

what’s all this equine shit? these definitive articles? your intradiaperial cant?

how can we live in these homes of destruction?

the primary nature, function, and task remaining human white males is to retreat – why don’t you shut up? that’s what you prayed for

registers of the fallen
legions of the voiceless

you’re neither a current writer nor a currency rider – you cling to your irrelevance like an amulet that seemed to have once saved you from something

zeniths of darkness clamber vision’s rusty ladder
we are broken rungs, adamantine light

you talk like a mad snapped coil. you talk like a frog that dreams it’s had its legs pulled off by nine-year-old boys. you talk like something that’s never been counted among the somethings that count. you talk like you don’t know how talking talks. you talk, but your talking’s like a cracked mirror of narcissus in a garbage dump in michigan

i watch trains go by
boffee and cooze are my gurus

there are the margins
there are the margins of the margins

the animals watch us
watch us like televisions that have gained their freedom

haven’t seen much
a barnacle on a rock in a pool in a rock in a stream on an island in a lake on an island in a sea in an age in a hallucination in a scream on a petri dish in an induction on a non est factum in hydrogen bromide on a sigil gammaray in bosonic halflife in implicit crowdsourcing on a boston kpro type 1 titanium posterior plate in …

no ways but unways
unwalk this walking