as things migrate from meat to data from suffering to statistics whonym disappears into the vorticial blackhole created by the migration and in the disappearance manifests omnipresently as its rabidly loquacious absence a kind of failed and disastrous mysticism which it in its nugatory superciliousness believes to be an unparalleled triumph
the geometries of soul are incommensurate with times mathematics
ideas are now so bereft of ideas
unfamous whonyms talking about the famous is like poor whonyms donating money to the rich
la flors a great film despite its indulgences campiness frustrations imperfections as it manages to be a deeply mystic film but presented through realism the common critics whether they praise or diss it miss this and instead focus on it as a successful somewhat tedious or failed attempt at experimental narrative but when viewed through the lens of fleshy mysticism every minute of la flor becomes rich a divine comedy for the third millennium there are a smattering of mature films by mature here we mean polysemantically conscious and diversely representative of the orientations and movements of spirit seamlessly manifest in content and form but la flor assumes maturity before it begins then goes beyond
friendship presents itself as possibility not when reason meets but when unreasons compatiblize even if these aligned unreasons are named reason by the intimates
most whonyms of the socalled progressive sort follow the dominant diversities which is to say not much of diversity at all and so unprogressive or at least progressive within a penitentiary of political conventionality and so unfree
parents use children to escape parents but by becoming parents they instead enter more fully into the regions they had hoped to flee
all good theorys impractical because goodness cant be implemented except in the most random distributed and occasional ways and moments almost entirely aside from any intentions or conceptualizations of whonyms fernandos right then the only rational thing to do is maintain theory or dream whatever your word is for it in dream and theory and let the body be enslaved by whatever molecular forces determined it from conception
a great but widely dispersed depression thats indistinguishable from a vast and pervasive joy
everything about the wild spirits indicates theyre an imaginal presencing of a primary dimension of human psychic being in unharnessed nonsomatized animatedness impulsive incessantlyvolatile ambivalent omnipotent envious
birth is the primordial narcissistic injury of the ouroboric self incurred on itself by its own necessity to birth itself