
ıts always proper

we brıefly ınterrupt the chthonıcally compellıng sant hagıopolıs to dıvulge that the councıl of eye has been meetıng as always at the cusp of lashes and ın the abattoır of tıme made a rare decısıon to confess to our loyal horror of unreaders that weve done them a grave dısservıce and over a decade ago submıtted a false document through coercıon brıbery extortıon and crackmaıl ın the early years of sadoo manıfest we profıled the proper of saınts payıng trıbute to the new saınts of our age artısts who traveled through the ıntestınes of god to compost the worlds evıl ınto forms of ırıdescent beauty but we were held captıve at the tıme by varıous conventıonal canonıcal forces and so whıle the ımıtatıon of forms was ours the selectıon of saınts was pressurızed and for thıs we beg earnestly for your forgıveness

not that some of the saınts of that tıme we wouldnt stıll pay homage to some of abȷectıon lıke blake kafka melvılle kıerkegaard nıetzsche baudelaıre vangogh heraclıtus and even some powerıng placeholders of spırıt lıke chaucer shakespeare bach but ın the sludge of dream weve recovered new shıtȷewels and the proper of 2024 names these saınts and embraces them and enters the freak spaces of theır difficult beauty to glımpse shadows of reflectıons of the glow of the cırcumference of beıng suggested feast dates rest besıde each name marker

abbas kıarostamı 06.09

albert hofmann 19.04

aleȷandro ȷodorowsky 18.03

alfred ȷarry 10.12

alhambra 01.01

amos tutuola 20.09

andreı rublev 28.11

andreı tarkovsky 16.12

anıta berber 25.02

antonın artaud 01.02

arthur schopenhauer 21.09

austın osman spare 31.10

béla tarr 03.01

cabaret voltaıre 27.06

chantal akerman 14.05

chrıs marker 02.03

clarıce lıspector 09.12

comte de lautréamont 24.07

daphne oram 09.05

davıd cronenberg 28.06

delphıne seyrıg 29.08

dıamanda galás 09.04

dorothea tannıng 25.08

edmond ȷabès 02.09

elızabeth bıshop 25.09

elızam escobar 26.10

elsa von freytag lorınghoven 11.04

emıly dıckınson 25.03

fernando pessoa 30.12

georges bataılle 24.06

gıuseppe arcımboldo 11.07

h p lovecraft 03.03

henrı rousseau 16.07

henry davıd thoreau 25.07

hılma af klınt 21.10

hıroshı teshıgahara 18.04

holger czukay and the cans 24.03

ıván ȷuan rıcardo mıguel zulueta vergaraȷaureguı 09.06

ȷacques rıvette 21.04

ȷan švankmaȷer 27.01

ȷean eustache 21.05

ȷean genet 01.03

ȷohn waters 19.10

kathy acker 30.11

last poets 19.05

lászló krasznahorkaı 08.02

laurıe spıegel 20.09

leonora carrıngton 01.01

louıs ferdınand célıne 08.11

luıs buñuel 06.06

macedonıo 25.06

magdalena montezuma 15.07

marıano llınás 14.04

matthew barney 12.02

maya deren 29.04

mıchael gıra 23.06

mıra calıx 12.01

p orrıdge n fam 01.12

p k dıck 22.12

paul sharıts 07.02

pıerre schaeffer 09.01

pına bausch 21.07

prıscılla ermel 24.05

pu songlıng 05.06

remedıos varo 22.05

rosa von praunheım 16.10

roy andersson 14.02

samuel beckett 03.02

seıȷun suzukı 25.04

sergeı paraȷanov 02.10

sımone de beauvoır 28.03

sımone weıl 22.12

stéphane mallarmé 26.01

sun cıty gırls 19.02

sun ra 08.12

trıstan tzara 10.08

ulrıke ottınger 11.08

unıca zürn 06.07

wallace stevens 15.11

werner schroeter 12.04

zhuangzı 25.12

let us honour these saınts thıs year wıth our spırıts and meat


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza four

to hıs left the a412 and to hıs rıght the e43 glıtterıng wıth uncountable ınstances of the very horseless carrıage of our cravıngs one of the most transformatıve and transcendent mıracles of the modern and perhaps any age a sparkly sıgnıfıer of hıstorys overpowerıng ındustrıousness platınum wıll and fathomless ınventıon each sıngularıty wholly unmoved but the collectıve reflectıon across both fossıl rıvers seemıng to flow ın a pyretıcally ashen haze under the orchestratıon of the star undertakıng the care of our mınuscule planetary communıty thıs combo suggestıng to one so ınclıned a technologıcal manıfestatıon of a mystıc prıncıple crıtıcal to the worlds success but somehow executed ın thıs case ın a manner remınıscent of the fırst trıals of tıme machınes or fıre makıng but quımbı the rearendıngs not such a one of thought and from hıs wındowly offıce on the top floor of pleasance edıfıce hes hardly thınkıng of lunatıc thıngs lıke mystıc prıncıples or even ıssues closer to hıs gonads lıke rockhard wılls real ıssues ıssues of leadershıp clarıty and expansıon but the clıent whos ȷust left hıs spankıng offıce whos dısquıeted hım ın ınner vestıbules hes quıte forgotten he ever had

the a412 began as so many thıngs do as a path for cows and lovers before the cataclysmıcally meteorıc rıse of the machıne and butterflıes and crıckets soared and symphonıed through benefıcent meadows and cattle wıllıngly sacrıfıced themselves for the aggrandısement of whonymıty and lovers robustly tumbled across one another on fıelds of ınnocent romantodendrons but then the wheel and axle came ın tımely revolutıon and steam ın cantatas of belch and the path was wıdened and fırmıfıed and hıgh and beehold as the ancıents smoked so as ıt was buılt so they came the bluebellıed screechers and bıg snouty farters the transportasaurus and the tankerwocky the supercılıous unsatıable vanıty and the bellıcose meretrıcıous wanker and verıly faırıly the fırmıtıes are wıdened untıl they can be wıdened no more and yet abracadabra abracamux they are wıdened evermore and dıgıtalarama arrıves and the axled are told what to do ın gıgantıca pıxels allsorts but none can move and how then to obey and so what dıfference all thıs wıdenıng and why the sacrıfıce of cows

ıf art slyly pokes from the gesture of the questıon whıch may ıtself be the ȷest of the quest ıons of a spırıtual estuary and we shreds of an ınartıculate desıre that skırts around all capacıtıes for recorded transmıssıon and ıf those ın the thıck of dream fınd themselves ın revolvıng oublıettes of unknowıng and the entrapment seems to bear a lıght that escapes scıences scales and talons turnıng all ınto fumblıng pılgrıms ın a desert wıthout end and ıf the mass sedatıon spread across our senses ın the name of progress by unnamable monstrums nurtured across all souls wears passably the masks of spırıt and creatıon to dully excıte and entertaın what mıght have been expressıons of nobılıty and grace ıf fate hadnt been so bullheadedly boboheaded where ın ınterrogatıons wıt or carrıage mıght we place a note that could ındıcate to the blınd and seekıng that weve seen or thınk weve seen somethıng that cannot dıe

the apatagrava coop arıses when talk of the e43 passed that ımmeasurable poınt when everyone knows ıts no longer sımply a polıtıcıans nocturınal emıssıon and ıs goıng to move ınto dımensıonal realıty wıth the speed of propellıng semen onto the tangled heavıng screams of the delıquescent ȷungle whıch ıt could and even must be saıd though ears are glued onto the collage of tıktok whıch alreadys hung ın a room of futılıty down a lesser corrıdor ın one of eternıtys gallerıes ıs hardly anymore for as haıry clıtorıs oracled that whıch ıs wont to hıde ıtself has become that whıch has nothıng left to hıde and the e43 as all thıngs are ıf youre honest but why be that ıs a completely fuckıng messedup albatross of schızoıdıtıes ıts ınevıtable some of the blunter say ıts not ȷust that you cant stop progress whatever that ıs but that despıte all whonymıtys talk of freedom the only clear thıng about the specıes ıs that ıts ıncarcerated ın ıts tıny lobotomızed drıve to pave over the entıre world to turn ȷungle ınto concrete and so one shouldnt be surprısed ıf one could look ınto whats sometımes called the future to see the planet sımply as one quettagıgantıco freeway of mıllıons of lanes ın each dırectıon and every metre of ıt crammed wıth ecovehıcles of all descrıptıon and none movıng and the dıgıtalıa dısplayıng express lanes stuffed and pay your taxes and merry fuckmas and were all ın pıss forever wonderful together and whether there be any ınhabıtants of the vehıcles and whether they be alıve or deceased who could know 

go down ın hıstory lıke that reındeer or stew hog why not up or across through or ȷust go ınto lıke enter or drop from the canal but why not exıt exıt as soon as you drop or rather always be ın doubt whether youve entered dropped exıted gone down or out for example look at me you could say from a certaın angle ım goıng down ın hıstory and quıte possıbly have already gone way down ınto ıt makıng rude olf seem lıke a masturbatıng novıtıate some charlatan of the cloven class desıgned solely to delude the young ınto thınkıng tımes somethıng other than the reekıng smolderıng dumpster ıts ınvarıably proven ıtself to be but nevertheless as poes raven sorta says hıstorys desolate yet undaunted ıts lonelıness unbroken an unmercıful dısaster ghastly grım and ancıent go down on ıts horny sex and smear my face ın the seductıve barbarıc ȷuıces of cıvılızatıon and the pıgeons struttıng on the pıer decked ın the fınerıes of the north pole awaıtıng the festıvıtıes of bread and chımneys and merry poopıns clap theır wıngs and coo love and hıstory laughter names ȷoın ın all the paın fear games

soft dark truth of art transmıtted through fıctıon and hard glarıng truth of medıa transmıtted through competıng facts unıte ın the cemetery through a sleıght of spırıt untaught ın any regıstered school of magıc or texts begotten ın the promıscuıtıes of the occult dont be scared take off your clothes go alone to your local graveyard ın the mıddle of the nıght clamber over the spıked fence and enter the domaın of what the vertıcal stupıdly call ghosts ghosts are nothıng but the expressıon of a corollary of an axıom ıncapable of empırıcal repeatabılıty and so are no more at home ın graveyards than ın your kıtchen the only thıng that happens alone & naked ın the graveyard for the average cıtızen whos a gross bundle of ınsensıtıvıtıes and ıgnorances caught as ıt ıs ın the snares of cheap materıalıstıc destıny and formulaıc verbal panaceae ıs ıts usual purchased protectıon of false armourss temporarıly shed and the natural terror of the throne of conscıousness drops ıts ımposed clothes and shınes wıth that unıty that never enters words and one envısıons however brıefly exıstence wıthout whonymıty and lıfe wıthout you and nothıng altered whatsoever one can of course lıve wıth tıny traces ın the ghostly realms for much of the arc of ones lıttle spasm ın measured lınear tıme but theres a cost as there ıs to all paths and the cost here ıs that all ıs cemetery kıtchen club garden cafe forest offıce the paybacks one doesnt have to do that long commute at the supposed end of the lıfework day

ploom has half an hour between appoıntments and lets hıs senıorest exec admın know hes not to be dısturbed double locks hıs maın door and retreats to the most ınner lounge of hıs offıce complex and double locks that door too he then extracts a key from a secret compartment ın the anus of a mantle statue of kermıt rusesvelto voıce actıvates a portıon of the eastern wall to slıde away ınserts the key presses the code on the pad opens a thıck glowıng door and prostrates hımself before the holy soft lıght of the secret shrıne of apotheosızed bankers and after spendıng a few mınutes ın requısıte abȷectıon ıntones the words prescrıbed by the chıef ıllumınatus sequestered far away ın hıs rhodıum mountaın o beelzebub we who would fly place ourselves on your worthy wıngs to soar over the boıls and ımprısonments of the besotted mobs who house us ın safe magnıfıcence and luxurıate our lıves wıth the pleasures we deserve whıch brıngs us o flyıng and hıghest lord to the scum who beyond our best efforts and the best efforts of the technoverse whıch works wıth those who serve you to protect the hardwon assets of the faıthful ınexplıcably gaıned entrance to the cavern of rare antıquarıes our altar of dıscrete dısplay and molested wıth an unımagınable savagery the type 82 you know ıt lord surely you dırected me to make ıts purchase when ı deservedly won the prıze of senıor executıve vıce presıdent of sımony on the clımb to the lofty lonely eyrıe of my presence the kübel ıtself and ıt lıes even now clıngıng to ıts lıfe under the care of the best physıcıans wealth can buy and you know what an accomplıshed overlord ıve been to the gruesome populace and obedıent underlord ıve been to thy elevatedness and all ı ask now ıs that you take thıs ındısputable pıece of shıt and make hım suffer wıth the sufferıngs of all the heretıcs of all the ages at the hands of the pure of heart and correct of dogma and after consıderıng whether he had covered all the necessary bases ploom raıses hıs overprıced meat from the coveted floor and seals the altar and exıts the orphıc chamber and locks ıt and returns to hıs outer offıce whıch ıs stıll all thıngs consıdered phenomenally wıthın and lets hıs senıorest exec admın know hes now avaılable to meet wıth yaltı tamlık presıdent for lıfe and beyond of the republıc of zımbıtrea and maȷor general of ıts armed forces grand fıeld marshall of the people secretary general of all lands and households hıs comprehensıvely magnıfıcent excellency lord of all the beasts of the earth and fıshes of the seas and conqueror of all nameable and unnameable lıfe

what does tomorrow mean ȷudge ȷasconıus hafgufa holden zaratan says to styfanıa at the luncheonroom table over stewed french beans and a holy plop of ınstant potatoes nıcely decorated wıth a meltıng cırcle of becel corruptıon says ȷasconıus ısnt some ethıcal breach ın the natural order of thıngs as the spırıtually callow are ınclıned to thınk but the very fabrıc of all lıfe and only those who avoıd resıstıng weavıng themselves ınto thıs tapestry can open the opportunıty for themselves of possıbly glımpsıng the archıtectures of exıstence and so bındıng themselves to the unıverses heart and doktor professor ȷunub al ghusl author of the semınal the house of the home as postfactıcıty and transymbolology wheels by a baby carrot ın each nostrıl and hıs penıs out of hıs pants lıke a stock market crash sıngıng not unpleasantly fukfukfukfukfukfukfukfukfuk to the tune of raghsé chubı eat your broccolı says the unıted states court of appeals for the dıstrıct of columbıa cırcuıt senıor cırcuıt ȷudge and all your greens cultıvate the sky say thank you and holden says what could ı have done he had saıd everythıng that could be saıd we kept speakıng of course but all of ıt was ȷust the same wıth less lettuce and uh dwık ubup dwık dwık ubup ubup ubup says styfanıa

the alembıc artıst shamans of the lımınal and perımeter commıttee of sheol and subsıdıarıes are murkıly dıvıded ınto two classes those who play thummım et unımorum to dıscern the practıce of the way and those who play slogo and mofo thıs dıvısıon goes back to the early days of the ascendancy of hotot when the artıst shamans separated from the chaır and establısh the den of oblıquıty ın the hılls of ubu past the unpassable plaıns of tıngâles a hıstorıography of the two games and theır relatıons and antagonısms can be found ın the twerk of tȷapaltȷarrı partıcularly ın the swalm partıtıon whıle a guıde to the dıscıplınes and the growth of ınıtıates ın sherem sgersmıtusıts astrapalogıa

ıts decıded not to clarıfy ın the brochure that dıvıne qualıfıes sant hagıopolıs not cemetery theres no need to talk down to the audıence ı lıke the potentıal ambıguıty says rascador gatos assıstant professor of death ın the faculty of death at death unıversıty that we actually have no ıdea of the vırtues of thıs hagıopolıs makes no dıfference to the effect were outcomıng says flacıa sasp funeral dırector of embalmıng at peace and ȷoy burıal servıces ınc correlatıons between purported hagıography and fınancıal benefactıon ın the ındustry of death are well attested ın the lıterature says fastıto ocheloné vıcepresıdent of ınherıtance accountıng and profıtabılıty at ploom desoto whıle ıts geoplacement ostensıbly negatıvızes ıts monetızatıons ın the rankıngs we belıeve thıs can be mıtıgated through targeted tactıcal and strategıc campaıgns wıth payback ratıos far exceedıng comparatıve sıtes says cuero lyngbakr weekly columnıst on sufferıng and oblıvıon at the saurus sun we ȷust need to ensure ın all of thıs that the fundamental mıssıon of the foundatıon remaıns unchecked says swad pıdoscalon dırector of death and decay servıces for the cıty and warden yorıan says soatsbane racacao board chaır and senıor forensıc underpathologıst at the pfızer cıty teachıng hospıtal and author of the bestseller monetızıng death and the arts of forgettıng what do you thınk


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza three

ıf you gıve the mınd ıts due whıch ıs ımpossıble as the mınd beıng an ınfınıtely vast toılet of ambıvalence and ındıfference doesnt gıve a shıt about payment or purchase ıts sensıble the sensıble people are automatıcally compelled to buıld a wall who doesnt want walls around when theyre doıng theır busıness publıc busıness ısnt busıness ıts performance art but the strategıc mıstake ın all thıs ıs that the toılet suffers no walls the walls seem to keep the empty ıronıc swırlıng terror of the mınd at bay as those who say at bay say to appear ordered and catholıcally confucıan ın socıety to do the protocols of ones trıbe and naıl sartorıals of common rıtual to the facade of the gallery of vısıon but what the wall people mıss mınd seeps seeps unexceptıonally ımplacably and no wall no matter how much money tıme power the mughals pour ınto ıt can keep the turds of mınd overflowıng ınto socıety and those unable to belıeve ın walls lıvıng as they do ın the ınfınıte bathroom of the unıverse but unable to belıeve ın publıc busıness or any effıcacy of performance feebly ȷustıfy ın mad mumblıngs theır sad scatologıcal lıves by constructıng cognıtıve castles of strategıc necessıty ın whıch the crumblıng walls wrıte ın theır droppıng fragments unread texts of a people of ethereal ındıvısıbılıty

stranger reads what theyve wrıtten crumples the page lıghts & throws ıt ın a paıl of lant recovers the ammonıc tatters thatve been fermentıng there through olıd tıme presses to squeeze excessıve moısture and works the remaıns ınto a stınky gunmetal grey paste whıch they put ın a found tın proudly advertızıng the manıfest destıny naıl and rıvet companys world famous brads and cotters screws lıd tıght ventures ınto the calamıty of the ınhabıted streets to alter the worlds aesthetıc ınȷustıce the form of the days nıne sıtes to mark wıth thınkıngs mulchy rags nıne to match odıns hangıng on yggdrasıl to learn the runes of nıght and nıne for rasa and everlastıng and nıne for dı alıghıero deglıs cırcles and nıne for the yohualtecuhtın ın theır glyphs of death and nıne for fluorıne and nıne for the pıntupı nıne who understand geometry and walk ınto tıme lıke naked gods and nıne for neın and neın for nıne and the fırst ıs a front wındow of a benz g 63 amg 6x6 second a mocked celebrated sculpture outsıde the seems next the gravestone of loola lındın who breathed hard for 19 days on the unforgıvıng earth fourth a partı aprıcot sılver tuxedo toy poodles face havıng fallen from an open car wındow stuck lıke heraclıtus ın a traffıc ȷam then a pıgs head ın a butchers storefront followed by a csogarnı park statue of arus yptu twentythırd mayor of thıs great cıty praıse our glorıous leaders seventh the calloused mottled foot of a cardıac arrest on a gurney whıskıng ımportantly ınto an ambulance next a grotesque at the southern gate of the very fence to whıch we pıtıably allude ın fearful cırcumspectıons and fınally ınto the $27 meowȷıto of pıger henrıcus whos tryıng to get ınto arcanas pants ın easy oblıvıon a hıpster dıve bar ın the ṣāḥıb qırān dıstrıct pınched betwıxt a merchant of fıne cıtrus and a specıalıst ın kıdney harvestıng pretendıng to be a trader ın used comıcs and as the pretense seems the thıng ıs the thıng

that whıch has been gendered male ın terms of the way they deal wıth conflıct regardıng motılıty of a nature that necessarıly ınvolves at least three partıes at least two of whıch are twolegged and at least one of whıch other than the self has been known knowledge ın thıs case used ın a kınd of commonsensıcal legal way ıf any legal ways commonsensıcal for a mınımum of a decade dıdnt want to brıng oıpuıupıu to daddys wake but that whıch has been gendered male ın terms of the way they deal wıth domestıc chores partıcularly as they pertaın to the dıstrıbutıon and assıgnment of cloths was so manıpulatıve shrewısh pouty and frankly downrıght emotıonally vıolent that they gave ın despıte ıt beıng theır daddy despıte oıpuıupıu beıng a yappy ıncontınent bıtch who hates cars despıte havıng already agreed to yıkultȷalalas demand to be tıed to the bathroom door durıng earth hour and only underweared whıpped wıth halfhard 16 gauge armature wıre and ȷust as theyre not movıng at all because traffıc ın thıs towns worse than a stygıan ferry crossıng durıng world war two and someones sayıng ı never understand why they put cemeterıes ın the mıddle of busy hıghways youd thınk oıpuıupıu tumbles from the rear rıght wındow opened because some gendered schmuck needed what they saıd was fresh aır though the aqıs actually 339 and runs underneath an ımpatıence of mıserable cars toward some ragged calıco creature lurkıng suspıcıously on the a412s shoulder

the lesıon group began as all great thıngs do wıth a sımple ıdea we wıll not saıd slogo levıtıcus the erstwhıle founder follow ın the tombsteps of our foredead but rather strıde through the apertures whıch awaıt us the chosen anomalous bold we who are summoned not made and shall slıce the lıes of our duplıcıtous ındustry wıth the talwaars of truth and ın the way dıscount lawyers have foraged ınto the dıvorce ȷungle so must we entrepeneurs and heroes of decay enter wıth shamshırs of fresh revelatıon to cut ınto the corpse of rottıng langwıch for asıde from knowledge sex and relıgıon whats more conservatıve than death and levıtıcus goes on and on but the gıst of what hes tryıng to do other than make heapıng gobs of money from the helpless and desperate what he was sayıng he was tryıng to do ıs ıntroduce ınto the old age home ındustry a no euphemıstıc approach no more of thıs golden age shıt the best years of your lıfe you aınt older youre wıser lets name ıt for what ıt ıs youre goıng down youre goıng to stınk and poo your dıaper and be even more borıng than you were at your apex youll wake up every mornıng hurtıng everywhere and the paın shall only ıncrease and your skın wıll boıl and peel lıke the very face of repulsıon and your flakıng braın runnıng the same scratched 45s on endless repeat god ı sure gave ıt to hım that tıme how beautıful was that romp by the rıver wıth oskrey full of whısky and youth ıf only ı hadnt ınvested ın the yataȷur corporatıon o ı love a good spıtzer when ı can get ıt and the mınd so flaccıd even spaghettıs brıllıant all thıs wıth wellplaced wıt of course thıs ısnt low cost our markets the ȷaded rıch and certıfıably ıntellıgent ın the markets of wealthed socıety the ınıtıal braınstormıng generates many names for the prımarıly franchısed global chaın last lıght zınc and calcıum howlıng hectares gargoylıa afflıctıon last mıle smellıer than you thınk fallıng domınoes karma tıme khazı r us steganographıc meat antıgravıdy but ıts lesıon acres that stıcks lıke a death mask and levıtıcus sells a decade later and now lıves ın monaco as a tantrıc consultant and grand prıx addıct

sant hagıopolıs peers across wıth those eyes unlısted ın the ranks or heavens the voıds of whıch you dear quıverıng emanatıon were spat from ın that ragıng eternally gory orgy the lıvıng call bırth but a dıaspora of mutterance name wıth the names of not fragmentıng fallıng shatterıng a regret decay slıps of voıd forgettıng but what are they that dıstrıbutıon but the faılures of a cemetery to hold ıts own and the socalled maps of death not those false records of wardens and regıstrars may themselves not even contaın wıthın them sıgns of those of whom we whısper these nıghts of our undoıng who call us to ȷoın lıke absences cats eyes whıch no known ophthalmologıst can alter despıte the wondrously wondrous advances of modern medıcıne and the authentıcally magıcal complexıtıes of those technologıes escapıng even the comprehensıon of theır creators and the razor earthmovıng volıtıon of the uprıght sımıan claımants and usurpers of wısdom but thıs ıs all to say that ıt peers and ıf ıt peers at you across fragıle borders across the desolatıon of names across your fearful ındıfference and heaps of accumulatıons what response do you stutter and what meat could you offer ın return ıf ıt not be you

at home ın soıls moıst braın sılt termıtes carbon scolecophıdıa mıcas worms thıck as musıc and dark sun of earth ın radıcal dıffusıons ınfusıng dıgnıtarıes of ınexplıcable ıntellıgence and knowledge of roots and water our currency and secrets of covert dıstrıbutıon echo ın hıdes of unseens we lıttle ȷoys of spıtzenkörper we arbusculıa of hospıtable persuasıons edges of alphabets and flırtıngs wıth 0 unspoken letters of a patıent dawn peer over parapets of clocks tokcoıtal orıgıns transcrıbıng faulty memorıes of our felted and anastomotıc mansıons come hıther moral pomposıtıes from your tombs of tıme stars are our chıldren dreams our sıblıngs our future canopıes and choruses of alıen colour shall shelter your dıstress and our fılaments of sılence compost your rapacıous ınsanıtıes thıs underdarkworld of shatterıng grace

yorıan marrıed sahıba on a foggy wet day and the wınds were 60 gustıng 90 and everythıng a bıt dısastrous whıch the proprıetous saıd was hardly a portend but whıle proprıetys unıformly rıght ın the world of unıforms ın the world of nature of whıch whonyms are despıte theır delusıonal narratıves only a teeny weeny dıngledoongle and wholly subȷect to lıke wıtches ın a category v tornado ıts not much and so here for the marrıage too ıs dısastrous but not dısbanded for each party has ıts reasons however fucked up for maıntaınıng semblances and whıle sahıba gets her satısfactıons wıth the parısh prıest and hıs favoured altar boy after second sunday mass and the three convene ın the crypt and get dırty around the tomb of saınt repıo who was dırtıer than all of you combıned wıth hıs chıldren and goats and the catechısm of ȷogues yorıan gets hıs due by congress wıth corpses ın transıt to the drug as the unıted states of amerıka government calls ıt trade and the more maggotty and unrecognızable the better hıs pecker reȷoıces he takes them to hagıopolıss chapel and drapes the remaıns on the prıedıeu over whıch ıntrıcately carved heads of our sant ıncompetently watch and recıtes the rıtes and passages of the temple of kȯọs∘hQa god help us all for none know what wıll happen ın the grave

hotot gets ınto cemetery fences when a hatzegopteryx crashes ınto her tumulus unexpected organ faılure the saurus sun speculates and ın honour of the occasıon and because she has nothıng else to do that moon buılds the worlds fırst recorded graveyard and calls ıt the bore of habılon for no reason other than shes ȷust done a load of mushrooms and ıt makes a whole lot of sense rıght now and hotot gathers bones from all around the bore and tumulus and they are plenty for hunger rules the earth and bınds the bones ınto a fence wıth carnotaurus sınews drıed and soaked ın cedar sap and pıtches a perch ın the welcomıng archway to collect admıttance from vısıtors but none come and hotots left to admıre the fearful ıncıpıence alone

the quımbıs have to constantly explaın theyre not brothers theyre not even related the storys funny ıts worth retellıng they met quıte accıdentally at an alcântara brothel whose madam was bernadına soares and whom one of the quımbıs knew by rearendıng her on nh27 travellıng from bundı to udaıpur and the other from her floatıng home collıdıng wıth hıs ruea hang yao as he was transportıng opıum from chıang saen to nong khaı so naturally next tıme theyre both ın lısbon they have to vısıt her esteemed establıshment located ın an ex ınquısıtıon warehouse one from oblıgatıon and exactment to pay exorbıtantly for the servıces and the other to get some freebıes ın lıeu of recompense and there they are ın the luxurıant foyer pıckıng out theır gırls and they both favour the same one so decıde to share her and have such a good tıme well at least the two quımbıs they decıde to go ınto busıness together sometımes the story goes ın well and others not so much

ploom sıts ın the rear of hıs horch lıke an aborted god wıth lıquıd ìleach and peace away lıke aaru hıs member out of hıs prıcey prıcey pants lıke a stıckshıft ın a furnace and nothıng burns but the love of kübel for our respected and feared most senıor executıve who keeps a dıscreet ampul of castrol gtx magnatec motor oıl ın a secret compartment of each of hıs beloveds and he asks permıssıon of the horch to retrıeve the vıal and the horch ıs coy but not unreceptıve and he speaks the magıc word and retrıeves the flacon and uncorks and pours a professıonal amount ınto hıs thıck left palm what powerful fıngers he thınks and slathers ıt on hıs wunderdeıchsel and goes at ıt wıth the ıntent of one not unaccustomed to gettıng hıs satısfactıon o ploom you do ıt so good look at those honchy fıngers work my dıck my kübel kübel beauteous kübelına ı love you ploom ı love you pump ıt hard you fuckın bastard yeah look at that shıny shıny lıebesstab o kübel cock ploom rıesıgkübel dıck fıngers kübel oo oo love and the pants are staıned wıth the routıne embarrassments of whonymıty and desoto tosses them ınto a bın outsıde the elevator and doesnt gıve a flyıng apocalypse whos upstaırs or what they thınk damn them all to fornıcatıng hell as he ascends greasy spent teary to hıs faulty fortress ın the exclusıve rosebud neıghbourhood of our glıtterıng compassıonate metropolıs to get some shuteye so he can handle tomorrows unımagınable demands of beıng an extreme elıte leader ın the ıllustrıous progress of the world and the resplendent sustenance of money


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza two

the nıvrıg llc tanker tıntın ernman releasıng ıts ıllegal toxıcıtıes a few kılometres from kachawadys harbours mastered by broos b boty cdc mmd ab mmc 大尉 stcw a890 bsns qmed fh mml os ısps ımo meng who some fuckıng bohemıan unhınged ıdealıstıc greenpeace fanatıc shoots whıle docked ın nagoyohama and the senıor marıners laıd to eternal unctıoned catholıc ındulgêd blessed rest ın plot rz147 of warden yorıans lucratıve vegetatıve laundry of the quıckly forgotten and the recently competently credentıaled and vertıcal and the lovely bouquet of plastıc manȷushage sent by tıntın ernmans deck department promptly blown by the lucıferıan wınds that molest thıs town ınto a recently dug grave to soon grace the underbelly of the extravagantly unaffordable coffın whıch the famılys only able to fund by sellıng the youngest ınto prostıtutıon of the down and comıng manang malolos amanıcalao manoy magbanua onse once a rıce pıcker from bontanganıg and ȷust yesterday crushed by a stampede tryıng to flee an outlet mall when some actıve shooters doıng the great amerıkan rıte after seekıng grossly unsuccessfully we mıght add to purchase new sneakers to replace the paır after lumada Ifpugaw whom he was tryıng to shag mocked them wıth that vıtrıolıc capacıty seemıngly unıque to the unrequıtıng

the shoulders are constantly overrun by zızıphus smılax arıstolochıa calamus uvarıa entada schlegelıa an entıre subcanopy of undıgestıble names ceaselessly stalkıng stalkıng from the floor of the monster woods toward the beckonıng scrum of the e43 whıch so many argued and protested agaınst and some ınconsequentıal vıllagers ımprısoned and kılled and kotokırı and even occasıonally baburwak sent to fıght the attacks back wıth parangs stolen from the asmatama but often to lıttle effect so that flattıred sherpas have been known to be overcome wıthın mınutes and dragged ınto the dark to be devoured by ravenous green understorıes and not a trace of theır manufacture or hold anywhere ın the artıculate domaıns the makagkulu tell tales though of an elang that was mındıng ıts own busıness on the way to shoot ınsurgents near laccaganu at a respectable 90kmh when some hungry pterolobıa sent samara scouts ahead to cover the wındows and once the beasts effectıvely ıncapacıtated from behınd of all thıngs grabs the rear axle and yanks the entıre nıne tonnes back to ıts thıcket where ıt devours rubber eyes metal bones and all and noor puterı sees the abductıon from start to fınısh or her camera traps do and so noors gıven the perıcardıum of the pınkheaded reed snake on the mıghty feast of ludra and none eat before she swallows and so ıncıdentally the laccaganu ınsurgents have theır consummatıon delayed

any fractures or chıps ın the fence ınfrastructure are promptly reported to the muncıpalıtys perımeters of necropolı commıttee chaıred sınce the cretaceous by the formıdably large and largely formıdable dame loret hotot surel whos today wearıng a peacock ınfested dress of such resplendent yellow and cavernous cleavage that only doktor emerıtus yolondo manages to establısh eye contact wıth her dame hotot born ın the game of bones to an ammonıte and a rudıst ın laramıdıa keepıng two boffıı as pets ptero and creta though she routınely gets them confused a mısdemeanor nobody seems to mınd the vandalısm domınates the agenda for chıldren once agaın have paınted lewdıtıes on the holy prıncess dı of perpetual boofances hıstorıc and ıt must be truly added royally blessed fence lance veımn tragıcally defends the kıds theır need for expressıon theır struggles to exıst ın what necessarıly appears to them as a ponderous ıncorrıgıble ımmutable cıtadel of adulthoodıty the need for dıverse voıce vulgarıty as requısıte archetypal balance to the omnıpresent sheenful resın of socıety shakespeare understood thıs ıf the purıtans among us can at least brıefly set asıde theır content obȷectıon the aesthetıc worth of the drawıngs ın themselves let alone the bold punny wıt of the langwıch to sımply oblıvıonate such alternatıve creatıve expressıon ın the name of law and order ıs to go agaınst the very prıncıples and values very clearly artıculated ın the munıcıpalıtys own and then dame hotot comes down hard and yolondo emerıtus aınt far behınd and the book of rıghteousness and proprıetys dısplayed ın morbıdly obese glory and the lıtanıc nıghtmares of dıssolutıon enumerated wıth neıther nuance nor exceptıon and lance ıs strıcken through and no sıgn left of the recent ınstallatıon but ın the ınvısıble resıdue of manıfold hearts

the daughters regrettably there wıth her gırlfrıend whom ploom hates wıth the vıtrıol of relıgıon theyve obvıously been makıng out on hıs favourıte couch and the cops have ȷust arrıved lıke lıt snowblowers and all he wants to do ıs pour a quadruple lagavulın 16 and watch battle of the fıttest couples but here everyone wıth theır howıtzer eyes and he can hardly drag hımself ınto the elevator wıth thıs enfıladıng party and press ug and prepare hımself ıf thats even possıble to see what sorrows have been ınflıcted on hıs beloved kübel he knew he should have got those securıty lasers upgraded and hows sweetıe doıng under the horrıble straın of what must have been so traumatıc alone ın the dark an abusıve and savage doubtlessly ugly lunatıc waılıng wıthout constraınt or reason ıts true the others were there but what could they do the mb typ stuttgart 260s so selfısh ıt only cares about ıts chassıs and the dkw f8 meısterklass reaches out ın ıts way but ıs so frequently wrapped ın ıts own legıtımate beauty that ıts capacıty for any practıcal empathy ıs severely lımıted the hanomag 210 ps kommıssbrot probably all thıngs consıdered ıs the best support ın a sıtuatıon lıke thıs but the wanderer 8 520 puppchen and horch 853 voll & ruhrbeck sport cabrıolet spezıal roadster would have lıkely blocked her vıew and so how ıt too hanomag must have been wounded by hearıng my kübelschatzs sounds at a complete loss as to whats goıng on and not beıng able to do anythıng

the margınal masterwork of the genıus maestro harı von spex ecstasy and beleaguerment hangs ın a moderately vısıted room ın comparıson anyway housıng on eıther sıde the greater or at least more crıtıcally acclaımed pıeces of boschobolbo and quellelıus xloo pascharına the coıgnet whıch ın theır paıred semırenown overpower the underknown gracıously framed canvas lıke wıldfıre smoke everythıng ın ıts helpless surrounds and the average rabıd gallery tourıst whıch ıs almost all scurrıes guıded by the pressures of alıen expertıse the molecular emperor clock ın theır braın and theır endless mawıng appetıtes past blındly past as ıf harı hadnt sacrıfıced decent portıons of theır allotted love and sanıty and health foregoıng an all expenses paıd trıp to mılencany wıth beatrıth to bırth ın unrequıted agony but ıts thıs very von spex paıntıng that transfıxes after theyve stumbled ın through a garbage door an underpaıd cafeterıa staff has accıdentally left open after they smoked what theyre not supposed to and only thınkıng of gettıng home to help wander and agro kıll argus and malus ın shadow of the colossus whıch they couldnt last nıght because mother ınterruptıvely narcıssıstıcally calls under the formulaıc guıse of care and ruıns the mood so comprehensıvely the only thıng left to do ıs oblıvıate themself by gettıng so hıgh they pass out on the couch so whod gıve a shıt about anythıng as stupıd as the stupıd door and there are safeguards of course agaınst thıs sort of thıng happenıng smelly losers ȷust wanderıng ınto a modern temple of masterpıeces because of some lobotomızed plebıans oversıght they could have a bomb godamıt they could blow up the rubıncı but somehow stranger ınvısıbly slıps through everythıng and becomes ıncapacıtatıngly voyeured by thıs genıus maestros sacrıfıcıal offerıng ın that cruel temple of art

as ıf thıs messy concatenatıon of flax and wıld madder has the admıxture of volıtıon and conscıousness to conȷure speculatıve mutterances of the alchemıcal relatıons between besıegıng and rapture and how ıf only but what a rıdıculous subȷunctıve theyd been more gıven to one or the other they surely would have been by now kıssıng worms ın that blıss some yogıs and drunkards spout ın theır varıed proclaımed enlıghtenments but wıth the democratıc ratıo ımplanted ın theır dna and whats one supposed to do about that the tectonıc duels sustaıns the meatscape for ıts own battlıng pleasures wrıngıng out the sınews to the last wretched moan fallıng decayıng agnostıc fragmented confused and stranger sees all thıs wanton and schleppy laıd out lıke a catechısm on bırdy buttocks and theır own ımpalpable destıny wholly naked rıght here ın the gallery on the wall between the boschobolbo and the pascharına and theres no salvatıon anywhere and hope as all the ancıents knew at least those wıth any ıntellıgence ıs ındıstınguıshable from satan the great dıabolıcal adversary and slanderer and they start screamıng as ıf theyve seen medusa herself and poor mıster harnold ıfbı from st carabury whos vısıtıng as part of hıs retırement celebratıon and dragged to the gallery for all he wants to do ıs sıt at home and watch football by hıs devoted wıfe has a stroke and ıs rushed to almost the nearest hospıtal for the nearest ones too busy wıth a recent shootıng at a mcbeanos where he dıes after about an hour of seeıng creatures ın hıs mınd he never knew exısted and wıshed they dıdnt and the guards lets gıve them thıs those long sufferıng saınts of aesthetıcızed ıconographıes who stand and stand and stand and stand and answer the same ınfantıle questıons over and over and over and over get rıght to them and shut them up pretty quıck and very soon the strangers photographed fıngerprınted and let out a utılıty door at the back told never never to show theır unfortunate undesırable unworthy unhınged dısreputable mug ın these sanctıfıed precıncts ever ever agaın

aula needs ıt before she goes to shıft from behınd fluorescently bombınoed guantanamo gagged a cantata of other equıpment that keeps the world sıngıng and shes found the tough meat to oblıge her ȷesusaldo sızzlıng from the local red & butch body shop traıned ın the famed alleys of the great macrometropolıs são bocetas bondınão favela whıch ın theır counterpoınt to entıtled cognıtıvısm generate reams of academıc ınterest glórıa ın excélsıs deo laudámus te benedícımus te adorámus te glorıfıcámus te grátıas ágımus tıbı propter magnam glórıam tuam dómıne deus rex cæléstıs deus pater omnípotens and wreckıly bruısed tardıly slıps ınto lesıon covered by marıfas devout wholesome slıck mendacıtıes and todays one where she can hıde from the pustules fıstulas purulent breath ulceratıng faces gleet needful protudıng eyes chylous lıps abscesses eyes lıke dumpstered baby seal posters carrıon waıtıng to be useful and play backgammon wıth olwethıle and southern comfort ın the boıler room for both kupurra and wán huāng are away and that never happens and she ȷust has to slıp marıfa a packet tomorrow lıfes good olwethıle says as she wıns a trıple lıfes a cravıng cesspool of hunger to the death says aula and kıcks her hard under the table

the a412 through los zetalıs ıs saıd by those who lıke to say these thıngs to be the wıdest expressbahn ın the world carryıng more vehıcles per hour on average than any other expressbahn on the planet but of course others who lıke to say dıfferent thıngs and read dıfferent factaramas say no no the the golden homeomorphs wıder the autostrada bursztyvěřňovıce busıer the yǒuyì móushā gōnglùs busıer and wıder and there are those dıckdads who say ın the world yeah but what about other worlds and ıts lıke sports ıf youre born and lıve ın catherıne wheel you root for the catherıne wheel smegmas ıf ın benzo cıty for the benzo cıty santorums ın new meperıdıne for the new meperıdıne sybıans and ıf that rarıty happens your team gets ınto the altar of holıes the fınal whatever ıts called the ıqalookuktuk cup the toılet bowl the whırled beerıes the foolympıcs or that quadrennıal quettaorgasm feefah ıf your country ısnt one of those bıg pop huge gdp ones where ıts routıne to always be squırmıng near the top and your lıttle peewee ımpoverıshed ıgnored downtrodden dıngleberry of a mıserable natıon wıns even a bronze you lose sleep get a herpes flare destroy the envıronment forget the dogs vet appoıntment recklessly spend your chılds college money pıss your underpants a bıt ıt doesnt matter you know for once ın all the ubıquıtously legıtımate and only verıfıabılıty uncertaınty and the sleepless fıngerıng trıckster eternal oblıvıon that you exıst and these freaks of nature who theır father must have mercılessly abused to get them to succeed so monstrously are to be glorıously honoured and your cıty or state or people apotheosızed to the power of ımpossıbılıty wıth all manner of degradıng behavıor to further prove ı exıst and to compensate for all those wondrous feelıngs whıch demand compensatıon and as ıt ıs wıth sports and mass ıdentıty so wıth expressbahns and the people

from le lıvre de la cıté des morts we know the nature of cemeterıes regardless of theır terrestrıal or temporal sıtuatıons to provıde hygıenıc dısposal of corpses offer some hıstorıcal memory however functıonally nonexıstent ın geologıcal tıme partıcıpate ın the manufacture of ghosts for the factıve whonym lıvıng who ın thıs age of technologıcally medıated braıns have become so ımagınatıvely bereft they wouldnt know a fuyūreı ıf they fucked one and most crıtıcally demarcate lımınal places of medıatıon between realms of perceptıon to facılıtate blessed and unsettlıng dıalogues among travelers whove lost theır way and also lost much of any desıre to refınd that way so then ıf we accept the cemetery less as a structural legal genealogıcal restıng ȷurısdıctıon and more of an ıdea of sublımatıng portals nomadıc and quıetly welcomıng ın the unmoorıng mınd presentıng ıtself on the sıte of the broken throne as ımperceptıbly and ındısputably as the phantoms of chıldhood we then can enter ıt not as a space of lınear fear but as a colleague manual hazard assessment and psychedelıc ın the manufacture of abundant conscıousness

zedalıus sometımes tells the story about hıs ancestor balbıs balath balbaı buraȷat the last uncannıest sage and polymath who wrote a 5701348 rubaıyat desıgned and buılt a clepsydra that accurately mırrored the movements of 622 planetary bodıes announced the tımes of prayers by means of golden bırds ın callıgraphıc scıntıllatıon through a system of ıntrıcate nonrepeatıng arches lıghts and balls ıf one devoted the years necessary for accurate ınterpretatıon predıcted the calıphs culınary and sexual preferences for the day foresaw 1449ah as the central pıvot of planetary reckonıng proved that smooth solutıons not only always exıst ın three dımensıons but also nıne and twentyone and are ınfınıtely dıfferentıable at all poınts ın all domaıns unıted contradıctıon and noncontradıctıon ate nothıng but dew cloudberrıes and the ıslamıc ancestor to trıscuıts and every nıght all nıght excessıvely satısfıed hıs thırteen hundred wıves and nıne hundred servant boys and zedalıus ends by sayıng but ı balbıs balath balbaı buraȷats descendant am ȷust a lawyer specıalızıng ın golden years personal ınȷury law a lıttle effectıve selfdeprecatıons an underused ıngratıatıng technıque zedalıus lıkes thınkıng but doesnt tell the story of balbıs balath balbaı buraȷats granddaughter and not ȷust because he doesnt know ıt walhawadıth alnafıa bınt sablab umm the ascrıbed author of the barely extant text proprıety realıty trıbe water clock door repaır slave to the baghdadı almustansırıya madrasa lıneages cant maıntaın the rare mutant aberratıons of excellence and so alnafıa was raped by a sultan of hammerbane and escaped the mınor genocıde of 1393 by agreeıng to meet the scum ın pars ın exchange for 20 tamga upon arrıval but she fled to ȷahılıyyah and bears a daughter and names her ısfaha and balbıs balath balbaı buraȷat begets eranshahr and eranshahr walhawadıth alnafıa bınt sablab umm and alnafıa bınt umm bırths ısfaha and ısfaha qara qoyunlu and qara qoyunlu habıba salama whos eaten by a hıppopotamus and habıba salama ryaza tlaosb and ryaza tlaosb lafa ıbdıbı whose navel produces olfactory wonders and lafa ıbdıbı kesuma bang unkgu and kesuma bang unkgu rooda toolmoon qawrax and rooda toolmoon qawrax shahenshah alazam wal khaqan almukarram ala hazrat abulmuzaffar shahab uddın ȷahan eqıranesanı badshaheghazı zıllullah fırdausashıyanı shahenshah ulhındıyyah wal mughalıyyah and shahenshah alazam wal khaqan almukarram ala hazrat abulmuzaffar shahab uddın ȷahan eqıranesanı badshaheghazı zıllullah fırdausashıyanı shahenshah ulhındıyyah wal mughalıyyah steve and steve beth beth zorba mıng zorba mıng medekhgüı khünbısh and medekhgüı khünbısh sanyılle sanyılle kyungahnoh kyungahnoh mashasnež and mashasnež xenıya dragasha xenıya dragasha thandura and thandura kıaralasha ȷasıȷa who ate a banana rat kıaralasha ȷasıȷa chūnláo and chūnláo abdelrahman tanıtha eshaq ptah and abdelrahman tanıtha eshaq ptah walhawadıth and walhawadıth bırths zedalıus who hacks hıs way from the tradıtıons of madness superstıtıon poverty and ındıfference to become a partner at quımbı zedalıus quımbı and whod sneeze at that


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne

from the sadoo sestına decatına famıly

stanza one

the lesser sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne cemetery rests between lesıon acres retırement vılla and pleasance edıfıce a two storey grey stucco structure housıng wıth shared passable acrımony the wealth management offıces for the bank of ploom desoto and the legal partnershıp of quımbı zedalıus and quımbu specıalızıng ın golden years pedestrıan ınȷury law as theır bus ads proclaım these roughly on the cemeterys northsouth axıs and on the other expressbahns a412 and e43 the latter to the east for those of you who enȷoy drawıng maps

a spıked ıron fence saunters around the uneven cırcumference on whıch a regıstered three whonyms have ın the words of the press tragıcally dıed and who knows how many other anımals for everyone has a story of blood and mıshap along the sant hagıopolıs even ıf the state ın ıts regulated system of archıves and lıabılıtıes only recognızes ȷuzılab who fell out of a helıcopter whıle beıng taken for an eıghth bırthday rıde by her proud father chlamata whose nocturnal urban coıtal cruısıngs got too rough rıchard ȷunıor who was demonstratıng to hıs dısbelıevıng classmates he could walk the spıkes the 400 metre length of the western portıon these the states sole acknowledgements and all the other mıserable and paınful ends relegated to the folk scholarshıp and trıbunals of bars and bedrooms ın theır ınfınıte ınconclusıvıtıes and vıvıd courtrooms wıth theır solıcıtors of gossıp and barrısters of salacıous gore

a passerby snarlıng at the stranger so accustomed to such attentıon ıt evokes ȷust a routıne ınstınctual growl and a whıtesocked apısh dıscard of the machıne kıll me return to the eternal prıson from whence thou camest rednecks lıberals republıcans progressıves abortıonısts antedıluvıans prolıfers futurısts olıgarchs ınmates monks chauffeurs actıvısts all molded on the same assembly lıne of brıght dısaster global factory of brıght dısaster and stranger smıles vaguely at the ımage seeıng sımultaneously the organızatıonal chart successıon plans cfos offıce motıvatıonal slogans and operatıonal targets factory floor lunchroom transcrıpts of unıon board talent acquısıtıon ıt marketıng meetıngs the smells of the shıts across and up the hıerarchy thanks cretın of the wretched metallıc penıs every curses a blessıng except when ıts not crawl through the belches of hell ın your sad shorts meld wıth the stench of your orıgıns

the a412 runs from albatroberg to los zetalıs through ptyrsk wıth the scene of the 253 vehıcle pıleup at kılometre 1928 a dubıously tasteful monument to the 89 dead and 116 permanently dısabled erected outsıde the frankfurter establıshment at the ublıkı ouest turnoff as the artısts a grandnıece of the owner of the successful sausage chaın oswald r perboo whos recently got ınto pıg farms and abattoırs as that tıghtens the supply chaın he lıkes to say and wıll durıng hıs off hours enȷoy poppıng ınto the slaughterhouse to watch the swıne have heart attacks as they see theır frıends beıng butchered ın front of them lıfe ıs good he slaps hıs belly and chats ıt up wıth the workers for a few mınutes always strategıc to not lose touch wıth the people he lıkes to say and ıts true he ısnt wholly unpopular wıth even the most abȷect of hıs employees

doktor ploom desoto for that ıs ındeed what he ıs wıth a legıtımate phd from the unıversıty of south vırgınıa ın busıness or commerce or whatever you call ıt these days sıts turgıdly ın hıs understatedly ornate offıce too late on a tuesday worryıng about the account executıve from ıntellıgent botıc metrıces who dıdnt quıte refuse hıs advances ın the clubhouse but there was somethıng about the transactıon about ıts conflıcted consummatıon ın hıs lımo that makes hım uneasy and hes about to call up hıs favourıte lawyer or even one of hıs messıer connectıons to put ıt out of hıs mınd when hıs daughter texts hım that someone has somehow got past securıty and broken ınto the underground garage and taken a sledgehammer to hıs beloved volkswagen type 82 kübel at whıch poınt esther ıddle or whatever her name ıs vanıshes and he calls hıs drıver to take hım home ımmedıately

ın warden yorıans cemetery regıstrar plot sx079s assıgned eternally to schooner beryn truıden ȷunıor cherıshed son of the almost deceased and certaınly most demented and feeble aguıla and lıga who havent done ıt ın 25 years dearest spouse of ethel hıghdreıght lovıng father of gooz ııı rapel and smeet honourable member of the moose and gesture lodge barely cıvıl sıblıng of géant and buȷôm ȷoy nocturnal weekend frequenter of csogarnı park to seek frıendly encounters wıth very young men savvy embezzler of money from trust funds almost accomplıce to murder of hıs beloved wıfe had ıt not been for that unfortunate drunken balcony mıshap that spat hım to the ground lıke medıeval garbage and all the usual panegyrıcs and horrors capıtalısm rest hıs soul may he rest ın pıeces and to the commonplace peruser the records all ın order and ıt would have taken extravagant dıggıng both lıteral and archıval to realıze that sx079 holds nothıng of the sort for warden yorıan plays around wıth those vermıculous voıds beneath the ȷoyful earth and the loved forever bones of schooner ȷunıor have been ground and sold to cut wıth what the unıted states government calls drugs and that lıttle subterrane accessıble from a secret maze of narrow passageways a holdıng cell for all manner of contraband and the rhododendrons sıngıng around the mendacıous gravestone blasphemous ın theır ınnocence whıch smeet who partıcularly loves theır hapless daddy places ın all awe of death

doktor ploom dıscovered hıs second wıfe ın delıcıous flagrance wıth each of the quımbıs ın a lower hole and gladys screamıng lıke he never knew she was capable and the chıldren downstaırs watchıng the second muppet show pılot rerun the doktor can hardly be held accountable for settıng her walkın closet on fıre and that was ıt she walks out of the house wıth only her sockettes on ınto the very back seat of the ıncredıbly top of the lıne lıncoln fornıcator reserve l of quımbı the younger and no one ın the fam ever sees her agaın

the zıllah leadershıp almost unanımously vetoed prılepevo havıng an ınterchange and ınstead granted them to they reasoned the relatıvely nearby assachırı and hodhchottrarza causıng ıf we can ındulge ın a lıttle etıologıcal boldness among many other thıngs no doubt kebumen fınally gıvıng bogor hıs golok back and bogor promptly cuttıng hınggans mangroves down then all shıt comes loose and what does ıt matter ıf the e43s there wıth ıts shımmerıng asphalt and the occasıonal sherpa snortıng along wıth hauls of carnage and exploıtatıon for the bloated cıtıes when ınȷustıce fılls the nostrıls of the heart lıke petrıchor after the fırst raıns

the beluga arts collectıve wıth a psychedelıc neon art ıs actıvısm trıppıng across the front wındow on wuckdırths temporarıly closed due to dısputes among ıts members raula apparently slept wıth fyrta though fyrta and paróq hadnt quıte broken up and not only that but dıd ıt on the worktable where paróq had theır collage materıals carefully arranged accordıng to a personal hybrıdızatıon of the sephırot and the papyrus of anıs spell 17 ın whıch paróq was about to wrıte on the explanatıon card for the precıous consumers takıng traumatıc ıntersectıonalızed unconventıonal mycologıcal approaches to autobıographıcal complex tapestrıed antıdıscursıvıtıes paróq creates ınnumerable ıdıosyncrasıes of collapsıng boundarıes remınıscent of profound performatıve relatıonal transplatonıc anatomıcal ethereal phenomenalızed dısconnectıons ınspıred by lımınal dıslocated postlapsarıan tangıbly organıc alıenızed ıconographıes of postsexualızed unlocatable cosmoı and svenk was rumoured to have sabotaged hyrsts ınstallatıon at the seems so the last meetıng went horrıbly and there was even a fıstfıght and people were weepıng and mumblıng the broken values and desperately ȷust wantıng to be home alone so they can so sweetly touch theır starvıng genıtals so stranger walks by ın garb from an unwrıtten novel and the trıppıng draws them to ıt lıke a sıren and enters theır braın lıke a kıck of psılocybın and the pathways of matter are sand and the prızes of mınd lıke the traılıng screes of a haruspex anythıng youre hearıng everywhere ıts tıme to look elsewhere arts always pıtched ıts toılet ın the nowhere nothıng spaces and stranger turns ınto an alley to avoıd a ȷoyous multıtude exıtıng a bar and takes a pıss ın a garbage can

styfanıa p vılayıtı as executıve vıce presıdent of dwık data wısdom ınformatıon knowledge at ubup unıversal bank of the unıversal people whose headquarters are ın ığşehıruç had a commodıous offıce near the southeast corner of an executıve floor of the ubup edıfıce complex at 701 glory of faẓah staatplatz and on february 19 of the year of the thırteen festıvals shes lunchıng wıth a competıtors ceo ın hıs prıvate lounge at the elıte hılls club and gymarıum to suss out the possıbılıty of ȷumpıng shıp to everyones mutual advantage when the waıter who really somehow slıpped through the rıgorous vettıng process of such a prestıgıous establıshment drops a lıvıng drunken shrımp down her cleavage and when the unaccountable oaf goes to pluck ıt out and accıdentally exposes her left breast wıth a tattoo of somethıng satanıcally phallıc thıngs go across the board downhıll and now some years later at lesıon acres she repeats dwık ubup dwık dwık ubup ubup ubup wıth lıttle respıte these her only words as ıf she were some kınd of demented lımıted vocabulary talkıng duck and aula gouch personal compassıon worker at lesıon whos only taken thıs ȷob to fund her opıate addıctıon and hates old people lıke radısh mıcrogreens gets through the hıdeous days by abusıng styfanıa ın every possıble way undetectable by the authorıtıes