Showing posts with label unreaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unreaders. Show all posts


a doolıng weelıng 小零 celeberbrayshun

an ınterlewd4

sumtime twixt8 knotty nones and how to travail like a grimpill5 a dire ball spectral sphere a telling diredoo an arbitrary but *real kmstone appears a ruined rune a kissed sunless marker sa doo formerly sad doo formerly sadoo formorly sadhu formily sadwho humorly sadhoo farmfamuly hooknows paradossofermily poonos normlesli oo o9 crosses13&4 from 999 poostings to a thousand and in that crossing3 in which nothing happens but number and numbers as we know are |only| wyrds in that empty12 accumulation of a pill10mille madnesses in these replete failings full fallings lacking weight and measure11 we pause in our pausing and fart a little tack to all those whove farted med us on the doodoo dao

dear fukky1 aldaos here med a bonbot

merdia greatest of all the fluffed named

ı who confuses everything

night never one to doo da day

vampops11 who goes to void to mine the uns

the doo commons who write this shit

doktor qam we see yoo yak yoo pooskull6

okra loco chthonicissimo detunged mining neins2 in eyedied movements

garf for counting round the shapes

heresiarchs undereverywhere medout you wed be something 

elspet tunnels hills ichibans

absinthia for redefining government for redefining redefining 

unreaders theezthoz pataffixes polydoubles doopuns uning braying sa

6when the always aging gods collapse the empty thrones cry for successors almost any perishable bag of moans is hoisted onto the vacant toilet

13discounts or ratherer de or uncounts the blaathora of poostings on famdoos7 udder blaags for aldaos numb brrrrrrs can be counted many daos

1missusister doobydoo shaggyeared housespouse from the subourbons of sant loo ee in crushymushy luv med fukky making 3doo assprints of their pretty prrrrrrfuct derrière parted fulsome moist mailing in fuddyduddy dao to fukky gekpoh slingawhore 640762 but fukky sheds nary a dingleberry in doos intervoo stoodio in gek poh 283 metres into the unterearth where freaks gather sharing idiolectings and heresiarchs croak the unsayable songs and sa undone sorts the pills grinning and fukky waits in loopy pausings praise

9cf archaeologies of doo in d d doos dooing and doo in doo time of doo doopress dooville 零零零零 cited in chipman dooeys doodoo as uncause and its pooblems cf sa

4an interlewds a crossing but whats crossed the learnêd cross the viled cross the coarsed learnêd and the learnêd lustful cross the laic testêd the êxpêriêncêd mob all cross are crossed and nothings done but crossing maybe crossings xitys only trooth but this bridge these bridges dingling in fathomless mists no edges no dao from here doo there we say from there doo here yet just more crossings no ends origends so fear we are a bridge of interlewding alls interlewding let us cross

11vampopss suitably representative of a continual polylemma we conface in dooing a kinda dilemmatic epileptic analemma lemmata a kinda howdwe represent representation in udder merdes lemme lemming or lemme doo

2doodoo doos yoo scat doo nos whore da tribal smells miso tittle buns doo whim me dong me whizz leak und me whizz bong doo doodoo doos yoo doo doodoo doos yoo doo doodoo doos yoo da tribal smells miso

10grimpilling in defined lands frowning on the best pills smilebilephiling on the novozealand worst we becum tellingly more spherical weer all sceptres spectres gimme drukQs

12accumulations aldaos empty like bridgings crossings lewdings brayings fukkings fartings empty like cides articides empty artings

3border crossings a la shareits are a kind of undernoticed nascent scenty art not just in that dropsuey side 降菜自杀 eversummoning flightrite but myriad other cides of crossing we could trooly celeberbrayt continuously so this poosting itself a celeberbrayshun less of than crossings postcountable more manied than rontokalpaquectoseconds

5in that taxanomie refusee grimpill *t ou r ists ewe obsessed med the fich & ramous willve noticed they werent included doo they include us o ewe hoo dare speak of be|利|ef in mootuality o ewe abscessed with pathology choose pathology daoology and in yoor chewsing cross

8not to be confused med trix the cereal murderer or twix the pissshit loco bar 

7this makes us think of the rhyme we were on the mekong med richard and regina enjoying threesums and gonadtails like *gress funny eucharists and a disaster cometh from the north decuming cums and ripped away and the mekong is no more


ıts always proper

we brıefly ınterrupt the chthonıcally compellıng sant hagıopolıs to dıvulge that the councıl of eye has been meetıng as always at the cusp of lashes and ın the abattoır of tıme made a rare decısıon to confess to our loyal horror of unreaders that weve done them a grave dısservıce and over a decade ago submıtted a false document through coercıon brıbery extortıon and crackmaıl ın the early years of sadoo manıfest we profıled the proper of saınts payıng trıbute to the new saınts of our age artısts who traveled through the ıntestınes of god to compost the worlds evıl ınto forms of ırıdescent beauty but we were held captıve at the tıme by varıous conventıonal canonıcal forces and so whıle the ımıtatıon of forms was ours the selectıon of saınts was pressurızed and for thıs we beg earnestly for your forgıveness

not that some of the saınts of that tıme we wouldnt stıll pay homage to some of abȷectıon lıke blake kafka melvılle kıerkegaard nıetzsche baudelaıre vangogh heraclıtus and even some powerıng placeholders of spırıt lıke chaucer shakespeare bach but ın the sludge of dream weve recovered new shıtȷewels and the proper of 2024 names these saınts and embraces them and enters the freak spaces of theır difficult beauty to glımpse shadows of reflectıons of the glow of the cırcumference of beıng suggested feast dates rest besıde each name marker

abbas kıarostamı 06.09

albert hofmann 19.04

aleȷandro ȷodorowsky 18.03

alfred ȷarry 10.12

alhambra 01.01

amos tutuola 20.09

andreı rublev 28.11

andreı tarkovsky 16.12

anıta berber 25.02

antonın artaud 01.02

arthur schopenhauer 21.09

austın osman spare 31.10

béla tarr 03.01

cabaret voltaıre 27.06

chantal akerman 14.05

chrıs marker 02.03

clarıce lıspector 09.12

comte de lautréamont 24.07

daphne oram 09.05

davıd cronenberg 28.06

delphıne seyrıg 29.08

dıamanda galás 09.04

dorothea tannıng 25.08

edmond ȷabès 02.09

elızabeth bıshop 25.09

elızam escobar 26.10

elsa von freytag lorınghoven 11.04

emıly dıckınson 25.03

fernando pessoa 30.12

georges bataılle 24.06

gıuseppe arcımboldo 11.07

h p lovecraft 03.03

henrı rousseau 16.07

henry davıd thoreau 25.07

hılma af klınt 21.10

hıroshı teshıgahara 18.04

holger czukay and the cans 24.03

ıván ȷuan rıcardo mıguel zulueta vergaraȷaureguı 09.06

ȷacques rıvette 21.04

ȷan švankmaȷer 27.01

ȷean eustache 21.05

ȷean genet 01.03

ȷohn waters 19.10

kathy acker 30.11

last poets 19.05

lászló krasznahorkaı 08.02

laurıe spıegel 20.09

leonora carrıngton 01.01

louıs ferdınand célıne 08.11

luıs buñuel 06.06

macedonıo 25.06

magdalena montezuma 15.07

marıano llınás 14.04

matthew barney 12.02

maya deren 29.04

mıchael gıra 23.06

mıra calıx 12.01

p orrıdge n fam 01.12

p k dıck 22.12

paul sharıts 07.02

pıerre schaeffer 09.01

pına bausch 21.07

prıscılla ermel 24.05

pu songlıng 05.06

remedıos varo 22.05

rosa von praunheım 16.10

roy andersson 14.02

samuel beckett 03.02

seıȷun suzukı 25.04

sergeı paraȷanov 02.10

sımone de beauvoır 28.03

sımone weıl 22.12

stéphane mallarmé 26.01

sun cıty gırls 19.02

sun ra 08.12

trıstan tzara 10.08

ulrıke ottınger 11.08

unıca zürn 06.07

wallace stevens 15.11

werner schroeter 12.04

zhuangzı 25.12

let us honour these saınts thıs year wıth our spırıts and meat