
da nooz

wot duzz da nooz doo
eye dont no wot da nooz dooz
gawsips ə kinda nooz
ə nooz dat iz da peeplz nooz
eye dont doo da nooz
eye dont doo da beeg fatt nooz
eye dont doo da beeg gawsips nooz
eye dont doo da nooz
da nooz sumteyemz duzz mee
end den eye feel badd badd
eye dont leyek da nooz
eye dont leyek da nooz
eye leyek da stuf dat ehnt da nooz
butt wot iz left dat ehnt da nooz
nott much
dairz ohnlee much da nooz
iff u haff 2 yooz da nooz
yooz itt nott how itt telz u itt shood b yoozd
butt yooz itt nott da wai itt telz u how 2 yooz
eye m da nooz
eye giv u da nooz now
heer iz da nooz
reed itt end beecum inn formd
diss iz da nooz
diss wil bee da nooz
diss haz bin da nooz
diss iz da nooz


sadoo and pataphysic

were sitting today here in a place of sitting at the deworld disconvention of the impossibility of communication with a badly number of crude and superficial experts on   what are you experts on

were experts on thinking were experts

speak for themselves  were experts on the impossibility of expertise

the newest expertise is that expertise that  in hiding in ignorance  becomes a detour around the very thing knowledge is seeking

theyre experts in the derisive capacity of expertise to undo the edificial structures that sustain the privileges inherent in the separations between those doing the experting and that being the experted

doktor ‘fukkys here unnaturally and the usual other charlatans but also some voids we dont recognize and of course an entirely meaningless welcome to all and were so glad to be here to talk about   what are we talking about

were talking about whether the copulative has been able to effectively function between substantives since the wars of adpositioning and the subsequent pillagings or whether it  while appearing to function  that is sitting there like a senior executive fulfilling itself while manifesting in the comprehensive balances less than nothing  consuming space for no reason other than as an ossification of a historical principle that never even in time or imagination was living but served only to perpetuate generative capacities of death

nephological and nephrological distinctions  not disanalogous to those of ornithology orthography and orthology have presented to the literature conundra which panjandra snarl into imbrogli of erudition

the working classes  of which we are fatefully not  slouch for us as a synonym for a dreamt word we seek on the analytic couch of our violet indulgences which we nurture with emotions having the consistency of molasses the taste of turmeric and the texture of tetrafluoroborate

splashing in the neuroendocrinological sludge at the tipsy end of a hypothalamicpituitarygonadal axis i saw with hefty reservations my train sloughing forth from the woofing terminus like a nature video savagely consumed by engrossing cats

specifically theyd like to ask are sadoos pataphysicians and  the corollary  seemingly necessarily bound but not ostensibly necessarily so  question  are pataphysicians sadoos

as imam friedrich garbles there was only one christian and it lived two thousand years ago so we garble theres only one pataphysician and it lived a hundred years ago

that jesus may have been the first pataphysician …

is there only one sadoo?

and that chang doo?

the similarities are blatant and tragicomic  as the raw healthy vital energies of the christ got quickly quashed by the pedantries of the construction of bishops priests cardinals masses within the expanding and expansive factory of an official and powerstarved christianity  so the genius of the jarry is stolen and donned by the scholars and professionals of creativity to simulate auras of the alternative beyond and a daring so distant from their capacities who could geometrize a universe to contain them

let us smoke huqas of hashish and maassel and see in the qutrub potentialities of greater falls

are sadoo and pataphysic one or many or negative or zero?

or outside any mathematic

being word

i saw the mustelidae leave their little ones to return to the lightning

the patasadoo is the subject of doktor ‘muertes voluminous study gidouille and doodoo which disproves proof and in disproving voids

i went to the neighbourhood varsalum to seek the marvelous but found only larva muss

the question for us today is what does an institutionalized pataphysic look like?

its important to remember were only a century after its founding and  the similaritys already been vomited  xity a century after jesus hardly looked like xity in 1500 or 1900

but  the acceleration of time

the rewarding of successful abstractions cant be overlooked and by successful we mean the mocking deconstruction of the judeochristiancapitalist monument in such a way that it serves
the monuments masochistic release needs and thus is rewarded by the monument thereby subverting the deconstruction

so judeochristiancapitalism becomes judeochristiancapitalismpataphysics

    j    jc    jcc    jccp

and merges with the cccp and the lgbttqqiaafuctpsho

the alphabet goes ever on and on
down from the void where it began
now far ahead the alphabet has gone
and i must follow if i can
pursuing it with lighted feet
until it joins some weirder way
where many raths and gimbles meet
and whither then? i cannot say

i want to sing for the ones killed in the ecstasy

if metaphysics is a hypersupercomputer spitting out gibberish with false gestures of meaning and physical reality a python eating a lion while a lion eats a python pataphysics is a drunken turd lurching across a falling sky

sex  that one remaining ultimate physical activity  is possible for the pataphysicist but only if laughter and fucking are indistinguishable  if in fact the practitioner cums when it laughs and laughs when it cums it skews into aberrations that post the sex to pata

while death  that other  never happens

and sterrof the closet daoist has a dream and this the dream sterrof dreams

it is mcing a large thronging pulse of religious geriatrics who surge from the singing home of god into the profanity of out where slews of transports await and the pulse even in their ancient days shinny nimblely onto the tippytops of the transports which whisk away to parade the ups and downs of hauptstraße of jedestadt and the geriatrics of vim and holy jerk and fuck and much of screaming and halleluwah and many mores

and sterrof the closet daoist wakes up in a mood befitting the dream

when you communicate pataphysically and the tightend of your patatalk operates with capacity only in the physical realm and possibly with some capacity in the metaphysical realms where does communication go?

is sadoo just a patanym of pataphysic?

doktor ‘fyre abend has developed a costbenefit analysis of patanymics using pataeconomics

string theory is a mathematical pataphor and sadoo theory a stuffed crocodile

the growing gap between literature about pataphysics and pataphysics  its increasing cerebralization

well have a pataaquinas soon

i want bookers in mine

but pata is merdre

throw out the merdre  throw out the pata

it takes it meta

so i take it pata

to keep it meta would be commenting on its comment from any of the available discourses  but that begs insufficiency  for then we can only be two aspects of the manifoldlyaspected sphere   or continue the meta until the meta gets exhausted

this exhaustion is academic discourse

and social media chitterchatter

as meta breaks the physical

so pata breaks the meta

and what is there to break the pata

not meta

only the circle back to the physical

to merdre

to merdre or merdre to not  this is the clinamen

or waiting for that which is beyond pata

pataphysics is the first religion of human nonexceptionalism

daoism was  at least its changdoo form

patadao patadoo 

in the pataphysical attempt to not virtualizeabstract the world  for that was the metaphysical age and it abdicated to technology  but to wholly absurditize it  which it may be abdicating to politics so that politics and technology  who together doeth all things well  may lead us stalwartly unto our unmitigated demisings

one cant be a theoretician of pataphysics for then ones a metaphysician

what do you call someone who operates on a pataphysicist?

doktor ‘ubu

pataphysics destroys theory through flights of served swerving turds

ita est ergo ita sit

ita est ergo ita non sit

ita non est ergo ita non sit

ita non est ergo ita sit

ita ita nonsit ergoer ergoest

ergaita nonsita erer ester esty estest

ergadoo sitadont nonersad dontadao pataest

saderpat dooest non itadoo

anyway thanks everyone in this place of sitting at this disconvention doing pataproving for everything thats not been done and none of us of course mean anything

let us smoke huqas

let us listen to the mustelidae rise to their returnings

let us

who could say no to the no

let us

yet another dumped play of the light of mind
inspired by the omnipresence of incomprehensibilities
and the giggle of the pretensions of communication

we talk to no end but more beginnings of talk


exile  being a state thats out of state  destates itself wherever apostates devastate estates statements

so exile becomes not about the state  but about states  or rather a play of states  of matter and dismatter

ex isle      ex small island
into the vast
ex ill          ex i  ex will
a postvolitional postidentity world
ex i le       ex i definiteness
aliving in living  living in aliving
exile         elixe  elixer  elixir
soma ras of otherity

mysticism is the condition of having banished exile
what does technology do to exile other than obliterate it?
technology accomplishes from the outside what mysticism does from within
mysticism and technology meet in the annihilation of exile where in and out get confused

the one who is taken out
the one who is walked out
the one who is driven out
the one who is desoiled
so the one who is purified by going out

out from what?
out from out?
out from in
out from what
out from exile

technology is a great exiler
driving us all out
out of what?

banished from what?
a space?
the space?

but then so also banished from
a time
the time

exile   utopia and uchronia
spaces of nospace and notime
so exile is art  those spaces of creation where the measures of physicality are exiled so we dont have to be

the passivity of exile
one is exiled
but an equal activity is always present
i exile myself
i am exiled
what exiles me is itself exiled through my exile
for exiling  like incarceration excommunication ostracization shunning  is a collaborative exercise
and i exile the exiler with as much exiling as it has exiled me
and in this mutuality cancel the exile
by having brought us into the same nospace spaces

to be able to exile one has to believe in home as a definable place thats solidly affixed to identity
exile as a belief and attitude depends on assumptions about the chemistry of home  the chemistry of i  and the chemistry of their relations

but im an alchemist of exile and exile becomes an experiment of outings in plasmatic consciousness

how long does exile last?
if i was born in alaqaruvu and lived there for 25 years and then exile or exiled to uvuraqala for 25 years and then am returned to alaqaruvu am i then exexiled? if one were immortal could this go on forever until the ile gets lost in the exes?

isnt exile just another name for a lack of imagination?

arent tourists and the exiled euphemisms for each other? from a geological standpoint theres surely no effective difference   tourists in their geological insignificance seek simulations of exile   the language of going from this place to that place is a convenience to guise that all we do in traveling is stay in the same place of simulations of exile

i was just exiled from baghdad to bangkok and then exiled to jakarta
where are you going to exile next?
ive heard varanasis a great spot for exiling so might try that
its all the same fucking place, man

technology exiles exile but then where does exile go?
to nature which also has been exiled?
for are nature  being the space that has been despaced  and exile  being a space away from space  sibling fossils in a uchronistic paleontology?

does not technology necessarily exile exile as it redimensionalizes space and in these curvatures and negations  these increasing intimacies with the energies of zero  exile  like almost everything  becomes not a statement but a question?

my friends are virtual  my children are digital  my parents have no dimensions  my birthplace is continually reconstituting time in a kaleidoscopic vacuum of vast and collapsing vision  my home is a phantasmagoria i meet in interstices of absence

politics and staatsein are lingering memories of dreams of nature and so any solid notion of exile is destined to be romantic and nostalgic  turning now into a tomb to serve an incapacity for creation

the famed cases of writers writing their best works in exile  but this in exile  in leaving the book of statements and the library of logic and entering the book of questions and the library of babel  becomes at home

in exiled exiling i am consequently always exiling   i exile from the café to the street  from dinner to sleep  from my cat to a smoke  from sleep to coitus  from illness to health  from coffee to absinthe

it is surely no accident that exiling and exiting are almost identical
and are we not a people of perpetual exitings?

when we pay more attention to the nomhematological properties at play here the difference is between an l and a t  the first and last letters of light   light  energy of endless exitings and exilings and so enterings  movement is the exile that is our home

and why does space tyrannize over exile? for doesnt exile equally belong to time sex gender race ethnicity religion ideas food   exiles a condition of being out  or rather or also of being in other ins   i exile from carnism to veganism and in this exile find a hospitable home   exiles  as so many things  a question of adpositions   and adpositions as we know  in any language  are slippery creatures  preferring the mucks of polysemousity and ambiguity   so if exile is an adposition how can we rightly speak of it as a monist and certain thing? as a place or notplace?  i was in alaqaruvu in my home and now i am not in alaqaruvu and not in my home?  for dont alaqaruva and home go with me wherever i go and i in my goings never leave?

exile assumes some fashion of a promised land in tandem with some fashion of typically linear time
but the promise was eaten by intergalactic turds some millennia ago
and the line as we know in our hallucinations  that only competent reality  curves crosses doubles collapses

exiles living away from ones tribe  but what is ones tribe? and what is away from it? who would know these hyperlit seconds any coincidence of identity among the inner tribes and the outer? and so who would know what even away might look like? here and there?

isnt my tribe those whove exiled and been exiled into disbelievings about exiling?

the reputed disorientation of exile disappears with modernity for disorientation is the birthright of the posthuman  its nod to the only orientations being disorientations  and so exile becomes disexile and one explores not a new home  for home is always new  but home  and home is i  and is disoriented to itself

for the pataphysicist metaphysics is comprehensible but boring and archaic while physical reality is a nightmare one continually attempts to not repeat   when the pataphysicist is forced to deal with physical reality we can say its in fleeting pataexile and when it deals with metaphysics  either by accident or expediency  we can say its in fleeting demipataexile

pataphysics patachemically excretes exile through pataplays of pataphors into patadimensional farce

exile on merdre street

any human born into the present technological womb of earth lives in disreality and so has never known anything but altered states  and once states are altered  exile  a possibility of the force of the reality of the state that preaches meaningless change while clinging to comprehensive unalteration  alters in conjunction and exile becomes an extension of design   a user setting like a mulberry background in my word processor  a patch on my synth 

i am in exile because i went to exile because i felt like exile because i heard exile singing

technology transforms mind into home and state into dream and so exile into a perpetual absurdist motion machine that none of us can be exiled from


astronaut wives club

i despise history so much i dedicate my life to writing myself out of it

the desire to remove the apophatic in mysticism
is it similar to the present requirement to smile for the camera?

try to work as much as possible with words as they arent
as they might want to be if they werent so anthropocentrically confined

humans arent built to assume the amount of translation they presently have to carry
and technology  built to assume the burden  isnt keeping up

how can one be cultured if culture is broken?

when theres no commuting what does it mean to own a car
when theres no future what does it mean to own a timepiece

the pun passes into the space i think i occupy and disperses me

word has succumbed to image but it should (re)succumb to sound
to noise

i keep forgetting which drugs im on and this makes it difficult to know how not to decommunicate

as barbed metallic reality accumulates in ironicized meat so meat must burrow further into its molecular voids to mine imagination from the increasingly distant and collapsing veins of god

all of france in its ponderous blood and pomposity conspired toward alfred jarry and now that pataphysics has broken into the world france can leave

stay in the elements of surprise from whence you first sense the daemons creeping until they rest and this the arc of writing

the pun is everything
even god hides in the pun

society is a kind of mysticism
in its darkness and words devoid of substance
its ecstatic empty relationship with light


temple of lump in the dumpster of out

dingle wordsless  smoke dangling from lips of a cheilitic mind like statement jewellery  passes staltered ates and pauses

crazy hazy lazy daisys inside writing epitaphs on invisible napkins with a finger and grease on the tombstone of the table like a thick modesty on historys disfigured face

dingle doesnt blench but splatters in latrines of thinking in response to the discarding i discard and without much cytogenesis or knack enters

dingles on one of those putrescent perambulations  disutile scholar of decay  questing drools and stricken monosyllables from vermilion borders of the vatic underclass

and staltered ates is a dingles thing  temple of lump in the dumpster of out  puntee in faeried ponds of thujone hippuricacid and coppersalts and never once much ken of who the punter

daisy though in the inflorescence of its wounds eyes the lugubrious oratory as a fly in kukku eyes inanna and our digging through the veils is everlasting

to the gruntings of the scuttling clientele dingle grunts them back and grunt on grunt the grunted grow the grunters and daisy spies a dingle

two lovers senching around crypts of vocational interments  spurlos versenkt  round sebum echoes of coital muckings striking wagers of escalating grimace

but staltered atess eyed it all afore so as dingles pitched not a grunting gets misplaced and gruntings all and all thats left is the epitaph itself to push the day

i am gone
like cyanide
to read asoft
my epitaphs
i am gone
like epitaphs
to soft a sigh
and so i died


you sociality

doktor hazy dent
who like the emperors
wears no clothes
a client shows
its name
loodz theev oqo odonata
i think
a fatapissicist
who disbelieves in rumination
but dent says
i like the emperors
and rumination isnt ruminescence
even as pissing may be fate
but apis isnt fat
i hail from paraetonium oqo says
in pears we trust
and we all always cant disrobe
and none of us can never undo the clothes
we all are emperors
i need to see your lower eye the doktor says
remove your pants
inarticulate negotiations dangle in the arid air
like those deserts glimpsed in rpgs as ones passing to the pissroom
humidities of thought circulating like recycled ambience
but not as quantifiably eusocial
the lower eye sees but cant be seen odonata says unzipping
im not here for healing
but to prepare prepositions for inward outings
and hazy stares
and loodzs viviparous
and lo a pair of eyes comes forth from lower eye
and eateth doktor hazy dent
and the client
that oqo theev odonata loodz
in body not in thought
disbelieving rank in emperors
goes forth too
eyed and naked  dressed

dingle wordsless does pataparables
it lives in loss and loss is gain
not that catastrophic loss where gain is loss
but loss thats less than words


i lives in an om let

i want an omlet  a big honkin one so stuffed with cheese i turn into a gooey hypersphere that rolls around the world and flattens the forests

in the year before the year that wasnt i ventures into the smoke on a quest for eggs and finds only the remnant of unheard screams and it is there i falters  neither wanting to forage through the heaps of grains of remnants of screams nor return to its maze in the sky and there dream about quests for eggs and i totters stupidly on a lost axis of itself and if there are any other egg pilgrims sojourning nearby i cannot see them for the thick grey joke that used to be the air

the omlet as i see it in my dreams has many waving limbs and though no heads many eyes on bright tentilla that blind me with their brightness and rather than being stuffed with cheese it is with humans and i dont eat it but it me and become a waving limb and stalked eye

as granny i used to say the rancour of the medium rivals the gait of the kinkajou therefore one purloins as a vitality the guttered citation  she said it as a yolk i think but for granny the distinction between weight and mirth was as fragile as an eggshell

i wish you wouldnt keep talking about eggs

ill talk about motels then

no  motels are scrambled omlets

in the maps not on the maps i clambers mount digitalia on a quest for motels and finds only a dissolute civilization drunk on a soiled bed and it is there i flounders like a cracked soufflé  unable to comprehend the erudition of the sot and equally incapable of descending to an allegory i stares into thick hazes of itself and laughs at the incapacity of the holy and vital lands to stand against the force of meaning

i used to dream of soufflés so much i married one in vegas when i was young and stupid and wise and threw away things as if i were the sum of carnivals but my spouse was empty and too in love with emptiness i left deflated and staggered into asphyxiations of myself

as granny i used to say the ghosts of the temple fatten dreams therefore one takes as a minuend those with the fewest toys  she says it as a wight might but for granny any divide between the under and overworlds is as insubstantial as pileipelles

i wish you wouldnt keep talking about granny

ill talk about el mot then

no  el mot is scrambled granny

were hefty and abundant like pseudohyphae
who among the beasts would strike us down

the heart of the caesura enters the clavier of truth
therefore one retreats as a fudge cake to discarded attenuations

we tincillate from the claws of clouds to pereve and adam
the door to the invisible is visible

the index of the dead veils the vortex of the image
therefore one enters as a radicand kaleidoscopes of privation

thanks to mixter lezama and the uncountables
at the whims of
revolutionaries evolutionists volitionists
managers entrepreneurs novelists
scholars gods names
tyrants smiles


dearest i say this is a love story

but theres something about the bourgeoisie  the way they hold their forks for example  the way they talk about sex as if they were reciting a particularly daring passage from foucault

no one says bourgeoisie anymore  one says sane

my life is so defined by love affairs i have nothing to say about love

having been recently promoted to Assistant Senior Vice President of Affairs and Definitions at Académie du Dictionnaire Mondial my primary role is to duplicate reality to a sufficient extent so as to further impoverish it

i cannot love my own love or love myself loving or love being loved so love lives only when love lives far away

the point is what money permits is a continuously expanding clutter of apparatuses of denial which are wholly necessary to sustain participation in an indecipherable and genocidal system

im routinely dazzled by the electronic apparatus scattered around everywhere  in fact i just remarked to tractatus that she might want to consider getting some to complement those she already has

the great repose of inner deafness through imperious repetition enables us to flee the terrible rumour of absence and get to work

i become a book and eat the book and the eating is my reading

storytelling of course has ended and the cancerous growth we have in novels confessional poetry and their hideous mutant relative creative nonfiction provides incontrovertible evidence of this  the storys based on causalities that while they never existed collapsed officially over a century ago and assumes an anthropocentrism that only survives in our infantile longings along with god and romance  having said this the prolongation of cultural corpses and the cancerous growth of cancerous growth are foundation stones of our civilization  without them we dont exist

i am liquid like a book and pour myself onto death  this speaking is my silence and i am only my telling

thats different  if the coherence of ideas isnt sufficiently firm and if one scorns the coherence that could form them  a progression will remain  lacking objectivity and subjectivity  a possible devolution of the world  the telling of the speaking becoming less a story than a sensuous moment against a darkening sky in which you have a sense of being pushed forward by your own refusal to advance  i wouldnt tell anyone this though

in life there comes a time and i think it is total that we cannot escape a place of doubting everything

accommodating yourself to reality and worrying for the rest of your life is a widespread hallmark of maturity

thats not what i mean  i mean the bourgeoisie with their access to an irony with little cost to themselves in direct proportion to a muting of their imaginations but this with significant cost exist in double movements necessarily creating a violence that they then project on what is not them and this projection is called culture

as a prostitute once told me the standards of the dead are incomprehensible to the living

where we remain after the ravishing  that spark in the manner of an aperture  no one can believe or speak or tell

were more or less saying the same thing and use our hopeless gestures to join from time to time with a silent language whose outcome is incoherent and whose confrontation with history disintegrates in ephemeralities of obliteration

we have reservations at bagatelle at nine  im going to shower