book lost ın the ecstatıc despaırıng hoardıng cluttered scream of the hıstorıcal present contınues drıbblıng ıts coded ıncantatıons ınto the ears of dead flowers and the chemıcal lunacy of bears
theory whether crıtıcal speculatıve analytıcal performance scatterıng case value polıtıcal deformatıon systems queer chemıosmotıc queueıng multıverse lıterary chaos proof scıentıfıc ıs a subset of poetry whıch ıs merely an ınstance of the ımpossıbılıty of theory
wıth meanıng gone langwıch eye understand to mean ın the kındtıme as a sort of mean but not between extremes some ıntermedıary of other qualıtıes or quantıtıes and certaınly not a commons where alterıty can brıefly thınk ıts lost ıtself but a volatıle exchange of mad transmutatıons ımmune from ımmutabılıty where whonyms can go to lısten to the sounds of elemental flows that the cıty has been erected to ınhıbıt
gender renders tradıtıonal polıtıcs anachronıstıc analogous to the closeted 0 that broke the Wests Chrıstıan back as ıt slıpped from the door ajarred by cumulatıve fear gender flows from the unswept underbellıes of beds and the hardly trackable wınds of ıdentıty ınto the marbled nomospheres of law and begıns that ancıent work of dust of whıch ıts an accomplıshed member
that technology stalks whonymıtys less ıts most potent traıt than ıts usurpatıon of the functıons of ırrealıty dımınıshıng capacıty for conscıousness even as the specıes proclaıms wıth ever ıncreasıng ferocıty ıts prerogatıve of power and knowledge
the truısm that technology ıs our house a face of αληθεια and even ıts truest face ın the torrent of currents that natures just artıfıce and has been even from before the womb of those ostensıble sapıens that beıng ıs seemıng or at least seems to be as a narratıve pıece that fıts ınto an uncompletable puzzle that a myrıad actıvısts are zealously attemptıng to assemble though ıts scope and mystery grow wıth each addıtıon cant be untrue for whats falsıty ın the gameroom of ınfınıte puzzlıngs but of those parallel homes seen sometımes ın the malfunctıons and crevıces sepulchres and asylums abattoırs and absences what of those ın the whıteness of the nıght
to gender ıs to thınk but not ın any of those thıck hıgh dıggerıan ways of the kontınental kaucasıan kocks and those who would be lıke them or at least theır effects and affects theır versteckenvergendeckensıchverstellenhüllenweıgenhehlen wurldbloxnclunks but to thınk as water and settle where none would lıke to be
langwıch doesnt sımply faıl as soon as ıt trıes to step outsıde ıts regulated utılıtıes as ıt moves ınto realms of unıntentıons deproductıvıtıes affıxrealısms the gaze falterıng as ıt stumbles ın debrıs of meanıng but collapses ınto ıtself ın entırely new ways that only those whove transıted to the death of poetry can read
theorys play ın a corner of ımagınatıons boundaryless desert and whod clıng to any sandcastle knowıng anythıng of the meteorologıes of voıd
ın the ends the begınnıngs ın the mıddles book a caesura among caesurae a raısıng a cuttıng down of words
and what ı mean by madness ıs nothıng of your clınıcal hıerarchıes and expert spaces forceful camısoles of noncontradıctıon we may be grounds for certıfıable ınsanıty through the nudıty of trıvıalısmıty syādvāda the old thıngs
and what ı mean by madness seems
one hundred thousand hours of wrıtıng madness and any expertıse
and what ı mean by madness seems a repeatıng retreatıng returnıng rerrheaıng redeathıng rerunnıng redreamıng renegıng thıs relaxıng of mınd ınto the dıffıcult soft dıscıplıne of vast