
diaper dialogues iv

today rev bonobo says as we stand awkwardly in situ we shall talk of shambolic god

i don’t have much to say

no one does

but they say it

twinkle stinkle little god
you’re stuck there without a bod
up above the world so high
like a feces in the sky
stinkle dinkle little …

the musical

i want to be stinkle

you can’t sing

i’ll anus sync

you’re divine

shambalic god









we’re getting obscure


we’re not talking much about god

isn’t that the way some say is the only way to talk about thid?


god needs thids own pronoun

thids’s awkward

so’s god

don’t project

projection’s a tool of light minds


the heavy is the root of the light

the light the flower of the heavy

now we’re talking about god

i believe the instructions were to talk of shambolic god

god doesn’t have adjectives

when you’re asomatous you also lack parts of speech?

what does shambolic mean?

how are we supposed to talk about something when we don’t know what it means?

isn’t that the very function of talk?

so we’re talking of god

shalom shallow sham shaman shucking shamed shamrocks shambling shambolically

the apophatics say we talk in silences, fragments, hints and negatives, shadows and incomprehensibilities, dreams and solitudes of god. we don’t speak of god as you would a recipe for fettuccine alfredo or a policy proposal for debt reconsolidation or having just stepped on a goose turd

and yet by the principles of apophatics we never speak more truly of god than when we speak of fettucine alfredo

do the apophatics debate whether we speak more truly of god when speaking of fettucine alfredo or when speaking after having just stepped on a goose turd?

i don’t think so

but we’re not speaking of apophatic god, we’re speaking of shambolic god

god’s a mess

you’re projecting again

or god projected on us

which came first?

the callitrichidae or josé da fonseca?


i’m certainly pleased you suggested we speak of shambolic god today

but all we’ve done is end up speaking of your apophatic god

apophatic shambophatic unemphatic aliphatic 

up above the world so high

like a dinkle in my pie

amen amun aum and amen


diaper dialogues iii

condos are stacked like coffins on the cornea of the city. we cannot see for the smoke of the industry of death. we see in cracks and construction promoted clouds. i die my hair curcumin and walk like a demented carrot qtip looking for ears. clouds will soon have pricetags, puffy in shopwindows, owned by stars

excuse me i say have you seen any ears?

they rush by like olives in a hurricane to their communication. i look for the ears of frogs, of hydrants, transit ads, of shopping bags, the ears of bicycles. everything has ears

coffins are for sale and the living live in them like things. i’ve tried to count them. one two seven 23 921 thousands more. like termite colonies but no wood to eat. the wood’s in monitors, exchanges

excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the ear store from here?

they rush by like horny dragonflies but not alighting on my lingam. any ears will do i say. i don’t wish to make a necklace of them like those savages in blood meridian. i don’t wish to enter them and squish around and pull some fascinating wax out. i wish maybe to conduct a census of ears – not those demographic attributes like age, ethnicity, language, income, social currency, drug use, failure – but the sensitivity of cilia, fluidities and cavities, data buried in bones

excuse me, do you have a moment to answer some questions about your ears?

they rush by, the humans, to the steppes of progress, their mouths like costco parking lots, their eyes like ergospheres. i do not romanticize cats, their twitchy ears i want to eat as twitchy cereal with absinthe. they rush by, and i do not find myself in elevators to the skies. i do not find myself. i walk around, asking coffins coffin questions. i like the dark. i cannot count it, it is one and nothing and all the things i cannot count. they are rushing. i have written a history of ears. excuse me


diaper dialogues ii

some memories ago we were sitting in empty stadium of light, befallen concepts like halloween mini chocolate bar wrappers scattered and everything like buttered dust, the many creatures around like fantasies or exhaust, pear blossoms (or was it bear bottoms?) in the air like ratatouille spilling from purgatory’s dirty green bins, everything like a box of atavistic hope wrapped in athena’s mons hairs which, as reputation goes, are longer than the distance between mirfak and hd 223229, thick as rapunzel’s braids, strong as the alphabet, …

you’re a poet?

a voidist


an avoidist


an anavoidist


an anarchist


an anti anteantianavoidist


i’ve heard it all before

once you’ve heard it all before you turn into a poet

once you’ve heard it all before you turn into a craunched marmoset

which came first, the poet or the avoidist?


what did marmaduke say to the marmoreal marmalade on marmara?

this is the way it’s gone today


it wasn’t funny

the marmoset was a little bit

craunched or uncraunched?

sadoo diaper
sitting in stadium
bear blossoms buttered
everything goes
alphabet empty
concepts like dirty
air like a distance
befallen exhaust

there, history on rutters. it entered from 219 with a couple from the nation’s capital looking like civil servants, never seen madness or poverty but through media. we went with it, poetry tends to

the couple said nothing?

the dude asked a few questions. edited them out

i don’t mean to be realistic – there are so many prefixes – but where did it come from?

219. i told you

but before that?

6a probably

you know what i mean

ultimately no

what about unultimately?

probably no too

they didn’t have that faith in poetry, that it could do anything, that it had any energy or light from outside, that it could produce, alone or in aggregate, even just in the soul, more compassion than cruelty, camaraderie than desolation, calm than ennui. for poetry is not a planet unto itself, lacking relation. and the poem not some form apart from smallmindedness or war

rev bonobo leaves the way gi came, 541, 14, hope like dirty ratatouille, reputation purgatorial (as it is), diaper like a leaf or gum in bleachers in a stadium in homo sapiens, poetry legacy software still somehow running in the os of our hearts


diaper dialogues i

sadoo diaper was trotting along by the causeways of the world one otum day, the sun joyful and dying behind veils of clouds, darkness pulled across the leafy earth like a duvet in liminal sleep, not quite neighing (this sadoo typically in human form), but making sounds rising from those spaces existing on definitional edges, when rev bonobo lopped along remotely, synthesizing

i am an armless potato at the top of a staircase of night says rev bonobo

i am a tessellated splitend of a pygmy tau neutrino i say

you don’t seem to be doing much

i don’t have much to do

is that because you’ve done everything or the frequencies of your tessellations are what we might call mismatched with those other frequencies in the bouncing horror of the present?


and. and or or or or or and and and and and and …

… everything’s now the same. i’ve traveled for decades through the differences of things and i’ve named the names and cried the cries and dreamt the dreams and fell into the trapdoors and listed the lists and here i am. whether i trot along or tutor a student or chop bok choy or make love or eat the children of god, it is the same

then why trot along? why not sit and do nothing?

the body moves

all we are are apes with language

all we are is language with flesh

and we beheld its gory



do you have any words of wisdom for humanity?

don’t drink contaminated water, memorize 103 words each day, walk on grass in bare feet as much as possible, don’t listen to humanity more than any other species, if you don’t enjoy doing something or if you enjoy doing something that causes others to not enjoy themselves stop, every once in a while put a happyface whiffwaff ball in your asscrack, mostly ignore society and ignore social media more, don’t wet the bed on tuesdays, whenever the doorbell rings …

you call this wisdom?

i call this words, wisdom’s too much like whiz dumb

homophones don’t prove anything

neither do scientists

that’s not true

there is my wisdom

in contradiction or nonsense?


and. and or or …

once upon a time jill and jack or jill and jill or jack and jack or all of them are tumbling down a hill making love and laughing when a rapid rabid badger gallops from a sett biting their genitals off. this causes jacks to go bankrupt and hang themself and jills go mad and the badger be cured of its rabidity

is there a moral to the story?

etiology’s pretty random

that’s not much of a moral

neither’s morality

is this what you were thinking about trotting along the causeways?



by the causeways

by the causeways?


we’re not getting very far

we’ve gone from there to here, like always

is every journey the same?

every journey is itself and all the others

why move then?

the body moves

why body?

i’m a tessellated splitend of a tipsy urino tau i say. i want to bot along the ozways of the whirled, suns joyful dying, darkness dancing light to tunes of damaged earths, not quite neighing, faking sounds, others lopping long remotely, synthetically persisting. and i do


diaper dialogues

                                  diaper dialogues
                                                                                    insomnia stories for adults
                                                 or     communication as it really happens
                                                         thinking as it really is
                                                   philosophy the way it can’t be taught
                                                                                                  words in the raw
                                                                                                                              or     chatting for the obscure
                                                                or     scatological sentience
                                                       votes for poop!

coming soon to a secular sadoo near yoo


things inconstant

consuming art is no virtue compared to the destructions of explicitly mercantile consumptions, despite any autorighteousness various culture puffs claim. art – to get to us – voraciously destroys in orders of magnitude not dissimilar to those of straightup capitalism, even when its ostensible content is cultural critique. so art is the rough inheritor of the hypocrisies of institutional religion and we who eat it the devout who bloody our knees on the hard steps leading to cathedrals of nowhere

everything we need to know and admire is in a square metre of soil

heresiarch t’t smesa, mycogod, has humans, fungi, plants, and bacteria working in conscious concert for the planet’s health. in a world in which humans can’t even cooperate with themselves let alone other species (surely we’re entitled to eat everything!) … what cross-kingdom collaboration!
new dreams –
i envision landscapes customized with mycelial matrices

how can i align myself with any system that depends fundamentally on force and fear for its survival?

it may be the distance between the ‘greatest’ human and the ‘least’ is greater than the distance between the ‘least’ human and the monkey (though this seems insulting to monkeys), but the distance between the ‘greatest’ human and god (consciousness, the everything of all) is far greater than that former distance. and so i mistrust the measures of the human, which focus on the former gap and not the latter, to humanity’s false aggrandisement, its delusional placement at the lead (but there is no lead) on the universe’s vast gameboard, and the degradation and soiling of its only home

humans envied the fear produced in them by nature. they wanted to be that cause (the cause of themselves?). technology has been a vehicle to that being. and now we scramble with each other to be near the top of the heap of fear (or any top of any fearpile). but humans are insufficient to be nature’s replacement, with or without technology. we can only be infinitesimal aspects

this rising talk on consciousness, while not unwelcome – is it not just mapping the extant god-mystic talk onto other language sectors? science the slow rather inept reason that has to plod along to even partially and belatedly translate what mysticism’s been advocating for millennia

humans evolve from the butterfly of childhood to the caterpillar of adulthood, often promoting their slow earthboundness, their voracious eating, as wisdom or necessity. if their slowness emerged from a true intimacy with the earth rather than a regulatory morass, a bureaucratic indolence, and an inability to transcend exploitation and extinction, who would not celebrate?
earth cannot be reduced to human flesh
human flesh cannot bear this burden

a function of therapy is to (re)integrate humans into society, but this society is precisely what has become questionable as a worthy habitat for living

autism might be a reflex response of the human to the preponderance of the human

from sin to mental illness through alienation – these adaptive cultural concepts, bludgeons of orthodoxy, linguistic cages for the gap between our barbarisms and our vision (which – despite the close of medieval war, religion, and torture, despite the death of god and heaven’s crumbling – hasn’t diminished but only grown!:
our barbarisms expanded through technology and unbridled pervasive attitudes of human supremacy, our idealism transferred from another life to this one)

polypolars, having to develop techniques to stave off madness and chaos, being experimenters in the unnamed, having within them myriad sets of eyes all gazing and blinking, …
… when a polypolar goes solo into the desert with those eyes and the landscape becomes nothing but eyes, eyes on eyes and in eyes, …

being a polypolar primarily involves the arts of waiting and psychic customs procedures – waiting for travel permits and arrangements, crossing borders and the various attendant rites, of exiting and entering domains, policies rarely written and when they are obscurely in obscure texts

what are we, demented followers of polluted and violent mirrors, we who drink from the shallow glass of ourselves and think we eat well?

the mathematics of mysticism
we are spheres
we are earth but not the earth
spheres of light
we are magnetic, but infinitely
not two poles, but uncountable
