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say the little words

i say the little words
they come to me from sleeps shredded dictionary
i say the light is blue
or i dont like the violet cloth
as if these were the only words i knew
and im in some place for those whove lost the words
where they store the ones outside the proper dictionaries
i could say like those who say the little words say me
for who am i to know who says what or knows or sleeps or says
and if the words that are said have anything to do with i or that
whatever this or this
i wait for the little words that come
and they come until they dont
and i say them when they do


diaper dialogues i

sadoo diaper was trotting along by the causeways of the world one otum day, the sun joyful and dying behind veils of clouds, darkness pulled across the leafy earth like a duvet in liminal sleep, not quite neighing (this sadoo typically in human form), but making sounds rising from those spaces existing on definitional edges, when rev bonobo lopped along remotely, synthesizing

i am an armless potato at the top of a staircase of night says rev bonobo

i am a tessellated splitend of a pygmy tau neutrino i say

you don’t seem to be doing much

i don’t have much to do

is that because you’ve done everything or the frequencies of your tessellations are what we might call mismatched with those other frequencies in the bouncing horror of the present?


and. and or or or or or and and and and and and …

… everything’s now the same. i’ve traveled for decades through the differences of things and i’ve named the names and cried the cries and dreamt the dreams and fell into the trapdoors and listed the lists and here i am. whether i trot along or tutor a student or chop bok choy or make love or eat the children of god, it is the same

then why trot along? why not sit and do nothing?

the body moves

all we are are apes with language

all we are is language with flesh

and we beheld its gory



do you have any words of wisdom for humanity?

don’t drink contaminated water, memorize 103 words each day, walk on grass in bare feet as much as possible, don’t listen to humanity more than any other species, if you don’t enjoy doing something or if you enjoy doing something that causes others to not enjoy themselves stop, every once in a while put a happyface whiffwaff ball in your asscrack, mostly ignore society and ignore social media more, don’t wet the bed on tuesdays, whenever the doorbell rings …

you call this wisdom?

i call this words, wisdom’s too much like whiz dumb

homophones don’t prove anything

neither do scientists

that’s not true

there is my wisdom

in contradiction or nonsense?


and. and or or …

once upon a time jill and jack or jill and jill or jack and jack or all of them are tumbling down a hill making love and laughing when a rapid rabid badger gallops from a sett biting their genitals off. this causes jacks to go bankrupt and hang themself and jills go mad and the badger be cured of its rabidity

is there a moral to the story?

etiology’s pretty random

that’s not much of a moral

neither’s morality

is this what you were thinking about trotting along the causeways?



by the causeways

by the causeways?


we’re not getting very far

we’ve gone from there to here, like always

is every journey the same?

every journey is itself and all the others

why move then?

the body moves

why body?

i’m a tessellated splitend of a tipsy urino tau i say. i want to bot along the ozways of the whirled, suns joyful dying, darkness dancing light to tunes of damaged earths, not quite neighing, faking sounds, others lopping long remotely, synthetically persisting. and i do


diaper dialogues

                                  diaper dialogues
                                                                                    insomnia stories for adults
                                                 or     communication as it really happens
                                                         thinking as it really is
                                                   philosophy the way it can’t be taught
                                                                                                  words in the raw
                                                                                                                              or     chatting for the obscure
                                                                or     scatological sentience
                                                       votes for poop!

coming soon to a secular sadoo near yoo