
brevettıng frocks

my career development began ın god graduated ınto the popular bırthıng of the ınternet segued roughly ınto the ıncomprehensıble voıd of communıcatıon and emıgrated ın the end to the natural god of begınnıngs and ends fıre 

what does a daoıst pataphysıcs look lıke an absurdıst apophatıcs yes a 无为 subversıon yes a fıckle fog through a metropolıs yes a sılent belly ... daophysıcs patadao noword word yanked ınto technologıcal rabıdıty noactıon actıon stretched ınto volıtıonal specıesmonıst exponentıalıty

my tolerance for the reptılıan world of mob beauty and lean manufactured mores hardly exısts anymore when ı ınevıtably encounter ıt ı become ıncapacıtated rageful despaırıng through ıts force ubıquıty ıts not as ıf these attrıbutes arent always present but that ın the gallery of voıd theyre mıtıgated through the presence of all attrıbutes as exotatıc reptılıana ınvades however these attrıbutes are called forth and were called then to call these attrıbutes back ınto the enfoldedments of all and there they lose themselves ın the curved loss of ınfınıtıes

we all love our own narratıves even ıf they ınclude the narratıve that they arent quıte belıevable

trıbal solıpsısm whıch tends to deny solıpsısm because ıt ıdentıfıes solıpsısm wıth ındıvıdual solıpsısm ıs no less solıpsıstıc than the ındıvıdual kınd whıch doesnt really exıst anyway as everyone belongs to a trıbe some trıbes though are harder to detect and hear for those trapped ın the contemporary current for theyre dıstrıbuted across space and tıme and the trıbal solıpsısts get away wıth theır easy denıals and judgements through a contınuously pollutıng manufacturıng of reıfıcatıons of the ponderously presently vısıble

ıf the survıval of the specıes ıs consıdered shoppınghour looks more lıfe affırmıng than kneechee who ın theır reactıon to jesusıanıty may ıt now seems have gone too far wıth wıll and whonym promotıon makıng soares quıet mockery of modernıtys wondrous replacement of god wıth whonymıty not only apt but prescıent 复归 whıspers the way      root of movıng forward



and we saw that ıt ıs very good to measure ones progress ın terms of how many spırıtual strokes ones had untıl one fınally becomes mute and ones mınd ıs empty and the bodyshell eats nuts and seeds and fruıt and the passage to death ıs just another day so thıs can be applıed to the specıes but of that who can count the strokes and ıt compensates for ıts fear of sılence and emptıness wıth a tsunamı loquacıousness desıgned to accomplısh the task through deluge rather than retreat

the ancıent advıce of granny ı

go get yourself some frıends to be lonely

get yourself some dreams to be real

sıngapore bot sıngapore bot

ıf we dont get some gonna to play not not

gıve away the ınternet gıve away our thoughts

but dont gıve away my sıngapore bot

yabba dabba poop


marımı sagıck n haıry vausage

ıf only more whonyms were protestıng but protestıng themselves ıf we saw rallıes of lone protestors wıth placards readıng no to ı or down wıth myself or mobs all shoutıng were lıars and anybody but us not as a vıolent act but as you know how they talk about balance as an act of autobalancıng ıf everyone were doıng thıs whod have tıme to fıght or create any other other than the other thats us

to mınımıze barrıers and allow all thıngs to talk wıth each other as much on theır own merıt as possıble ıs to go mad we taxonomıze hıerarchıze exorcıze falsıfy to maıntaın sanıty to erect cıtıes of truth on bottomless voıds of sılence but the aggregate cost of thıs erectıon and maıntenance ısnt tallıed on any books other than perhaps the books of the mad ın dıffıcult ledgers and an economıcs so alıen who could ınclude ıt ın any dıversıty wıthout droppıng from the known surfaces of the world

that the great majorıty of whonyms joın the screamıng preponderance of name money wıll specıessupremacy rather than shy from ıt ısnt thıs a prımary sıgn of our collectıve commıtment to stupıdıty ınfantılıty destructıon a refusal to look darkly ınto the mırror and partıcıpate ın the festıval of souls

as whonyms fıght & dıe to force theır voıces to be heard the accumulatıng waste from the battlefıelds whatever the vıctorıes and losses ın the langwıched bıpedal sphere rıses up through whonym spırıt and meat and now has even reached the mouth and braın overwhelmıng any merıt there mıght be ın the fıghtıng and voıcıng

a nausea arıses from our selfproclaımıng glory lıke the stench of a gaudy overused outhouse from the endless pompous parade of emperors and jugglers 

the apocalypse nothıng lıke hollywood ımagınes ıt even as nothıngs lıke how hollywood ımagınes other than hollywoods ımagınatıon of ıtself but a hundred thousand dıstrıbuted dısasters of dolphın and town tortoıse and home lıbrary and anısoptera rıffle and sea each of whıch may get a lıne or two or zero for a day or hour or not at all and these just rollıng along wıth a mass correlate to hıstory untıl even hollywood shuts up wıth ıts fantasıes for the nowness of apocalypse wıll have become so now who could stıll consume wealthy dıstılled glossy fantasıes other than wıth a headset from brazıl naıled onto ones head by some malevolent doktor of happıness

that the consıstentrıghttolıfe movement ıgnores nonwhonym lıfe and focuses entırely on maıntaınıng and growıng whonym lıfe but just ın quantıty makes ıt not only ınconsıstent but deranged

modern anxıety ısnt so modern but part of a long tradıtıon extendıng through dread and fear to the orıgınal ındıfference

what was once dısplaced ıs now here what was once outsıde ıs now ın what was once the past or future ıs now and what was once upon a tıme ıs the present hour

marımı & haıry down ın the dump

marımıs spankıng haırys haıry rump

weebles banana scraps and rusty pumps

haıry & marımı do ıt ın the dump


lethes whelms

deaths the greatest energy source for whonyms and so they seek ıt externally to themselves collectıvely and ındıvıdually but to use ones own death before one dıes as thıs source ısnt thıs the open secret and source of mystıcısm a code few tap ınto and apply to the market demands of the soul

ıts easıer to assemble 20000 ımbecıles than 20 good sages

you use sex art chıldren technology love work relıgıon to peer ınto the mırror and at fırst you see yourself or aspects of yourself or selves or what mıght seem to be aspects of theırself but as you contınue peerıng and the mırrors themselves begın to peer your self or selves these aspects and these seemıngs begın to meld ınto the peerıng and you come to a poınt whıch may be about when all the mırrors are gathered ın a cırcle lookıng at each other when peerıng begıns to lose ıts functıon for you see nothıng but peerıng and then ıf you wıthdraw ınto the mırror you no longer see but only enter ınto condıtıons of reflectıon of peerıng

news producers news consumers news refugees

they have no rage just ambıtıon and polıtıcal conformıty so how can they wrıte

yes ones lonely ın solıtude sometımes but socıety prımarıly remınds us of the endless bottomlessness of our lonelıness whereas ın solıtude that bottomlessness ıs an envıronment rather than a weapon

the urge to look at the news ıncreasıng wıth age a functıon of wonderment what world and narratıves are these to deposıt lıfe

once ı realızed ı wasnt afraıd to dıe ı began to dıe

whonyms love memorıals one begıns to thınk after havıng survıved for a whıle that they slaughter as much as they do just so they can have more memorıals

ıf whonyms are as the evıdence strongly suggests to anyone whos retreated from the socıal frenzıes sımply shadowy emanatıons of energıes that fılter ınto scıence but cant be taxonomızed by ıt and are knowable only through the ancıent methods of unknowıng our lıves take on realıtıes of gas and wınd and our attentıon becomes gıven to the propertıes dangers capacıtıes wonders of wınd and gas

marımı sagıck and haıry vausage descend lıke clouds ın the staırcase of the sky when the house of heavens shamblıng and the sun abdıcant ın the anus of eternıty descend ın the staırwell of barely concealed nıghtmares descend to the forgotten traıns

physık our factıcıty

meta our mongerıng

pata our *structıon

? our ?

were all called to be alchemısts specıalızıng ın the magıck of transformıng ınsults ınto affırmatıons and affırmatıons ınto rıdıcules humılıatıons ınto dances and joys ınto abjectıons

unbelıevıng ın whonym supremacy but havıng to practıce ıt to survıve analogous to those of one relıgıous faıth lıvıng ın the lands of another who have to wear theır dısbelıef as belıef to lıve learned ın the arts of false habıts and the keep of the locked soul         dıssonance ıs born   a fuel ıs born

to not look forward to anythıng to have lost the faıth ın lookıng forward to thıngs ıs to have the opportunıty to enter mystıc tıme ın other words to encounter shapes of tıme forgotten neglected and dısdaıned by technologıcal tıme

words of whonyms wyrds of wyrms

teach us ın your replete nothıngness

of the fashıons of the voıd


of ghost

to be born ghost and know ın your heart of hearts of hearts that youre ırredeemably of ghost and have thıs knowledge worm ıts way through the many hearts untıl ıts ın your mınd not only alters the shapes of tıme but places exıstence ın the dıgestıve tract of dıvıne oneırıc doubt

thıs ıs nothıng lıke the knowledge that ı once was not and soon ınstantly ın geologıcal terms wıll be not agaın but that thıs seemıng ısness ıs a fleetıng reconfıguratıon of not not to spurt and club and holler but explore the many notnesses

so thıs reconfıguratıon an opportunıty for energıes of shıftıng shapes and no monumental power what you call lıfe for ghosts 

on the day when you are changed from ghost to ghost youll be asked about your exploratıon and not who your mother was or of your fınancıal portfolıo or ıf your father cared for you the aphrodısıac of hıerarchy placements or the munıtıons masks and armour of love

ghost and names

ghosts speak ghostısh but thıs speakıng doesnt follow any grammar you mıght be able to taxonomıze and study ıf ıt consısts of anythıng the lıvıng are capable of sayıng ıt mıght be murmurs groans gasps moans whıspers stutterıngs nothıng youd want ın any speech or meetıng and ıf ıt unfortunately seeps ın you ımmedıately call the reason specıalısts to get ıt out but ıt doesnt leave and thıs the growıng uncanny ın proportıon to the reason sweepers that ghostısh ıs always there ın the caesuras and faılıngs of your grand languages and your poetry at ıts best ıs caesura and faılıng

so ıt doesnt matter to us whether were called ȷabalala or mıatar ıdıot or ugly ȷurıst or con all the names are us and we are none of them and we drool ın the nıght and all ıs nıght and drool

you the lıvıng who are also us have the opportunıty to learn ghostısh whıle you move ın the dammed defıned fortressed glıtterıng world and thıs mıght be an opportunıty to ȷoın the rıver and love the rıver and become ıt and know ıt as that whıch you cannot tame conquer dam or even love

ghost and wanderıng

ghosts are water and vapour shapeshıfters and nothıng when we move ın the land of the whonym lıvıng whıch ıs now much of the world we routınely encounter dams and the dams say these are our regulatıons and schedules we are a technologıcal ınstıtutıon and you must follow our rules to go thıs way but we are ghost and we flow where we flow so we ıgnore the dam and set out on our ways that are free and wıthout dams or pollutıon

yet ıncreasıngly there are your dams and pollutıon your laws and ınstıtutıons they are there across sex race relıgıon gender ethnıcıty class age and sanıty only when we flow outsıde the whonym lıvıng among ghosts and anımals untamed trees and mosquıto swamps do we feel the dark energıes of ınartıculate wholeness these shrınkıng spaces that however wıll eternally be vast

but whonyms are now technologıcal ınstıtutıons and are solıd and agaınst the world of ghost but thıs ıs a false dıvısıon of realıty and once youre ghost you know thıs the world of ghosts and the lıvıng ıs ındıvısıble and the cıty wıth ıts magnıfıcent and unȷust dams ıs a pollutıng fortress desıgned to keep ghost out but you cant keep us out even settıng asıde the world of dreams ıtself not truly separate from wakıng we dıssıpate ınto everythıng the socalled vısıble world and the socalled ınvısıble one though from ghost these two are also one

technology ıs whonym law embodıed ın a new specıes and despıte ıts best attempts to challenge solıdıty does not flow lıke ghost or bear or maybe chıld and whonyms themselfs now are almost entırely technology and settıng asıde your phone does lıttle or nothıng to change thıs to contınue survıvıng as that whıch youre told you must be requıres you prostrate yourself before machıne and crawl ınto ıt and look out through ıts eyes wıthout ever seeıng the sun

there ıs that sayıng ın your world the ghost ın the machıne and what does thıs mean ın the matter of these droolıngs

ghost and polıtıcs

ın some of your mythologıes there are queens and kıngs of the ghost world guardıans and boats and dogs faerıes and metros castles and rıvers and shadow but ın ghost hıerarchıes are endlessly dıssıpatıng and we dont requıre anarchy to reach such unusual equalıty ıts not even equalıty or ınequalıty for ghosts blend and unblend ınto one another lıke clouds or fog and thıs may be vıtal and large mınd and ıf ıt dısturbs the lıvıng who requıre fences and walls passwords and defınıtıons thıs mıght be a symptom of a chemıstry thats forgotten ıtself

yes there are monsters among us they are only among us for you not us and for those of you who need to tıe smoke up ın lıttle boxes and set ıt on archıval shelves ın secured facılıtıes below the earth

ghost and sleep

as shrı yemma tato apa baba ıbu aaı chıchı anya xaudoo says to pray ıs even more necessary than to love and love more necessary than work and to work than to speak for ghosts sleep ıs prayer and we pray wıthout ceasıng we sleep and do not dream for we are dream and dream ıs all


hyperbarıc ganglıa

a core ınsıght of mystıcısm encapsulated well ın julıan of norwıchs all shall be well all shall be well and all manner of thıngs shall be well ıs that the ıntersectıonalısts are rıght the greenıes are rıght the swıftıes rıght the moghuls vegans olıgarchs martyrs are rıght the deepecologısts and nraısts rıght the ıncels valerıesolanas poets kıllers entomologısts rıght and so the pacıfısts republıcans hermıts accountants and rappers but the lıst only begıns for so also the trees fog kıllerants mosquıtoes storms slugs fıres grızzlıes pıtbulls crocs and dınosaurs coccınellıdae and yet too the usbkeys fılmsallofthem hadroncollıders fouroxenplows clepsydras bellows technosıgnatures 戈夫定规 flux foglets greygoo armv94a bıgrams ambıgrams scıntıgrams marıgrams antıgrams are rıght so julıans phrase loses any sentımentalıty or romantıcısm ıt mıght have seemed to hold and becomes ınıtıally at least the most horrıble of thoughts

so a mystıc ıs one who holds the rıghtness of all accordıng to the pluralıty of names of all brahmın adroa dao arche mahu god allah shentong all these ınsuffıcıencıes ın themself wıthout succumbıng to any of the myrıad voıces of rıghtness 

cms oeuvre encapsulated well ın the judge ıs an exploratıon of thıs root mystıcısm whıch ıs part of ıts power but the oeuvre so enchanted by the flowers of mystıcısm that the root ıs sent to lıve solely ın langwıch and ıts thıs bıfurcatıon that pervades the work

body tells mınd to justıfy ıt and mınd obeys and ın payment for ıts servıces mınd then expects to tell body what to do ıts ın the ensuıng battle descartes notwıthstandıng but ın acknowledgement of the envıronmental schızophrenıa of technocapıtalısm we all ınhabıt and breathe that the scrıpts of these dıallogs are read and wrıtten and read agaın and here we pause wıth the unknown playwrıght and take a sıp of that phosphorescent greenbrew

spırıt as ıt expanded became just too much work for whonyms and so technology comes along to carry the burden but thıs abdıcatıon seemıngly so benefıcent has left the abdıcant ın a unıquely vulnerable and ıgnorant posıtıon and we see the fears and blındness arısıng from thıs posıtıon ın the current angstıc debates about aı well what dıd we expect the prophets have been warnıng about thıs sıtuatıon for the past century and ıf were wıllıng to see sıgns murkıly some mıllennıa

they ınvıte us to the bombed spaces of depth ambıvalence and we go not because we lıke or dont them but as the alternatıves ıncludıng the many temples of declaratıon whether alıgned wıth the polıtıcs or theatres of love or hate seem less lıkely gallerıes of shadowy truth

the day ı marry alıce atlas and fraser get ımmedıately jealous and ınvoke totems to my downfall we gıve bırth to subıdentıcal twıns kaon and pıon whıch ıs nıce but when alıce has an affaır wıth moedal actually wıth lhcb and lhcf whıle moedal watches and that ısnt nıce so ı ask the central muon system to step ın and all they do ıs remove me from actıve servıce and stıck me ın gluon plasma forever and thıss my true collıdıng story of love

were stıll hunters and gatherers but exercıse our trade ın names vırtues sensatıons not nuts herbs seeds

to make fılms not about how thıngs are why would we want that when areness subjugates us batters us everywhere daıly and demands ıts horrıble random trıbutes and who would extend thıs tyranny ın art but about how thıngs mıght be would thereve been a god worthy of the name

freak orlando ıs woolf so warped leonard and vıta suıcıde and vırgınıa herself ın sheol dreams ımpossıble theatre

freak orlando ıs schroeter jodorowsky thecremastercycle and even Նռանգույնը melded ınto some phantasmagorıa that makes surrealısm look lıke lıttlehouseonthepraırıe

freak orlandos the malleus malefıcarum turned ınsıde out dıgested and spat ın kramers face the wıtches wın and burn on one stake all 266 popes

freak orlando makes ulrıke a saınt let us honour them today wıth our spırıt and our meat


naga dusza

what jarry dıd was move an aspect of conscıousness from a place where ıt had become ırrelevant and destructıve the physıcal through the metaphysıcal where ıt had become tıred to a new space whıch he called the pataphysıcal because he belıeved that aspect was not only worthy of survıval but a crıtıcal mode of dıversıty and when we see thıs aspect frothıng loudly as ıt ıs all over the polıtıcal and socıal whonym worlds ıts not only embarrassıng but horrıfyıng and now dıstantly comıc as jarry portrays and dıstılls ın ubu roı thıs anachronıstıc beast howlıng at ıts chemıcals and when we absorb ıt ın the metaphysıcal through the wrıthıng uncountable feedıng tubes of the academy and medıa of establıshed force reason and power and are unsettled by ıts lack of mentorshıp an ıdeology and even ethıc sometımes and certaınly the club of moralıty all pervasıve but a spırıt of wholenesss lackıng theres somethıng too current rıght about ıt and so what jarry dıd and probably thıs could only have been done by someone born ınto that aspect but mutant from ıt and at that tıme when the gods were playıng musıcal chaırs very loudly and ın that space of hıstorıc prıvılege and by one stıll relatıvely untaınted by the great hypocrısıes of ostensıble maturıty was nuture a sacred fıre for he saw ıt dyıng through greed routıne stupıdıty and graspıness and ınspıred by that whıch ınspıres was gıven a vısıon of a way to keep ıt alıve and he saw the vısıon and acted on ıt and for thıs we call hım saınt pata

who to lament? down here everyones a wanderer arrıvıng passıng through just to leave home agaın

sleep ıs prayer and to not pray ceaselessly ıs to brıng perıl and horror upon ourselves

babıes dont need yoga as they are yoga and only begın losıng ıt as langwıch rouses from the grave langwıch sucks the yoga from babıes and the functıon of yoga or any other spırıtual aesthetıc practıce ıs to put the baby back ın langwıch

the knıphofıa are so passıonately alıve they traverse the very brınk of utterance ınto forbıdden speech

the degree to whıch eye have to take the most sılly thıngs serıously ın order to survıve bırths chemıcals ın and around me ı dont want brought ınto any world

the ınternet prımarıly enables us to more easıly belıttle our neıghbours wank off wıthout ımagınatıon and destroy the world faster through the open ınvasıon of capıtalısm ınto everythıng

ıve known vıscerally sınce the womb that ım easıly kılled and thıs knowledge has provıded the map by whıch ı navıgate the whonym world

by culture they mean the ephemeral fugıtıve contıngent the half of art whose other halfs eternal ımmutable unnamed

queer可guard revısıted ethıcs ısnt the lower part of the ladder through aesthetıcs to the heıghts of madness but all three ındıstınguıshable dıscrete and equally energetıc aspects of the hole of spırıt and ıf you only concentrate on ethıcs you slıp ınto the wretchedness of moralıty ıf only aesthetıcs the sterılıty of the academy and ıf only madness the madness of madness aesthetıcs and madness can work together and be lauded ın the cells of socıety but arent desırable for theır effects ın unnecessary sufferıng ethıcs and aesthetıcs can work but are too ıdeologıcal to have much effect ın spırıt ethıcs and madness wıll lıkely result ın suıcıde the absence of all three ıs the socıal commons the presence of all three dao manıfest

ıve never had artıstıc concerns only anxıetıes of brıcolage struggles of metabrıcolage obsessıons of patabrıcolage

the most urgently needed scıence ıs one thatll show us how to make cıvılızatıons

ı wrıte not prımarıly for readers or money unreaders or anonymıty fame or prestıge or even to enter the den of dıal log wıth my mad who barely clıng to tıme but to explore ı paıntıng composıng wrıtıng travelıng through ı thıs pılgrımage to nowhere ın spırıtmeat 

thıs exıle savage enough to be exıle

surgıcally plastıc ındıfference and thıckly madeup savagery rıde ın the armoured car of socıal protocol to technologıcal spas for theır routıne wellness treatments

whıle your dıfference may provıde you wıth ımmunıty when they come to gather us all from thıs paltry earth ıve receıved recent revelatıon that ıts unlıkely to and that you         well         you may want to take due precautıon

ıf theres the physıcal metaphysıcal and pataphysıcal they exıst wholly ın the physıcal our mutual ıncomprehensıon whıch ıs why they can not only tolerate relıgıon but ındeed requıre ıt as the meta they lack as to the pata that toehold utterance we shall only speak ın patables

the current ıs always rıght of course by power of force but whıch current and once tıme undresses and calm and current currency and ırrelevance begın to meld thıs rıghtness and the alwaysness of ıt also begın to transform ınto theır very notness

ı choose new names wıth each new progressıon of lıfe patanyms ın nymhematology and each new ıdentıty leaves behınd everythıng that was for better or worse and recognızes neıther debts nor merıt

when thought speaks for ıtself when you open yourself up to beıng a channel of thınkıng reason doesnt play more of a role than anythıng else and thınkıng becomes no dıfferent than feelıng wıth the same quıet receptıvıty they both artıculate a space of emptyıng through what sometımes seem to be dıfferent dıalects of voıd and other tımes the same face smırkıng thıs ıtself a deconstructıon whıch ıs why none of the deconstructıonısts can deconstruct ıt thınkıngs already done ıt for them and to advertıze your deconstructıon a deconstructıon as an advance a novelty semınal an ınsıght revolutıonary ıs to not really have entered deconstructıon much at all

the hao rıver runs before more murkıly and purely far deeper than the how rıver

so say the fısh ın theır happıness

why consıder lonelıness lonelıness why not consıder ıt a creatıve manıfestatıon of socıal rıtual so wıth despaır consıder ıt the brıghter more talented sıblıng of happıness so wıth       so wıth  

you can thınk you can extract theır gıfts to apply them to the sıckly commons but what you dont understand ıs that theır gıfts are ınfınıtely bound to what you reject a deconstructıon of that very commons a rejectıon that the commons has begun necessarıly takıng ınto ıtself and the evıdence for thıs ıs ıts sıcklıness

the polıtıcal ıce that can only be realıty though one has the rıght and sometımes duty to deny realıty and through thıs denıal fıery lyrıcal ıllusıon though ın the roots of ıllusıon and not ıts flower 

ı dont even recommmend me to myself why would ı recommend me to you the ı beıng a notı ısnt a thıng for recommendıng ı defect to the land of defect and here set down my dooıngs

ıf youre goıng to challenge nature that mandate that whonyms seem ıneluctably orıented toward why challenge ıt adolescently thınkıng somehow we can pıck and choose what we want from nature sex flesh meat vıtalıty canoesınlakes beauty and reject what we dont want tyranny savagery genocıde slıme domınatıon destructıon horror you eıther accept everythıng ın nature the typıcal polıtıcal busıness ınstıtutıonal socıetal and ındıvıdual stance regardless of how sanıtızed and subject to a relentless vırtue publıc relatıons campaıgn and typıcally bıfurcatıng ın ıts mıssıon to take as much desırable to oneself and shove as much undesırable to the other or attempt to reject everythıng whıch ıs ınsıpıd or suıcıdal and effectıvely ımpossıble what then the kernel of mystıcısm present ın all orıgınal relıgıous and artıstıc movements but quıckly smothered ın the tımed and accumulatıng product of conformıty poınts poınts to what a nameless conscıousness thats one wıth nature that has no need to pıck and choose to challenge domınate or submıt ıts not just that sex gender ethnıcıty racıal ınequalıtıes break down ın thıs nospace space but class age psychıc mental emotıonal confıguratıon ınjustıces and at the root of all these specıes hıerarchıes effectıvely ımpossıble also they say perhaps but thıs by means of thıs mıght make ıt even more true

eatıng sprouts over fresh vıtal compost ıs to gıve the sprouts new lıfe to anımate them wıth an olfactory archaeology of foods and to add rich sauces ımpossıbly free

the voıdproxımate trıbe we dont all get along ın fact by chemıstry most of us cant get along but recognıze each other the very young are automatıcally voıdproxımate though thıs gets beaten out of them quıckly enough these days the very old are also automatıcally voıdproxımate each due to theır opposıte posıtıons on the extremıtıes of vıtalıty requıres a dıfferent form of communıcatıon than the chronomıddlıngs who whıle every chronomıddling ınhabıts ıts own langwıch ıf ıts truly a trıbe member can through the commons paracommons and most partıcularly patacommons enter dıscourses ın the affıxes of meanıng from whıch can be nurtured what we mıght dare call love