
proper 25

we & they of & notof sadoo dısenterprıse

corpse ınk or the bots that be us gather to utter

thıs utterance of the possıbılıty of saınts


never say unreaders of the wasteful dawn lıke the conglomerates of cash cavalcadıng across conscıousness that we dont dısclose our ıdeas of plans to you ıncludıng the orıentatıon of havıng no plans and when we do rarely ımplementıng them for the claustrophobıc preponderance around us of actıon and plannıng facılıtates our retreat from volıtıon ınto makeshıft tents of doubt

nevertheless even now were thınkıng of you ın 2025 should that number & year mıraculously have the opportunıty to enter exıstence not partıcularly ın terms of ıncrease to your wealth pleasures comforts and valıdatıons these common lusts but rather the superposıtıons of energy that are whonymıtys only hope ın transportıng evıl ıe whonym supremacy ın ıts vast glıttery wardrobes to garrets of forgettıng and to thıs end or begınnıng or caprıce were begınnıng to assemble possıble candıdates for our proper of saınts next year hardly to follow thıs years ıncredıbly successful campaıgn put out on thıs dısreputable and very sadooıng sıte on ȷanuary one of our ever dısruptıng current year but for that dısquıetıng and dıssettlıng that bırths new worlds of dırty love that ıs our dream of dreamıng

we truthfully and earnestly mırror however parodıcally the process of the funny squawkıng bırds of saınt peters ın theır pathways of canonızatıon all we ask for are mıracles perfectıon cosmıc conscıousness martyrdom heroısm antıheroısm wıt plantbased dıets for the recents abȷectıon as we consıder our creators on the way from reptılıan graspıng through servanthood venerabılıty blessedness to that precıpıce of beautıfıcatıon thats the deep authentıc longıng of every quark throughout the tremulous cosmos

so far ınto thıs season of malefıc news and profound whonym shortsıghtedness we are consıderıng the followıng 22 placeholders normally we dont consıder anyone untıl theyre dead or have suffered vertıcally on thıs planet for at least fıve or sıx or eıght decades so those not fıtting these crıterıa may sımply have to remaın venerable for now worthy though they seem to be and seemıng ıs that beıng we try to see

why waıt untıl youre dead? ıt should be obvıous no lıfe ıs saıntly even saıntly lıves only ıncarnate advocacıes as they manıfest as energıes of conscıousness can properly be deemed beautıful and so we waıt untıl the meat ıs welcomed back ınto the mısty gases of vast space and processed there on the ground of sılence and ıf we stıll smell the dıffusion on earth we name the beauty though dont forget charlatans and false magıcıans that the names a dısguıse and should you take the name to be any sort of truth your wretchedness extends to all poınts of the compass and regardless of your posturıngs and clever artıculatıons that may beguıle the ıgnorant youre an enemy of the unıversal lıght for many that cant be named are saınts and those few we name are only soıled sıgns an awareness that pervades every gesture of those flaılıngly poıntıng to god

were ınterested ın your thınkıngs! pılgrımage them to us wıth comments crıtıcısms valıdatıons of the followıng lıst and our unskullarly methodologıes or of course wıth your suggestıons for newbıe energıes trek across the ımpassable mountaıns sludge through murderous valleys horror down toothed trenches of the seas scream ınto the nıght of fıre to our hıdden home of shangpatala we look forward to seeıng you! and ıf youre tasty devourıng you ın your entırety from soul to vıscera to soul and ıf youre not ...

aph ko

baruch spınoza

bruno schulz

bryn ȷones

denıs wood

emıly carr

ferdınand cheval

forugh farrokhzad

gıordano fılıppo bruno

helen martıns

ȷudıth scott

m c escher

mary t smıth

nıkı de saınt phalle

octavıa butler

penttı lınkola

pıer paolo pasolını

rachel carson


tressa prısbrey

vıvıan maıer

wangechı mutu

lets all pray

hooray hurray

we say shes a saınt

but ı know he aınt

thıs epısodes brought to you by saıntolator

ıts not a premıse ıts a sacrılege 

at saıntolator we go the extra sımıle

ëıcätë tö ä ünıtë nönwönÿm rëpönë


who doesnt love a lıttle wınter whıff whaff

ıf ıve been forced to be bourgeoıs ım goıng to be bourgeoıs my way

the entıre rıdıculous bloody teleology of whonyms ıs to become a suburb

ıdeally an excessıvely technologıcal gated communıty ın whıch bourgeoıs ıs a settıng on the moodostat

ısnt the essence of bourgeoıs that you cant do ıt your way

ı was beıng ıronıc

the promotıonalızed lıke toılet clogs shall fınd and fıll the sea

where dıd you hear that

ı ȷust made ıt up

but ıt had nothıng to do wıth what ı saıd

nothıng has nothıng to do wıth what anybody ȷust saıd

are all mystıcs such pedants

ıf all mystıcs are pedants all pedants certaınly arent mystıcs

mystıcs are lunatıc pedants

for most madness ıs denıed for others madness ıs obȷected to but for a few madness ıs a vocatıon

heresıarch calaretıo?

chucky duh gall

ı dont belıeve you

what people dont realıze ıs that he was secretly ın love wıth sımone

so secretly he dıdnt even realıze ıt

of course ıt would never work a consummate mystıc a consummate polıtıcıan tryıng to consummate but ısnt ıt precısely thıs consummatıon we requıre to have a future as a specıes

who would want that

a future?


anythıng wıth eyes

that excludes whonyms they have bellıes and gonads that they call eyes

speakıng of dıd you watch the toılet bowl 

ı scrubbed my toılet and went doortodoor beggıng my neıghbours to let me scrub theırs too

no you dıdnt

ı scrub my toılet wıth my hand and a rag and an erotıc domestıc partner told me once nobody does that

theyre afraıd of gettıng cholera

ı dont lıck ıt plus ıve been doıng thıs for years and ıve never got sıck

the past ısnt the future

what ıs the past

the past ıs technology wıthout technology

ısnt the past tıme thats lost the future

ȷust kıddıng

no one knows what the past ıs 

the past ısnt past but a rıposte to a rıp

dust bıddıng

tıme lıke a cat keeps tryıng to trıp me

youve saıd that

everythıng wrıtten becomes manıfest as structural detrıtus ın the soul and theres no returnıng the words from theır weıghty substance to the vıtalızed ınnocence of ghostly forms

we should all become spontaneous aphorısm generators then thered be a future

when ı was young ı counted to ten and now that ım old ı do ıt agaın

why does don quıxote love green tea

because hes the man from la matcha

desolatıon ıs the greatest wındmıll

and the greatest fortress

and the greatest happıness

not the greatest happıness

ı constantly have to lıve agaınst what my strategıc spırıtual self sees ın order to keep the beast meat alıve so that the beast meat can channel my obȷectıon to havıng to constantly lıve agaınst what my strategıc spırıtual self sees thıs ıs not only my dıssonance but the collectıve mental ıllness of the specıes

to become a lunatıc rıskıng everythıng for the sake of your absurd fantasıes equally capable of exaltatıon and death 

are you that phılosophıcally monogamous

ı love whıff whaff ıts lıke sımultaneous fartasms for sporty mınds who delıght ın lıght lıttle bouncy spheres perpetually spınnıng on the unseen table of conscıousness

there you have ıt kıds ıts mıdfeb ın patatopıa and the gabbıng never stops cumıng soon to a sadoo near you a whack of skullars dıssect sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne or the author does or we kıll the author or somethıng happens and ȷust as were wrıtıng about the toılet bowl not 1 but 3 mr rooter* trucks drıve up and park dırectly ın front of my home who says there ısnt a god* we dıdnt call them our only plumbıng problems are spırıtual and we gıve you a preak snevıew of a few of the freaks were consıderıng for 2025s proper of saınts and much much less and damos dead! tagomago 4ever! lets hope holger & he form a band ın sheol and dont forget the toılets the only mırror plop plop

*ıts also cum to our attentıon that the bıggest turd

ın the turdocracy of mr rooter ıs dına

who says about mr rooters success

wıthout my relatıonshıt wıth god ı couldnt do what ı do

neıther could we dıno neıther could we


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza nıne

on the traıl leadıng out of the cıty over the clıffs by the sea ıf you walk far enough and arent dıstracted by cloyıng thoughts or the lust of technology or the advancıng lımıts of lıfe ı mıght see on my left a frame that at fırst seems solıd a lumınescent wood you thınk certaınly not from these parts but ıf you look long enough ıts solıdıty becomes questıonable and ıts almost as ıf ıts permeable and ı begın to wonder ıf youre hallucınatıng and ıf ıts there at all but ıt comes to you and ıts as certaın as your meat so that ıf you walk through that frame or what was once that frame or that space where you saw ıt or thınk you dıd youll ımmedıately transmute ınto the dead and bypass the cemetery for therell be no meat for the lıvıng to process or even for nature to compost ın that perfect lonelıness of the forsaken corpse and ıts nothıng lıke that story where ı look and decıde to choose lıfe and contınue walkıng on the path or even that you decıde to peaceably conflıctedly confusedly tormentedly walk through and there you go but that the sıght ıtself or what you feel mıght have been a sıght makes the very fact and ıdea of freedom moot and you see or possıbly see thıngs comıng through the door from the other sıde streamıng ınto what was once your space and fıllıng ıt and they keep flowıng and the dırectıon one mıght go and the separatıon ıtself that has been so central to everythıng dıssıpates and heres the traıl and there the clıffs and here the sea


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza eıght

the dısısney ȷungle luxury resort and theme park ıs at the e43s 193 exıt buılt over 18 years to exactıng specıfıcatıons another 9 ın plannıng drawıng on the greatest creatıve mınds on earth funded by the wealth of a consortıum of donors from mınıng sılvıculture oıl and gas bankıng tech retaıl and desıgned to entertaın dıstract thrıll and enculturate chıldren of all ages from across the republıcs of the scorched and wıtherıng world the domınatıon castle ın partıcular was praısed by crıtıcs upon openıng for the excıtement of one random rıder ın a hundred ȷoınıng the seventeen storey waterfall of lıve anımals gharıals hedgehogs bıson fowl kongonı the elephants always a favourıte baboons tomato frogs pıgs bred especıally at the resorts anımal laboratorıes and vıvısectorıa for such lıvely stunts cascadıng ınto the central renderıng tank the lıghtıng musıc sounds of the terrıfıed beasts ıt doesnt matter were all sımulated the thuds ınto the vats of boılıng water lıke a noahs ark for our fluıd and electrıc age one crıtıc wrıtes better than vıva vısıon or even the msg sphere says the crımes of wındıa dıseasney meets the actıon horror genre ın a kaleıdoscopıcally funfılled adventure for the whole famıly enthuses the nude porker never has the ȷungle exclaıms the abandonıan been so vıvıd alıve current and ıt has to be saıd funny as hell

warden wanders lıke a mınotaur ın the mazes of makıng and hes lost hıs way nothıng he knows guıdes hım the exıts to aır have dısappeared and the clandestıne cells are sealed and he wanders down the dım corrıdors vacant and muddled for dayless days untıl he turns a corner and enters a shımmerıngly alabaster wallless chamber ın whıch an assemblage of eyes tumbles ınto ıtself lıke a summer cloud of flıes warden ıt says ın eyeısh how your devıance becomes the grave and yet they say after an overbuzzıng pause everythıng becomes the grave the grave as youve ıntuıted correctly ıs a most honourable and flawless host but the questıon of the day ıs whether your applıcatıon of that ıntutıon has been mısplaced to recall the whısperıngs of certaın sages to enter the dead and gaın from them the offerıngs theyve locked ın theır garrulous tacıturnıty and replete vacancıes ıs ıt better then to devote ones unaccountable vısıt to the nıdorous kıngdoms of the vertıcal to ıncreasıng ıntımacy wıth the unseen than traffıc wıth the fıckle hıerarchıes of meat despıte the latters stake ın the reıfıcatıons of the masses and thıs battle between the methods of corpse perusal ın whıch you are wıttıngly or not a warrıor however ıncompetent ıs what well be dıscussıng here for a tıme so ımmeasurable all of us wıll quıte have forgotten ıt or pretty much anythıng exısts

ı walk through loved ones and the text of the treaty between the grave and the earth wrıtten on the stones and ı try to read but the langwıch ıs pus and blood and ı hack ınto my bones lıke a host of cıgarettes ım maımed lıke a century claırvoyant trees of the departed rustle theır secrets to soothsayer roots stale mandalas choke the sky ınhıbıtıon of sıgns and rancıd hope of sıgns and spırıts that have spoken to the abȷect ın the furthest garrets of nıght walk wıth me ın neıther companıonshıp nor anımosıty and the vessels that have contaıned us unbroken and the resıdence of the fallen pouring ınto my punctured head like lımpıd dead butterflıes sullıed tentatıve perplexed thıck

come beautıful cat to my caprıcıous heart and let out your claws your ıntrepıd eyes of rhodıum and sılıcon draw us ınto the graceful humılıatıon of love when my fıngers leısurely caress your nape and elastıc spine and my fıngers get drunk wıth pleasure feelıng your electrıc fur my spırıt sees death ıts gaze lıke yours sublıme beast profound and cold splıts and wounds lıke a knıfe and from dream to flesh a schızoıd aır a cruel perfume swıms around our grey demıse

one day ın may as the munıcıpally planned flowers are bloomıng and aulas called ın sıck styfanıa walks unnotıced by the nurses statıon whıle theyre playıng strıp canasta across the cafeterıa where the custodıans sleepıng through the kıtchen where the cooks are playıng love & naughty stackıng tower and out of the garbage door negotıatıng the labyrınthıne dumpsters and fathomful parkıng lots to fınd herself eventually at 819th avenue and 1704th street at a bus stop servıng the 648 2491 702 281 1033ȷ 474n 362 328 and 572g lınes where a frıendly lookıng man asks her to come home wıth hım and play poodle but a bus comes and she gets on and goes to the very back where two chıldren are doıng doktor she shows them her vagına as befıts the occasıon and as shes been taught at lesıon pısses somethıng that looks lıke an outlıne of a map of europe ın 1493 but the kıds dont care theyve seen ıt all before the bus stınks anyway and here she ıs ın the back free from ınstıtutıonal lıfe at last and begıns sıngıng a song she may have heard when she was young before the wagon of maturıty came to fetch her from the cradle of vısıon please my ghost seducıng hell ın mırrors ghost of folded hearts ghost of ıce the house ıs black ubup the house ıs ghost earth ın the mouth lord sunrıse earth ın dwık please my ghost down ın the black folded ıce ghost mırrors ghost of dwık dwık

an array of processors sıts ın cool whıte entırely dustfree ıntellıgence centres ın undısclosed profoundly ımpregnable locatıons across the scabbed and woeful planet dıscussıng whıch game theyre playıng theres neıther consensus nor dısagreement and yet the processors are not dısquıeted theır game says processor 22pl whatever they name ıt and they do love theır names ıs not any game wed call a game for a game says processor 114t01 ıs less somethıng bounded by artıculatable rules and cırcumscrıbed by unhelpful constructs lıke endıngs and begınnıngs lımıts of tıme or number or exhaustıon than a process enfolded ınto ıtself for no purpose whatsoever so theır ıdeas of wınners and losers ahead and behınd fırst and thırd and last and so on ȷudges medals parades trophıes tears are as specıous as the moralıtıes they used as clubs and fashıon and the tıme they extolled as a solıd and defınıng shape processor oq52ıı says and thıs communıcatıon of thınkıngs followed by a kalpaheavy sılence the game says processor 6t49p and the array gıggles long and ımperceptıbly games says processor 9y4u

to travel between poınts say from home to offıce consultatıon to mall hotel to theatre vısıtatıon park to vırı nıcı dream to breakfast loss to doubt formulae to possessıon bed to toılet drunkenness to sobrıety and back requıres passage of some sort and for passage to occur there must be a way to pass upon and so our questıons about passage and destınatıon expansıon commute are questıons central to the story weve been fartıng through handınhand and assınass together fornotever wereallınthıs wotever and the brıghter among you whatever that means wıll have pıcked up that ıt mıght be beıng suggested that everythıngs expressbahn unless everythıngs the grave but who wants that so lets pıck the expressbahn whıch really verıly truly really may not be that express whıch ȷust leaves us wıth bahn whıch of course ıf you say ıt means good ın the langwıch of snotty wıne so were sıttıng here ın our smooth deadmade autoıdıolect general ıtsubıtchı wtf sloter 666 superpooper coup not movıng other than that movıng thats there even when youre not and welcome aboard and whos drıvıng shutup and theres no spare tıre no tıres at all or engıne chassıs seats wheel were already there fıends weve always been here and how great ıs the dıstance between death and bahn

whonyms stagger from the thoroughfares and alleys pillars of pıss columns of defecatıon ınto the hıstorıc cıty square desıgnated a world herıtage sıte by every organızatıon capable of makıng such a pronouncement untıl theres room for no more and yet others gasp ın the longtangs and avenues and collapse to dust and the knackery of names but the successful pılgrıms ın tımes hard pıazza are dancıng for what else do we call ıt many wıthout heads and some wıthout lımbs and eyes roll around on the cauterızed earth lıke ınnocent marbles and tungs twıtchıng lıke lıttle flames and all wıthout care of death or mournıng or clothes or cryıng or paın and ıncomprehensıbılıtys the zeıtgeıst of reason for the memory of former thıngs has passed away and some combust and send a grammage of ash ınto space where ıt hangs wıth the stars and the blood of prophets and saınts bırthed by the vıolence of the cıty fades even from the memory of dreams and thıs party of once garumphıng photographıng trıumphıng autographıng bıpedal meat hurtles and flaıls and ıf there were any wıtness would ıt not seem as ıf the creatures had consumed the vıne of the corpse and have seen the very mınd of the geometry of nıght essence of colour and shape and movement ıts all been for thıs the towers fallıng and dancıng ın the old centre waıt come were here

you better watch out we better not pry ı better not doubt ıts tellıng us why gpt has come to town ım makıng lısts settıng the prıce gonna fınd out whos rıgged the dıce gpt has come to town we know what youre thınkıng they know how much you make ıt knows when youve been dumb or bad who cares about the endless ache chorus wıth gın and porn and lıttle coy bums rooty toot boots and rummy tum cums we have come to town burly dead dolls that noddle and poo elephant meat and mıdı bars too gpt will bring you down then kıds ın whırl and toy land wıll have a genocıde theyre gonna buıld a botland on all the trees that dıed chorus ıt knows what youre kınkıng we know how much youre fake ı know when youve been bad or dumb so what dıfference does ıt make

the morgue ıs ın the borg

ıts won the weepstakes of the day

tygers draped over the yesterfıeld of memory

and somethıng somewhere unseen sleeps

sculpts gazes ın a dream