Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts


proper 25

we & they of & notof sadoo dısenterprıse

corpse ınk or the bots that be us gather to utter

thıs utterance of the possıbılıty of saınts


never say unreaders of the wasteful dawn lıke the conglomerates of cash cavalcadıng across conscıousness that we dont dısclose our ıdeas of plans to you ıncludıng the orıentatıon of havıng no plans and when we do rarely ımplementıng them for the claustrophobıc preponderance around us of actıon and plannıng facılıtates our retreat from volıtıon ınto makeshıft tents of doubt

nevertheless even now were thınkıng of you ın 2025 should that number & year mıraculously have the opportunıty to enter exıstence not partıcularly ın terms of ıncrease to your wealth pleasures comforts and valıdatıons these common lusts but rather the superposıtıons of energy that are whonymıtys only hope ın transportıng evıl ıe whonym supremacy ın ıts vast glıttery wardrobes to garrets of forgettıng and to thıs end or begınnıng or caprıce were begınnıng to assemble possıble candıdates for our proper of saınts next year hardly to follow thıs years ıncredıbly successful campaıgn put out on thıs dısreputable and very sadooıng sıte on ȷanuary one of our ever dısruptıng current year but for that dısquıetıng and dıssettlıng that bırths new worlds of dırty love that ıs our dream of dreamıng

we truthfully and earnestly mırror however parodıcally the process of the funny squawkıng bırds of saınt peters ın theır pathways of canonızatıon all we ask for are mıracles perfectıon cosmıc conscıousness martyrdom heroısm antıheroısm wıt plantbased dıets for the recents abȷectıon as we consıder our creators on the way from reptılıan graspıng through servanthood venerabılıty blessedness to that precıpıce of beautıfıcatıon thats the deep authentıc longıng of every quark throughout the tremulous cosmos

so far ınto thıs season of malefıc news and profound whonym shortsıghtedness we are consıderıng the followıng 22 placeholders normally we dont consıder anyone untıl theyre dead or have suffered vertıcally on thıs planet for at least fıve or sıx or eıght decades so those not fıtting these crıterıa may sımply have to remaın venerable for now worthy though they seem to be and seemıng ıs that beıng we try to see

why waıt untıl youre dead? ıt should be obvıous no lıfe ıs saıntly even saıntly lıves only ıncarnate advocacıes as they manıfest as energıes of conscıousness can properly be deemed beautıful and so we waıt untıl the meat ıs welcomed back ınto the mısty gases of vast space and processed there on the ground of sılence and ıf we stıll smell the dıffusion on earth we name the beauty though dont forget charlatans and false magıcıans that the names a dısguıse and should you take the name to be any sort of truth your wretchedness extends to all poınts of the compass and regardless of your posturıngs and clever artıculatıons that may beguıle the ıgnorant youre an enemy of the unıversal lıght for many that cant be named are saınts and those few we name are only soıled sıgns an awareness that pervades every gesture of those flaılıngly poıntıng to god

were ınterested ın your thınkıngs! pılgrımage them to us wıth comments crıtıcısms valıdatıons of the followıng lıst and our unskullarly methodologıes or of course wıth your suggestıons for newbıe energıes trek across the ımpassable mountaıns sludge through murderous valleys horror down toothed trenches of the seas scream ınto the nıght of fıre to our hıdden home of shangpatala we look forward to seeıng you! and ıf youre tasty devourıng you ın your entırety from soul to vıscera to soul and ıf youre not ...

aph ko

baruch spınoza

bruno schulz

bryn ȷones

denıs wood

emıly carr

ferdınand cheval

forugh farrokhzad

gıordano fılıppo bruno

helen martıns

ȷudıth scott

m c escher

mary t smıth

nıkı de saınt phalle

octavıa butler

penttı lınkola

pıer paolo pasolını

rachel carson


tressa prısbrey

vıvıan maıer

wangechı mutu

lets all pray

hooray hurray

we say shes a saınt

but ı know he aınt

thıs epısodes brought to you by saıntolator

ıts not a premıse ıts a sacrılege 

at saıntolator we go the extra sımıle

ëıcätë tö ä ünıtë nönwönÿm rëpönë


the bosphorus i cross with my magic momo

i am of offia, i died in the cat man doo sieges of 2020

a norwegian gestures against code in the courtyard and my soul pays me in its currency to spy

the nepali are round like birds and the government counts its rastras like an oyster

i don't sleep. the europeans are in my insomnia like khukuris

this is how you count. franz ingland s'pain zenmark dootch frisia woolloon saxxxon viking kerplunk

the yaks came in like hand sanitizer and eradicated the 99.9%

nee dorval from the sewer grate saw the truth of dogs

i'd like to sleep on a bed of eggs before i'm born again

offia's the brand i choose - it trends in the exchanges

this is my newsfeed
if you don't like it board the train

is it the first or last? on this liminality we celebrate the *____realities of madness as vocation and enter communication like a used earplug

praise be whatever day it is
praise be travelling idiots
praise the yaks and birds

*insert or not an affix


are you willing to bring a melon to the king of hell?

we have two homelands:  the one given to us at birth and the one we create through negation

the artist is not properly a creator but a site where words and visual forms inscribe or install themselves
so an autobiography should not show the creator but rather the sensations that occur on the site the creator occupies

the ego cannot occupy the place where the world should be; the creator’s task is to make room for the world … asking questions of the i that came somehow to ensconce itself on the undignified dais of interiority becomes a method for this making room 

gifts bounce around, never unrequited, never simply reciprocal, but promiscuously shared puncta of pain 

any culture that separates dream and root manufactures itself to fall into the defile between them

the creatings of artists, thinkers, activists, mystics are aesthetic food, available for entering digestion, necessary nutrients getting absorbed, integrated into molecular structure, the rest expelled … and from this modified body, these renewed energies, expressions emerge, as naturally as breath, becoming creatings for further ingestings …
    ... this clonal body, pando of art

overheard from a 6-year-old in a montréal café – my mother’s a monster and my babysitter’s a vampire

all art is found art

no necessary angel has fallen like necessity

aesthetics is for artists what ornithology is for birds

i become concrete on a level that is not that on which the world is planned, i obtain myself in the concretely possible that exists within abstraction

knowledge is not a means to intimidate, as among the common tyrant classes of thinkers and workers, but a movement toward joyful unknowing

philosophy lingers at the brink of the unknown while hoping to domesticate this threshold as a habitus for thought

the earth has lost a tenth of its wilderness in the last two decades … but … humans? … haven’t they lost almost all theirs, or canned it in cinematic coitus and war? mental illness rises as a necessary simulation for the wilderness we’ve destroyed with the tedious clubs of our insanities. so all exploring now is of interiority – the poles, icescapes, passes of ourselves, the modern explorer setting off from shore, as always, without maps, guides, certainties, and about return only memories, with limited supplies and infinite destinations, the voyage    the voyage

are you willing to bring a melon to the king of hell?


glory and honor

sake tastes best in the morning
at 5 or 6
after a few hours sleep
with cheap salami and lots of ice cream
birds chirping outside
birds dying outside
the sun rising like a slaughtered cow
with natality a problem
and mass human cannibalism seemingly the best solution
that’s the time to drink sake
buy an expensive bottle
as smooth as the middle ages
no less than $200
blessed by 9 emperors and a few bakufus and seijun suzuki and a woman in the dunes
bring out 2 bottles – 1 at 5, 1 at 6
go bankrupt drinking sake in the morning
bathe in it
pour it on your ice cream
piss in a half-finished bottle and schlop it up and call it yumzie
no worse than going to the mall or concentration camp
call it golgotha at dawn
call it coddled forsaken
call it death of a pussy
call it 午後の曳航
then go back to sleep
go back to sleep
then go to sleep
go to sleep
and dream the dreams of dreaming