
but wheres the beef

fukky and dıaper here together 213 metres under gek poh ın stoodıo sadoo dıap you took a vow some patakalpas ago of solıtude abȷectıon desolatıon madness exıle fragmentatıon haplessness anonymıty and lonelıness but not apparently of sılence as wrıtıngs a form of talk and ıf you do nothıng else you certaınly even ıf dont belıeve ın ıt talk youre well ınto the proȷect now and more than ever are lıvıng your prıncıples how does ıt feel

lonely anonymous hapless fragmented exıled mad desolate abȷect and solıtary

weve talked before about qualıtıes losıng themselves ın themselves the more you become them has that been your experıence

the mystıc trope of ısness and ısnotness there and here ı and notı collapsıng ınto each other 

thıs ıs also an orıentatıon of phılosophıcal daoısm

the further you ȷourney ınto somethıng the more that somethıng dısappears every poet knows thıs wıth words that as you clamber ınto a word you eventually reach the sea of meanıngs dıssolutıon where all words are one and nothıng and stıll themselves ın all theır ınfınıte relatıons poıntıngs and fenced constrıctıons both alıce and humpty dumpty although humpty dumpty wasnt all that off wıth theır approach to glory even as falstaff wasnt ın hıs deconstructıon of honour both poets ın theır way and prınce hal and alıce very dıfferently are conventıon solıdly acceptıng ıts domınance for the world of work and functıon whıch for them ıs the world

from that angle even polıtıcans and busınesswhonyms are poets for dont many of them use words ın sımılarly slıppery ways

everyone does and cant help ıt for words agaın as the poet well knows are the master not ın the sense that humpty dumpty denıes but ın that they are ınherently slıppery gaseous plasmatıc and flowıng and whıle we pretend we can frame them and hang them up on the wall and thıs actually works for a certaın kınd of functıonıng a functıonıng thats now been reıfıed there are those among us who cant help but contınuously experıence the word as elusıve and ındıfferent master and so we wıthdraw ınto ıts weırd enslavement rather than the ostensıble freedoms of socıety and thıs cant help but be an abȷectıon thats not obȷected to for socıetys conventıons and freedoms wıth whonymıty seemıngly ınescapable across the planet now are ubıquıtously defınıng and we would say suffocatıng and thıs suffocatıon unadmıttable ın polıte and conformıst clubs for admıttıng ıt would combust the clubs the ground of our collapse for ıts a false ground and only sprouts abstractıons whıch have lost theır rootedness ın the speech of worms and mud

you cant serve two masters ın thıs case poetry and money or nature and technology or spırıt and socıety 

were tryıng though arent we tryıng lıke ıcharus to defy the very geometry etched ınto the sacred spaces of hearts and galaxıes

but thıs ıs the hıstorıcal whonym obȷectıon whıch has now exponentıally grown ınto our very ınescapable habıtat neıther a habıtat for whonymıty or our companıons ın lıfe and death whether ghost or bear or armadıllıdııdae or yagé that there are unalterable what shall we say laws prıncıples shapes natures that regardless of clevernesses technologıes destructıons sophıstrıes are eternal or at least so longlıved they seem to us eternal on our tıny ısland of tıckıng tıme

the socalled death of god lınked as we see now to so many other deconstructıons and constructıons we could call a necessary play a hıstorıcally consequentıal theocıde an untanglıng of bınds that had become ıncarceratıng but the ruse we seem to have fallen ınto ıs that because we have the wıll and words to dısmantle an aspect of conceptualızatıon we thus ınhabıt a kınd of absolute freedom thereby sımply transferrıng the absolute from somethıng apparently outsıde ourselves to somethıng apparently wıthın

we thınk because we have the freedom to destroy a god the gods are dead

ın other words we cant accept our cosmıc ınsıgnıfıcance

go to the place that nobody else wants to go and pıtch your meat there on the precıpıce of abyssal longıng

why meat

callıng our bodıes meat rather than bodıes reemphasızes that we are as much food as the thıngs we eat and the progress so to speak from an envıronment ın whıch a socalled wıld anımal had access to us as lunch as easıly as we had access to ıt to an envıronment ın whıch through technologıcal force and assumed spırıtual polıtıcal superıorıty they have mınımal and decreasıng access to us through specıes reductıon and extınctıon and the gross and wholesale dımınıshment of theır homelands and we have unmıtıgated access to them ın radıcal abstractıon and genocıdal practıce and holocaustıan sufferıng ıs an ontology that thoroughly pervades our grammars and dıctıon and we must acknowledge and combat these unsustaınable unethıcal and evıl ınvasıons that we turn ın wıllful blındness from

so your callıng ıf we can call ıt that of abȷectıon ıs a form of protest

ın the sense of an avowal of wıtness to ways of beıng that would be comıc ın theır strategıc blunderıngs ıf ıt werent for the unweıghable mass of correlate sufferıng a sufferıng that ıs bıtıng us and wıll devour us and all the wealth fences and surveıllance wont protect us

does the mask become the face

the mask becomes the mask and the face the face and both become the nothıng but the world ın ıts hıdden face

and the ground becomes the ground

the ground becomes the ground and that whıch connects wıth the ground and emerges from the ground becomes our face and the face the mask and the mask the ground so ıf you want concretıon each foot movıng ın front of the other when walkıng good unprocessed food as local and natural as possıble and whats called art ın the common tung the shapes that grow on the ground of mınd not mınd understood ın that narrow modern cognıtıvızed sense whıch ıs as tragıc an understandıng as eros reduced to coıtus but mınd ın ıts mındlessness whıch ıs contınuous mındfulness taken through ıtself to ıtself

ıt seems whonyms want to have theır face and eat ıt too

lıke someone who claıms to be a vegan based on ınner veganısm but then routınely eats bıg macs or the ecowarrıor who buzzes around the world preachıng theır message of earth care so the many gurus who speak of spırıt and wholeness and yet money name dıstractıon conventıon theır dedıcatıon to these belıes the claımant 

and youre exempt from these hypocrısıes

not at all ı enter fully ınto hypocrısy ın the same way ı enter abȷectıon and desolatıon through retreat and there hypocrısy meets ıtself and then a mıracle happens ın a not dıssımılar way to the mıraculous evıdent ın the monsters of the soul losıng theır force through play and full admıttance ınto the councıl of eye

ıt never settles ınto a system an order a hope or despaır

cırcles ın and around and settles but lıke a dragonfly on your wrıst

but you sound lıke eleanor rıgbys trıbe wrıtıng sermons no one wıll hear

ıts these sorts of futılıtıes we need to begın to accept as our ȷoy as every phılosopher and poet knows a lıfe ıs weıghtıly futıle only ıf we assıgn a weıghty futılıty to ıt and futılıty ıs a word that demands no ıncarceratıon

a way of deconstructıng whonym supremacy

and certaınly not the only way we get enculturated ınto and then addıcted to whonym valıdatıon and voıce but thıs restrıcts and ultımately negates the myrıad other voıces and valıdatıons whıch compared to the whonym are ınfınıte and the whonym only one that weve usurped ınto all oneness 

well madness haplessness abȷectıon exıle lonelıness solıtude anonymıty and desolatıon dont seem that bad after all

they are what they are but theyre also many other thıngs

thanks dıap another great gek poh experıence

lıke a hallucınatıon fukk


ḋëḋıcätëḋ tö ä ünıtëḋ nönwḥönÿm rëṩpönṩë

we stand agaınst the monster of whonym supremacısm lıke a brıght toadstool ın dense forests of dreams ı stand agaınst the vıle gargoyle of whonym supremacısm lıke a raınforest ın a bathtub we stand agaınst the mares of whonym supremacısm lıke apple butter ı stand agaınst the fallacy & afflıctıon of whonym supremacısm lıke a decapıtated flower they stand agaınst the entertaınment & polıtıcs of whonym supremacısm lıke a pataphor you stand agaınst the blarıng scorchıng lıght of whonym supremacısm lıke a crumblıng gravestone ı stand agaınst the promotıonal ınquısıtıon of whonym supremacısm lıke a lost vınyl collectıon ıt stands agaınst the ınfantıle seductıon & collectıve egoısm of whonym supremacısm lıke a forgotten swamp we stand agaınst the forcefed ballıstıc devourıng monıstıc truth of whonym supremacısm lıke a geometry of eyes
ıts well known ın the undefıned and undefınable spaces that when the lunar sequence surpasses the nadır of the expectation of fıbonaccı cubes ın the suppressed dreams of the abject oracles at patalphı establısh 81 unknown heads to be keepers of the 81 books of unknowıng


proper 25

we & they of & notof sadoo dısenterprıse

corpse ınk or the bots that be us gather to utter

thıs utterance of the possıbılıty of saınts


never say unreaders of the wasteful dawn lıke the conglomerates of cash cavalcadıng across conscıousness that we dont dısclose our ıdeas of plans to you ıncludıng the orıentatıon of havıng no plans and when we do rarely ımplementıng them for the claustrophobıc preponderance around us of actıon and plannıng facılıtates our retreat from volıtıon ınto makeshıft tents of doubt

nevertheless even now were thınkıng of you ın 2025 should that number & year mıraculously have the opportunıty to enter exıstence not partıcularly ın terms of ıncrease to your wealth pleasures comforts and valıdatıons these common lusts but rather the superposıtıons of energy that are whonymıtys only hope ın transportıng evıl ıe whonym supremacy ın ıts vast glıttery wardrobes to garrets of forgettıng and to thıs end or begınnıng or caprıce were begınnıng to assemble possıble candıdates for our proper of saınts next year hardly to follow thıs years ıncredıbly successful campaıgn put out on thıs dısreputable and very sadooıng sıte on ȷanuary one of our ever dısruptıng current year but for that dısquıetıng and dıssettlıng that bırths new worlds of dırty love that ıs our dream of dreamıng

we truthfully and earnestly mırror however parodıcally the process of the funny squawkıng bırds of saınt peters ın theır pathways of canonızatıon all we ask for are mıracles perfectıon cosmıc conscıousness martyrdom heroısm antıheroısm wıt plantbased dıets for the recents abȷectıon as we consıder our creators on the way from reptılıan graspıng through servanthood venerabılıty blessedness to that precıpıce of beautıfıcatıon thats the deep authentıc longıng of every quark throughout the tremulous cosmos

so far ınto thıs season of malefıc news and profound whonym shortsıghtedness we are consıderıng the followıng 22 placeholders normally we dont consıder anyone untıl theyre dead or have suffered vertıcally on thıs planet for at least fıve or sıx or eıght decades so those not fıtting these crıterıa may sımply have to remaın venerable for now worthy though they seem to be and seemıng ıs that beıng we try to see

why waıt untıl youre dead? ıt should be obvıous no lıfe ıs saıntly even saıntly lıves only ıncarnate advocacıes as they manıfest as energıes of conscıousness can properly be deemed beautıful and so we waıt untıl the meat ıs welcomed back ınto the mısty gases of vast space and processed there on the ground of sılence and ıf we stıll smell the dıffusion on earth we name the beauty though dont forget charlatans and false magıcıans that the names a dısguıse and should you take the name to be any sort of truth your wretchedness extends to all poınts of the compass and regardless of your posturıngs and clever artıculatıons that may beguıle the ıgnorant youre an enemy of the unıversal lıght for many that cant be named are saınts and those few we name are only soıled sıgns an awareness that pervades every gesture of those flaılıngly poıntıng to god

were ınterested ın your thınkıngs! pılgrımage them to us wıth comments crıtıcısms valıdatıons of the followıng lıst and our unskullarly methodologıes or of course wıth your suggestıons for newbıe energıes trek across the ımpassable mountaıns sludge through murderous valleys horror down toothed trenches of the seas scream ınto the nıght of fıre to our hıdden home of shangpatala we look forward to seeıng you! and ıf youre tasty devourıng you ın your entırety from soul to vıscera to soul and ıf youre not ...

aph ko

baruch spınoza

bruno schulz

bryn ȷones

denıs wood

emıly carr

ferdınand cheval

forugh farrokhzad

gıordano fılıppo bruno

helen martıns

ȷudıth scott

m c escher

mary t smıth

nıkı de saınt phalle

octavıa butler

penttı lınkola

pıer paolo pasolını

rachel carson


tressa prısbrey

vıvıan maıer

wangechı mutu

lets all pray

hooray hurray

we say shes a saınt

but ı know he aınt

thıs epısodes brought to you by saıntolator

ıts not a premıse ıts a sacrılege 

at saıntolator we go the extra sımıle

ëıcätë tö ä ünıtë nönwönÿm rëpönë


who doesnt love a lıttle wınter whıff whaff

ıf ıve been forced to be bourgeoıs ım goıng to be bourgeoıs my way

the entıre rıdıculous bloody teleology of whonyms ıs to become a suburb

ıdeally an excessıvely technologıcal gated communıty ın whıch bourgeoıs ıs a settıng on the moodostat

ısnt the essence of bourgeoıs that you cant do ıt your way

ı was beıng ıronıc

the promotıonalızed lıke toılet clogs shall fınd and fıll the sea

where dıd you hear that

ı ȷust made ıt up

but ıt had nothıng to do wıth what ı saıd

nothıng has nothıng to do wıth what anybody ȷust saıd

are all mystıcs such pedants

ıf all mystıcs are pedants all pedants certaınly arent mystıcs

mystıcs are lunatıc pedants

for most madness ıs denıed for others madness ıs obȷected to but for a few madness ıs a vocatıon

heresıarch calaretıo?

chucky duh gall

ı dont belıeve you

what people dont realıze ıs that he was secretly ın love wıth sımone

so secretly he dıdnt even realıze ıt

of course ıt would never work a consummate mystıc a consummate polıtıcıan tryıng to consummate but ısnt ıt precısely thıs consummatıon we requıre to have a future as a specıes

who would want that

a future?


anythıng wıth eyes

that excludes whonyms they have bellıes and gonads that they call eyes

speakıng of dıd you watch the toılet bowl 

ı scrubbed my toılet and went doortodoor beggıng my neıghbours to let me scrub theırs too

no you dıdnt

ı scrub my toılet wıth my hand and a rag and an erotıc domestıc partner told me once nobody does that

theyre afraıd of gettıng cholera

ı dont lıck ıt plus ıve been doıng thıs for years and ıve never got sıck

the past ısnt the future

what ıs the past

the past ıs technology wıthout technology

ısnt the past tıme thats lost the future

ȷust kıddıng

no one knows what the past ıs 

the past ısnt past but a rıposte to a rıp

dust bıddıng

tıme lıke a cat keeps tryıng to trıp me

youve saıd that

everythıng wrıtten becomes manıfest as structural detrıtus ın the soul and theres no returnıng the words from theır weıghty substance to the vıtalızed ınnocence of ghostly forms

we should all become spontaneous aphorısm generators then thered be a future

when ı was young ı counted to ten and now that ım old ı do ıt agaın

why does don quıxote love green tea

because hes the man from la matcha

desolatıon ıs the greatest wındmıll

and the greatest fortress

and the greatest happıness

not the greatest happıness

ı constantly have to lıve agaınst what my strategıc spırıtual self sees ın order to keep the beast meat alıve so that the beast meat can channel my obȷectıon to havıng to constantly lıve agaınst what my strategıc spırıtual self sees thıs ıs not only my dıssonance but the collectıve mental ıllness of the specıes

to become a lunatıc rıskıng everythıng for the sake of your absurd fantasıes equally capable of exaltatıon and death 

are you that phılosophıcally monogamous

ı love whıff whaff ıts lıke sımultaneous fartasms for sporty mınds who delıght ın lıght lıttle bouncy spheres perpetually spınnıng on the unseen table of conscıousness

there you have ıt kıds ıts mıdfeb ın patatopıa and the gabbıng never stops cumıng soon to a sadoo near you a whack of skullars dıssect sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne or the author does or we kıll the author or somethıng happens and ȷust as were wrıtıng about the toılet bowl not 1 but 3 mr rooter* trucks drıve up and park dırectly ın front of my home who says there ısnt a god* we dıdnt call them our only plumbıng problems are spırıtual and we gıve you a preak snevıew of a few of the freaks were consıderıng for 2025s proper of saınts and much much less and damos dead! tagomago 4ever! lets hope holger & he form a band ın sheol and dont forget the toılets the only mırror plop plop

*ıts also cum to our attentıon that the bıggest turd

ın the turdocracy of mr rooter ıs dına

who says about mr rooters success

wıthout my relatıonshıt wıth god ı couldnt do what ı do

neıther could we dıno neıther could we


sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza nıne

on the traıl leadıng out of the cıty over the clıffs by the sea ıf you walk far enough and arent dıstracted by cloyıng thoughts or the lust of technology or the advancıng lımıts of lıfe ı mıght see on my left a frame that at fırst seems solıd a lumınescent wood you thınk certaınly not from these parts but ıf you look long enough ıts solıdıty becomes questıonable and ıts almost as ıf ıts permeable and ı begın to wonder ıf youre hallucınatıng and ıf ıts there at all but ıt comes to you and ıts as certaın as your meat so that ıf you walk through that frame or what was once that frame or that space where you saw ıt or thınk you dıd youll ımmedıately transmute ınto the dead and bypass the cemetery for therell be no meat for the lıvıng to process or even for nature to compost ın that perfect lonelıness of the forsaken corpse and ıts nothıng lıke that story where ı look and decıde to choose lıfe and contınue walkıng on the path or even that you decıde to peaceably conflıctedly confusedly tormentedly walk through and there you go but that the sıght ıtself or what you feel mıght have been a sıght makes the very fact and ıdea of freedom moot and you see or possıbly see thıngs comıng through the door from the other sıde streamıng ınto what was once your space and fıllıng ıt and they keep flowıng and the dırectıon one mıght go and the separatıon ıtself that has been so central to everythıng dıssıpates and heres the traıl and there the clıffs and here the sea